Blizzard should compensate owners of Classic set cards

You are an intelligent and knowledgeable person. I know one trick how to trick Blizzard when the new 3 mode comes out. I’ve already got a plan in place to deceive Blizzard, but I need to brace myself. Comes out 3 classic mode with old maps. He takes a hammer and a screwdriver and turns all these old cards into dust - this is and, there is compensation for the transfer of classic boxes for 5 cards in a bucket. My plan will work and so will all the players they will spray old cards and get a lot of magic dust. I came up with the plan myself. After the release of the new classic mode, when the meta is formed in it and the decks will always be the same, you can spray all this dog stuff.
There will be a lot of magic dust old cards will be erased to zero all. I think it’s a great compensation. The release of the addon. You can collect a couple of good decks and play in the standard!
Thrall wouldn’t advise anything bad. Thrall knows how to handle the cards.
240 cards = 480 clicks. Here it is necessary not to confuse the clicks and click 2 times. 480 times.My dust compensation is on the way.
You can play in one mode of 3 modes. Why they do 3 mode is a fantastic mystery.

I wouldn’t disenchant anything until the format changes and there is some feedback from Blizzard. If you recall from the Reward Track complaints - Blizzard were silent for weeks until they came back with a revised and much improved system.

It is my hope Blizzard will review the information being presented by fans and consider it from the stand point of those people who have invested a lot of money etc into playing Classic Cards in Standard.

I don’t have an issue with there being different formats. It adds variety to the game and makes it accessible to different players. Some love Wild, others Standard… some love Battlegrounds and then we have Duels and Arena. I am sure Classic will also generate its share of fans too. Hearthstone has developed a lot in the last few years and that is to be applauded.


Well, yeah… not disenchanting if in the meantime it just does not p*ss me off and I just ragequit HS… the situation reminds me how I quit WoW a long time ago, after feeling cheated and betrayed… and I do remember that year being the doom of WoW, many people did quit… and Activision still doesn’t realize - they should treat their BEST CUSTOMERS with at least minimum respect.


You’re so out of touch it’s insane. Was GvG ever mentioned that it would stick to standard play forever? Standard and wild wasn’t even mentioned until Whispers of the old gods. No it wasn’t. But Classic was.

Your arguments are so easily dismissed.


Congratulations, you just answered your own question.

Yes, it was mentioned that it would be in “Standard” forever, because that’s all there was. As you said, Wild wasn’t even announced until Whispers of the Old Gods, so anything before that was in what we would call today Standard and that’s where it was going to stay because there was no place it could go. No one ever said “hey, here’s an expansion that you can play for a limited time” and no one assumed it would be for a limited time because there was no place where it could go.

And I’m the one out of touch.


Except that they didn’t make it unplayable. They created another format where they will all be playable, Classic.

Aside from the existing format where they were already playable, Wild.

And if WOTC and other companies are able to actually ban paper cards people had to buy with solely money (as opposed to the combination of money and free resources in HS) from sanctioned play without legal recourse, I don’t think you will get far with this complaint.

You get a free set each year. How much compensation is that?

You can spray 240 cards and get magic dust for the standard format. Thrall wouldn’t advise anything bad.

This is no compensation at all. Already asked and answered earlier in this Topic.


Most veteran players already have 90% of all those “free” cards in their collections


On further thought, a partial dust refund of the Classic Set may make sense here.

Say we use these numbers:

Common        Rare        Epic Legendary
Regular Refund Per Card 5 10 50 200
Golden Refund Per Card 10 20 100 400

You’d get dust for each Classic card up to the maximum you can put into a deck (2 C, R, E | 1 Legendary) priortising Golden copies owned (like regular HoF rotation).

A player with a full Golden Classic set would get 25040 dust, while a player that has most of the regular collection + some goldens would be looking at 8000-12000 dust.

In all cases you get the dust and keep your cards, like a regular HoF rotation.

Here’s a Google Sheet where you can play with the numbers here:
Make a copy, grab your total numbers from HSReplay collection and count the golden copies you have of each rarity.

I only see this as being a one-off with the rotation of the Classic + Basic Set to Legacy, so next Core rotation in 2022 wouldn’t bring with it any extra dust benefits.

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Blizzard promised to make the free mode available to all players in the world in 2014. Today is 2021. Blizzard, like a cunning cat, clamps all these free-mode cards so as not to give the players of the world a full-fledged play in free mode. 7 years guys passed. The free regime is dead. It is played by 5 percent of the total number of players. Blizzard’s greed knows no bounds. Free format - 2014

The free mode is dead. These old stinky cards are no use to anyone, and Blizzard is from 2014.I decided to give 240 cards. This is stupid and ridiculous.

240 cards in 2021. Funny and naive Blizzard, they think that players from all over the world will run there. That train is long gone. No one will play stinky and old cards.

Everyone remembers from 2014 that Blizzard is a fat and greedy pig who eats money like a vacuum cleaner.

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FYI agreeing to an illegal contract or ToS doesn’t make 'em any less illegal.

But eh, leave it to the law team, we all know how it’s gonna go.


weird i never heeard blizzard eula was ruled to be illegal before

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You’re whining about dust refunds. Do you still keep the cards? Regardless of it you get to play them in standard, they’re still yours forever. Until the game shuts down. Also lol at thinking you’re sticking it to the man by going f2p and still playing. What will you do when hearthstone goes offline and that $484826374 investment just poofs into smoke? If you want to make an impact get you and everyone you know who cares about this to nuke your accounts. If you’re done, be done. Threatening to sue blizz has 2 parts. It won’t work but even if it did you’d still get no refund for your golden collection cuz HS would be shut down. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Neither did I.
It’s just a scenario.

knowing this forum i shouldve expected it

this thread only exists because the change is popular and someone always makes a thread to complain about something many people are happy about

long time players are happy because weve been waiting for a change like this for a long time
we stopped spending gold on clasic packs years ago and only get them from events or tavern brawls
and new players are happy because from now on theyll be able to focus all their gold into the new expansions


I am long time player. I am not happy. I don’t care. Just saying.
I’d take a dust refund should there actually be one, because yey, free stuff. I don’t demand one.


I don’t see how a partial dust refund is fair. As has been stated in numerous posts before - players invested in Classic Packs on the understanding they would be available in Standard Format forever. Blizzard has reneged on its original contract with consumers now taking them out of Standard (…except for those 88 cards that stay in Core).

I will try and illustrate why I feel a normal/partial dust refund is not an acceptable option:

I found on Hearthstone Wiki a meta study that was done looking at average drop rates of Rare, Epics and Legendary Cards from packs - and totalling the average dust value per pack. The study is on gamepedia if anyone is interested.

According to the below meta-study’s data tabulated under the “Golden cards” section, the average card pack has a [disenchanting] value of 102.71 [Arcane Dust]

Now if we look at the cost of packs. In the UK - the best value bundle is 60 packs for £59.99 - so about £1 per pack. (Note if you buy smaller bundles the cards become more expensive as would crafting costs). So using the meta studies results, 100 dust (rounded down for ease) = £1.00

One Golden Legendary cost me 3200 dust to craft. That is 32 Packs (equivalent of £32.00) assuming I DE all cards from those packs - to get enough dust to craft ONE Golden Legendary. ONE.

The Classic Set contains (I think):

32 Legendary
36 Epics (can craft 2 copies) = 72 cards
80 Rare (can craft 2 copies) = 160 cards
92 Common (can craft 2 copies) = 184 cards

(These numbers do not including those that went to Hall Of Fame).

Golden Classic Set Cost Breakdown (rough estimate!):

1 x Golden Legendary = 3200 to craft = 32 card packs = £32 per card
Golden Legendary Set = £32 x 32 cards = £1024.00

1 x Golden Epic = 1600 to craft = 16 card packs = £16 per card
Golden Epic Set = £16 x 72 (36 cards x 2 copies) = £1152

1 x Golden Rare = 800 to craft = 8 card packs = £8 per card
Golden Rare Set = £8 x 160 (80 cards x 2 copies) = £1280

1 x Golden Common = 400 to craft = 4 card packs = £4 per card
Golden Common Set = £4 x 184 (92 cards x 2 copies) = £736

Before I get jumped on and people say ‘but you didn’t have to craft every single card’, and ‘but you will have got some golden cards through opening packs’ and ‘you got packs for free from Tavern Brawls’ - I know. I also acknowledge those figures are based on a meta-study which goes back to 2016 so may not be as relevant today.

My point is: Hearthstone is/was expensive. I completed my Golden Set before duplication protection came in too - so I did craft a lot of Golden cards from scratch.

Let’s say I disenchant my Golden Collection at standard rates (i.e. not full dust refund value) which is what the option is currently once the changes happen.

Golden Legendary [1600 dust = 16 pack equivalent = £16]
32 Cards x £16 = £512. Loss of £512

Golden Epics [400 dust = 4 pack equivalent = £4]
36 (x 2 copies) = 72 Cards x £4 = £288. Loss of £864

Golden Rare [100 dust = 1 pack equivalent = £1]
80 (x 2 copies) = 160 Cards x £1 = £160. Loss of £1120

Golden Common [50 dust = 0.5 pack = £0.50]
92 (x 2 copies) = 184 Cards x £0.50) = £92. Loss of £644

Total Loss = £3140.

Now these figures aren’t exact I know. But you see where I am going?
Even if we take out the 88 cards that stay in Core - that is still a substantial loss of money.

  • I bought and invested a lot of money into Classic Cards I was told would remain in play in Standard.
  • I collected a complete Golden Set which likely cost me £1000s in terms of financial investment.
  • Blizzard have now made my investment largely unplayable in Standard Format
  • Blizzard are offering no compensation - and I am expected to just agree to losing what likely amounts to between £2000-£3000?
  • Offering an alternative Format (Classic) is not a solution. I wish to use my Golden Cards as advertised, in Standard, alongside the Expansion sets as they are released, with friends who also play Standard.
  • Offering a ‘free’ Core Set is great for new players - but everybody gets this. This therefore does not equate to compensation as some players suggest for a previous investment (as new players do not have a comparable financial investment).

I will be asking for a full dust refund on any of the Classic Set I invested in which are no longer available in the format for which they were marketed and sold.

No more. No less.


As someone who has spent dust crafting golden classic cards and money on golden classic packs, this change is very upsetting. Sadly, it seems that we can’t expect Blizzard to keep their promises or to fulfill their legal obligations. I’ll keep that in mind when they offer new packs with promises that are likely to be broken.