Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

Many classic cards were purchased thru the years with the promise of evergreen. With the decision to move the Classic cards to wild at rotation, they should have a period of time at rotation that offers full dust refund.

Without this, hearthstone has broken a promise to paying customers.


Bruh every year you get all core cards for free. Jesus the entitlement here is ridiculous.


Core cards for free is great. However, actual dollars were spent on the promise of an evergreen set that is now rotating. Something should be done to reimburse the lost funds in some way…such as full dust refund.


Greedy as hell. Dupe protection, a reward track that (post update) is superior, and free core set and still we have entitled whiners. Not gonna happen get over it.


Try mentioning this to one of the devs on Twitter. I don’t know if they read these forums.


I don’t get it, you pay money for the old classic, now you just get the new one entirely for free. Doesn’t that balance out the cards you lose?


I have to agree, hs once again is lying and scamming their player base. This is why blizzard has a bad reputation.


You should know that they can’t do exactly that. Giving a full refund would allow most of us to craft an entire set for free. Which would be good for us, but it’s understandable why in this especial ocation, it would be too much for them.

Not sure if a full dust refund is the best way to go about it, but I do agree with OP when they feel it’s not really fair. I’ve spent a hella lot of dust crafting golden cards for my main class, and I really don’t think that providing everyone free cards (which once weren’t free) and leaving this as it is for older players would be the best or fairest approach.


Or they could jut give you an entire set of free cards


I think best option would be to allow classic cards be disenchantable for full value for few weeks. Or atleast any gold classic card


Or they could give you an entire set worth of cards for free


But they dont. Last time I checked expansion megabundle still costs 80 euros


They are. It’s called the core set


Last time I checked Core Set only gives 3 legendaries and few epics for me if you dont count changed cards like Ysera. Thats not free at all


They’re not changed cards, the new dragons are new cards. In wild both cards could theoretically be played.

If you’re not getting much new cards from the set then you get the benefit of keeping what you own after this core set rotates in a year or so.

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so the lie you are trying to sell is the core set is in the mega bundle
even when everyone knows its a lie
is the only way i can understand for you to make post connecting the core set with the mega bundle

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https: //www. hearthstonetopdecks. com/core-set-2021-guide-how-to-obtain-it-how-it-works-full-list-of-cards/

this core set has more legendaries available for free than what i currently own.


I’d just like them to give you golden replacement copies of the cards you had in golden.

E.g. I crafted golden Alex and Maly ages ago. I want golden Alex and Maly from the core set. Even if they’re not de’able.

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They promised an achievement that let you get golden core set. If I’m not mistaken it is summary level 60 of heroes.