Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

So, it looks like it will be 5000 total wins across all classes for the golden Neutral legendaries in the core set, 2500 total wins across all classes for the golden Neutral Epics, etc.:

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You can’t and won’t. If you’re selling to a store you get a fraction of what the cards are worth and won’t give you anything for cards worth less than $5. If you try selling to an individual you have to deal with scammers online and only the most desirable cards getting purchased.

The only way you make your money back is if you have an extensive collection of very old cards that you got a long time ago and had time to appreciate a lot in value

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I obviously don’t have the numbers, but I’m willing to bet the number of people who actually made money off physical cards are an extreme minority and most don’t make up the money they spend.


Speaking as someone who cashed out their, pretty substantial, MTG collection that included a lot of very old powerful cards that I got at a considerably lower price than what they were valued at when they sold I can safely tell you that you don’t make your money back.


Hello. There has been a Topic for this issue here:

Feel free to join us so that we do not spread too thin.

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Magic as an investment is one of the most hilarious ideas I’ve ever heard. Old cards are worth money, sure, but if your goal is to start investing in current cards and turn a profit I have some bad news for you. New cards ain’t worth jack.

Heck, a couple of years ago you could go to a weekend full of pre-releases and sell anything you opened and maybe make back your entry and maybe win some prize packs for drafting. But even that won’t be viable when we’re able to attend a pre-release because the fracturing of the pack structure has driven the price of cards in draft boosters down.

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  1. I sold my old Magic Collection. I got next to nothing for it.
  2. Yes, that’s what is called Pay To Win. And no, powerful cards aren’t that cheap.
  3. Magic also has a bigger cardpool and allows more cards in their decks. Also, what about Mythic’s in Magic? You won’t be able to buy Mythics under a dollar.

Yes, people make lots of money on real life CCG’s. These are called professional cardsellers. These people don’t play the game, they just buy cards low and sell them high.

But back on topic. The only thing I believe Blizzard did wrong was the short window in which they announced this change. If they did so up to a year before, this would have been accepted a lot easier.

I think one of two things should be done:

  1. Allow golden Classic cards to be dusted for full value
  2. Allow up to 10 Classic cards to be dusted for full value.

We should get full dust value for every single classic card that is rotating out. Blizzard is going back on their word with Classic cards always being part of standard and we need to be compensated.

However, neither of your ideas or my idea will happen because of corporate greed. They knew they needed to update the game periodically to keep it fresh and set up core card sets in a way to cheese their way out of having to provide refunds to people who purchased classic cards under a false premise.

The fair plan would be a full refund for every card however corporate will never allow it because $.


So if you had gotten a dust refund, what would you have done?

Crafted an entire set’s worth of cards for…wait…

They saved you a lot of clicking!

Paying customer: Blizzard you have broken your contractual obligations. How will you compensate us?
Blizzard simps: Bruh they already made marketing moves to keep their cash cow alive but hardly benefit you. Stop holding the megacorporation I identify with to any standard! They already gave you minor compensation for breaking contractual obligations in the past. Why are you so greedy reeeeee

Jesus Christ some people are so far removed from real life… They are the reason why we have safety warnings for microwaves.


Why do we still get classic packs from the Brawl, if they’re worthless soon?

if you have issues with “blizz going back on their word” and are using something so petty as THIS as the reason for your outrage, it’s obvious that HS is the only blizz game you’ve played even remotely long term. you would not last even one expansion in wow. lol

It doesn’t matter if the core set is free. They are not the cards you paid for under the belief that you would always have them in standard. Hall of fame cards were also refunded.


google “blizz lied.” and you’ll see people outraged literally years and years before HS existed. lol

I’m sorry but the classic set being evergreen wasn’t in a contract.

And their replacements weren’t free. In this case the entire core set is free. It’s a different situation than slowly picking apart the classic set or nerfing it.


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You got compensation for when the card left but not for the cards that replaced them. Which meant you had to spend dust or gold or money to get them.

When the Priest set got reworked we didn’t get the new cards for free.

In this case you get compensation in the form of the entire core set for free. Instead of dust and then having to purchase the entire core set for every future set.


yep. i wonder if they’d take getting some dust now under the condition they’d have to create, not buy with gold, the entire core set the rest of us get for free. forever. the rest of the games existence.