Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

This is something I’m still kind of iffy about. My first ever golden legendary was Edwin VanCleef and he was nerfed then to be rotated to Wild. I will receive nothing for it. Hm. Are we able to dust the old basic cards at least?

Why do I get the feeling the people defending Blizzard for this probably don’t even have all the classic cards so it doesn’t affect them and they don’t even know the definition of evergreen :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I just checked some of the cards I have from Ixalan and other sets around that time and many of them are worth 10$-20$. Pretty sure most of them arn’t even in standard anymore.

Also have a lot of cards from Tempest through Invasion invasion that I’m hoping will go up in price someday.

Hopefully your hearthstone cards will be worth a lot some day … oh wait :_(

Funny, how I made $200 dollars selling my two extra Mox Opal a couple of years ago…

So I have 388 playable cards from the sets they are taking away (basic+classic+dh initiate) and I’m getting 235 playable cards in return.

Some of these cards they are giving us like shadow form, I already had access to anyway, well most of the cards because my wild collection is quite extensive.

I don’t know how all the people defending this are seeing it like they are taking a set and giving a set. I’m losing a whole 153 cards out of my playable collection.

I’m also missing 55 cards, so for some people this is even more detrimental.

They are literally just taking your cards away so they can offer you more with the mini sets, at least try to see past the marketting.

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Do you even use 95% of your Classic Cards? Probably not because they were garbage and only worth the base normal DE value. You are already getting compensation by getting all Core cards Free for every Core set. Blizzard just saved you from having to Craft everything by instead giving the Core cards free instead of dust from HoF which is basically was Core set is a mass HoF of Classic.

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They are still pretty useful, but they were a lot more useful before power creep and that is an entirely different issue.

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Don"t make me laugh. maybe like 10% of those 388 cards are playable now. Basic was mostly unplayable trash from the start and Classic was power crept so its mostly trash now. With Core they can update the sets to stay at a relevant level through power creep and you get them for free every year.

But they are bringing back things like coldara drake and shadowform which could only be useful if an expansion set has some insane synergy and I’m doubtful.

if “useful” is the argument, then yall auto lose. most of of the cards yall are crying about aren’t “useful” and haven’t been for a long time. you just want to take cards that you crafted in gold despite not being “useful” for years and then dust them at full value to avoid paying money/gold for ACTUALLY “useful” cards. GG. obliterated your own argument.

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Plenty of useful things are gone… polymorph, eviscerate, sap, sorcerers apprentice, blizzard, kirin tor mage,

They give you Aewynn the Guardian, but take away frostbolt and arcane missiles and then perhaps it’s junk too.

I’ll have roughly 550 cards from the expansions and 235 from this. So lets say that brings me to just over 800 cards on expansion launch. I’m losing 15% of my playable cards, regardless of whether or not you think they are useful.

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are more than 50% of them ones you’d use constantly? cuz if not… it doesn’t matter. yall meta hump (the forums i mean) and play the same handful of cards in all your meta decks. any other card that exists exists cuz it does. it may be useful at some point but there’s no guarantee. of those 800 how many are DOA regardless? most of them.

I have 2 of every non-legendary card in classic and all the legendary cards except king krush, Lorewalker Cho, Nat Pagle, Brightwing, Tinkmaster Overspark, The Beast, and Gruul. Giving full dust refunds is stupid because they’re giving everyone a full set of replacement cards which will constantly be in standard. They are not going to give you enough dust to craft the entirety of the next set no matter how much you whine. Move on with your life.

That’s what they will cost if you try to buy them from a store. Stores will pay you a third to a quarter of that for them because buying them at market value from you makes them no money. Other people will pay you more than a store will but still less than that price because of the inconvenience of you not having everything they want. You need to give someone a reason to go to you for some of their cards instead of a store for all their cards. The only thing you can offer is a better price. You also can only sell to other people what they want whereas a store will buy everything but give you only a fraction of the card’s worth

The only card in those sets that sees legacy play that’s worth anything noteworthy is Wasteland. For any of those to see play in modern or any other formats requires reprinting which will lower the value of those cards. What goes up in value are strong mana fixing cards especially lands. Until they print better mana fixing that the original dual lands and fetch lands for legacy and shock lands for modern you’re not going to see huge increases in card values. They’re also extremely unlikely to print any lands at that power level ever again.

When was the Last time we saw Kirin Tor Mage in Standard? Used its Wild but nothing is changing from Wild your Classic Cards stay in your Collection.
Same with Polymorph its barely used now because its too slow right now its at best Highlander food it doesn’t make the cut in anything else.
Sorcerers Apprentice was something people were calling for HoF and it likely would have got there sooner rather than later.
Blizzard was the only thing that was used pretty much all the time and that’s pretty much because Mage was a Freeze Mage Style Build most of the time it was a relevant Meta Deck.
Pretty much all your "useful cards’ are either not used anymore or part of a stale overused build which is why they pushed the change to a Core set in the first place. Both to make your base more relevant to the current Hearthstone and to change up the meta so you don’t just play the same deck year after year.

Polymorph is a great replacement when you don’t have devolving missiles.

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If that’s the definition of good you can find “good” replacements for anything.
Changing a good 1 mana card for a mediocre 4 mana card is not a good replacement. For example The same way Bloodfin Raptor is a good replacement if you don’t have a real 2 drop, its not.

Would you guys prefer full refunds for the rotating classic cards and to not get the core set for free and cuck the entire new player base?

Let’s all use our thinking caps here guys.

If you played for like 2 years you’d already have more cards then what you’re being given free. If I was a new player and I was told that in the future you are going to receive more cards but you can’t have them now, I’d probably choose to wait. You can surely get by on the new player decks anyway (which are still better than what my standard collection has to offer).

The core set is the same size as the classic set, but full of buffs and way more playable cards.

The majority of classic and basic has been near-unusable for years now, and it’s finally being trashed out and we get a reworked set of free and actually playable cards for free. What can you even complain about here.

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It’s not the same as basic+classic+initiates, It’s like 200 cards less, I already ran the math on it.

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