Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

No. They are already giving you Free Cards every year as compensation.

You’ll get golden copies of the Core set by completing achievements linked to your total wins (500 wins for Legendaries, 250 for Epics, 100 for Rares, and 50 for Commons if I’m remembering correctly). For the class cards, you need to get those wins with that class. But for Neutrals, it will count wins across all classes. So you’re very likely to have golden versions of the legendary Dragons right at release.

Wait what, could you kindly link me to a source that explains this in more detail? We’ve never had anything like this with the original classic set so I’m a tad confused.

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No, he has a point, btw, entitlement of what? he did actually owns the digital cards and wants digital currency because they are taken out of the mode he bought them to play. It’s ridiculous people like you think we should bite the bullet because they changed their minds after some YEARS with only a month notice.


The thing that’s replacing the Classic set you paid for is free. Blizzard is “biting the bullet”.

You haven’t lost anything.


It’s not a lie. Classic set is worth of a new expansion. Not worth of free loaned cards everyone gets regadles do they have classic collection or not. It’s only fair if people can remove their classic selection with disenchant and use it to make new cards. And no, getting 1/4 worth of dust is not an compensation at all for wasting money on classic packs


I can start a new account and get it for free as well, I literally spent money buying Classic packs a week before they announced the core set, yeah, awesome for new players, what do I do with my lost money? I don’t want a refund because they discount Gold, I want compensation because the stupid rotation affects the things I spent money buying.


The same thing everyone does with “lost money” when games go on sale, or their car breaks down. You realize that you haven’t lost money because you spent it when it was relevant.

You haven’t lost the classic cards at all. They are still in your collection.

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that’s not the same at all, I have never said anything because there is a freaking sale after I get all the cards, they are literally taking my cards from Standard, cards they promised are going to be in standard forever, and in less than a month they are rotating out. ffs, even in the shop the other cards have a warning, we get the contrary of a warning, we got assurance it was never gonna rotate out.


Well the devs changed their mind. Evergreen is a pipedream that was already broken by the HoF. Cards have already been leaving standard for a couple years now.

Ah, digital card games.

Just as expensive as real ones, except instead of being an investment, its a money void that you’ll never get back.


Thank you. That’s easier for me.

Would probably be annoying to pickier players though if some golden neutral legendary is tied to 500 wins on a class they don’t want to play lmao.

Spoken like someone who has never played paper CCGs. I can assure you HS is a lot cheaper than a paper CCG.

did they say what will happen with cards which were changed and are on the core set ? like shadowform

Do you ever hop off that blizzard wang homie?

Lets observe some simple facts that you simply can’t disprove.

  1. You can re-sell your cards. Cards that have the potential to go up in value for a variety of reasons. A potential for profit, a potential to at least recoup your losses if you want to move on from the game.

  2. You can buy individual cards , so instead of playing blizzard roulette you can just construct the deck you want. Many powerful cards are often 25 cents to a dollar.

  3. Magic boosters : 15 cards , Guaranteed Rare in every pack
    Hearthstone boosters : 5 cards, 1 legendary every 20-40 ? Everyone who buys preorders will still be missing tons of legendaries, and you can buy rares in magic online for under a dollar in some cases.

The simple fact that people MAKE lots of money on real life CCG when their is literally zero potential for it in the digital format just nullifies your entire “Argument” but just being thorough.

so to reiterate

CCG = Investment
Digitial CCG = Money Pit


For any cards that were changed for the Core set and have the same name, that change is permanent for both the Core and original versions in both Standard and Wild.

So, Shadowform and Jaraxxus, for example, will have their new forms everywhere (except in Classic).

If the card has a new name (like all the reworked legendary dragons), then it is a new card that can be used alongside the original version in Wild, etc.

Bruh, the only cards you are getting for cheap even when directly purchased are junk cards. Competative rares and mythics can easily pass 20 dollars a pop. And sure you can sell them, but you play them less, and no way to earn free packs. I played MTG for several years. Paper. HS is cheaper it isn’t even close. Talking out your butt bro. It can easily cost over 100 for a competative deck. 100 will get you multiple competative decks for that price in HS. And I also play MTGA. It isn’t cheaper either. Also no dup protection irl.

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They are hundreds of dollars because thats what they are worth, and what you could resell them for. What arn’t you getting about this? 150 into hearthstone? You’ll never see it again. 150 in magic? You could get all of it back or even make money. Hearthstone will always be a big negative number in your finances.

  1. You can dust your cards in Hearthstone for a fixed value. You never lose any value due to reprint or bans making the cards undesirable. There has never been a ban on cards in Hearthstone your cards always work in Wild.

  2. You can buy individual cards in Hearthstone too there is this resource called dust you can use to get any card in the game if you have enough of it

  3. I don’t know about you but my Magic Collection Lost value. I had many cards that lost value because of reprints increasing supply or bans to some formats decreasing demand.

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