Blizzard should compensate owners of Classic set cards

except you can do it entirely with gold. lots of people have. if you spent thousands and thousands on that (which you didn’t unless you have never opened up a single free pack given from a brawl or whatever, or bought one with gold) you can’t throw numbers around like that. it’s just straight BS tbh.

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If you read my actual post, I state:

Cards from packs obtained through Tavern Brawls will have contributed - but I have not mentioned money spent on Arena runs, Heroic Brawls etc… And the argument still stands that I used dust that I obtained through the purchase of other card packs. Had I known Classic was not going to remain in Standard Play - I would have invested dust into crafting plain copies of Classic cards, and used the rest to craft Expansion Cards… which means I would have had to purchase less Card Packs…

At the end of the day - the actual worth of a full Golden Classic Set remains - however it was obtained.

Let us look purely at Dust Costs:

Golden Legendary Set: 32 Cards x 3200 Dust = 102,400 dust
Golden Epic Set: 72 Cards (36 x 2 copies) x 1600 = 115,200 dust
Golden Rare Set: 160 Cards (80 x 2 copies) x 800 = 128,000 dust
Golden Common Set: 184 Cards (92 x 2 copies) x 400 = 73,600 dust

Total dust used to craft a complete Golden Classic Set = 419,200

Now let’s look at the cost of a non-golden Classic Set…

Regular Legendary Set: 32 Cards x 1600 Dust = 51,200 dust
Regular Epic Set: 72 Cards (36 x 2 copies) x 400 = 28,800 dust
Regular Rare Set: 160 Cards (80 x 2 copies) x 100 = 16,000 dust
Regular Common Set: 184 Cards (92 x 2 copies) x 40 = 7,360 dust

Total dust used to craft a complete Regular Classic Set = 103,360

Now let us look at what that difference in dust value equates to. Regardless of whether the packs were bought from Classic or an Expansion - disenchanting them and using that in-game resource still has value.

419,200 (Golden) - 103,360 (Regular) = 315,840 dust I could have saved… and used to craft other cards rather than waste it crafting a Golden Set Blizzard have now made largely defunct.

So what could I get for 315, 840 dust???

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Expansion Set has 135 cards… Silas was given for free so I won’t include him. How much would that cost in dust to craft a regular (non-Golden) copy of the entire set?

Legendary: 24 Cards: 24 x 1600 dust to craft = 38,400 dust
Epic: 24 (x 2 copies) = 48 Cards: 48 x 400 dust to craft = 19,200 dust
Rare: 32 (x 2 copies) = 64 Cards: 66 x 100 dust to craft = 6,400 dust
Common: 54 (x 2 copies) = 108 Cards: 108 x 40 dust to craft = 4,320 dust

Total dust cost = 68,320 dust.

Had I not crafted my Golden Set I would have had 315,840 dust surplus. With that dust I could have crafted 4.6 full expansion sets.

And you wonder why I am so mad?

That is what my investment amounted to. That is what Blizzard have now just thrown to one side and said we are perfectly happy to make that investment worthless in Standard Play… and instead we will simply make you play ‘Classic’ or Wild Format… we know that’s not what you signed up for… but well… we don’t care. You aren’t getting your dust refunded because if we did - across our entire player base - think how many expansion sets wouldn’t get bought. Think of the loss to our profit margin!!!..

Through this one action - Blizzard have dealt a huge blow to long term loyal customers who have invested heavily into their game, specifically into the Classic Set. Instead they create ‘Classic Format’ in an effort to dodge having to compensate players - and in doing so save themselves huge financial losses.

Well Blizzard - I did not sink all of my time, money and resources to play my Classic Set in isolation, in a format where I cannot play my other Cards alongside them. I did not sign up to play Wild Format either - which today remains largely unpopular with fans. You have misguided players into thinking Classic would remain in Standard play - and now taken that away - and just expect players to suck it up.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Basic law of physics.

Blizzard have acted - and this is my reaction:

(1) Put in an official complaint to Blizzard’s legal department.
(2) Stop investing money into Expansion Sets, Hero Skins, Tavern Pass, and other money-draining promotions.
3) Join the free to play crowd.

If the majority of your big-spending fanbase just follow step (2) - I strongly believe Blizzards profit margins would tumble. I won’t be losing any sleep over that - just as they don’t seem to be losing any sleep from screwing us over.


How many classic cards are you actually using in your decks? They are mostly not good. Do you just play bad cards, or how long have you been crafting cards that you don’t even use? I have sympathy for you, but I just don’t really understand where you’re coming from.

I suppose some people play casually - others (myself included) would say I am a collector. Some call us whales because be put a lot of money into the game haha. Did you never collect football cards or anything as a kid? It is a bit like that. Collecting Golden Cards is part of that. I agree - some of the cards are awful, but I do still play quite a lot of them. I love the art work and animations on Golden Cards - and they have a lot of nostalgia associated with them from when I used to play WOW. At the end of the day it has become a hobby.

The point that I keep trying to make was had I known at the time of buying/crafting my Classic Set that they would rotate out of Standard - I would have just crafted myself regular copies… But customers were led to believe they would be around forever in Standard Play. They were referred to by the Player base as an ‘Evergreen’ Set. That name in itself would never have evolved if players believed they’d rotate out. For terminology to evolve in a game - the majority of players must have believed from what Blizzard said - that Classic Set would be around forever.


I like collecting all of the cards, both standard and wild, and I still intend to complete the classic set, but I don’t really like the way the gold ones look. I’ve kept any that i don’t have in duplicate, but i always dust the gold ones first.
i haven’t been playing for all that long, maybe 2 years, and i also believed classic would remain a part of standard until fairly recently, but nothing about the upcoming changes seems like a bad thing to me. definitely don’t spend any money in the meantime if you don’t think it’s worth it, but maybe the whole situation won’t be as bad as you think.


you post the same thing over and over again. you can be as mad as you like but it says in the EULA that they can change anything at any time for any reason. you agreed to it by continuing to play. tomorrow they could decide to shut the game down forever and you’d never get any “compensation” for it at all cuz the game would be ded. the thing is i’ve bought two big expansion packs and a wild pack (got it for christmas from a friend) the mini set (a gift from my wife) and i bought the new portraits and other things specifically because of this. as a new player who doesn’t mind buying cards the minute i saw a golden card for the first time and saw how much dust they were worth it screamed SCAM to me so i dust every single one i get and use it to make other things. they seemed to me like huge money sinks so i didn’t get sucked into it. a fool and their money is soon parted.

as someone who has also played wow i’ve seen how something can just change willy nilly because they want it to (look up the survival hunter spec for instance. it used to be ranged but was changed to melee) with no compensation at all to the people who played it initially. as a hunter you were given a poor quality weapon when it changed. the equivalent of a rare card. but if you had the equivalent of a legendary bow from doing raids? you were SoL. your entire favorite thing in the entire game was gone forever and you got a rare quality thing as your “compensation.” they changed it in legion. that spec is one of the least played even when it’s totally broken. but it hasn’t and won’t be changed back. it changed in legion pre patch which was in august of 2016. it hasn’t changed and it is currently 2021. just sayin.


Classic was however stated to last forever in standard like no other expansion, as I said. There was no “limited time” for the classic set. No other expansion was said to stick to standard forever. You might’ve thought that GvG would stick to Standard forever, but you’d be wrong to make that assumption based on thin air. Classic set was however stated to stick to standard forever. What’s so hard to grasp?

And then you go on about what’s healthy or not to the game. No one here is arguing that this change isn’t healthy, you’re just making up arguments. (And even if they were, that’s still besides the point). What people are saying is that there is no compensation to players who invested time and gold into a set that was said to last forever in standard. Forever. Regardless of gamedesign.

The core set is not compensation for your loss of playability of the standard set, it’s a replacement that is given to everyone regardless. Many of the standard cards are too bad to be played in wild so yes, you’re losing those cards because there won’t be any reason to keep them. But then you might say “hey, your compensation is to disenchant them” which is extremely stupid. Would you see that as compensation to sell a stock at best at a fourth of what it was originally worth? No. But then you might also say “you paid to be able to play the cards” and you’re right, I paid to be able to play them in standard mode, as they were marketed. Then you might say “you’re stupid for believing that a set would stick around forever” to which I reply “the fault is at Blizzard for deceiving their loyal customers”. Simple as that, they made the mistake of promising things they can’t keep. Then you might say “most of the classic set wasn’t used, you shouldn’t be upset becuase of the few cards that you used might go to wild”. Same thing here, doesn’t matter how many or few cards I used, I was promised that if I wanted to I could always use them no matter what.

The new classic mode is still not standard mode, so that argument doesn’t fly either.

Classic set was promised to be eternal, permanent, and always avalaible in standard play. That was a lie, and that’s why people are complaining.

Blizzard is not being greedy towards new players, they are greedy towards their older player base who was with them from the start. Totally backstabbing them since they invested time and money into an set that was promised to stay relevant only to secretly become obsolete.

The core set is not free, it’s freely playable. You’re not given cards, you’re given access to cards. There is no compensation since you’re not rewarded for owning the classic set.

You should be thankful for these players who invested money into a game that most of us play for free, there is actually no reason for you to complain about their complaints because they only align with your own interests.

The people have the right to complain, and the complaints stand on solid grounds. They are backed up by logic and reason. So again, what exactly did I answer?

You could mock these people all you want, but if the whales don’t feel appreciated and stop being loyal then you’re going to see some changes to this game.


Please explain how that assumption was based on thin air?

Nothing is eternal, and I don’t remember any promise ever made. At the time it was relevant, yes, they said that Classic would remain in Standard, but times change. And no, people are not complaining because Classic is going away, but because they feel entitled for compensation.

There is no deception. At the time they said Classic would remain, they had no idea yet that they would introduce a core set. Just like they didn’t say GvG would go to Wild, because they didn’t know that they would ever have a Wild format. Circumstances change. The current status-quo wasn’t feasable anymore, so something had to change. And it did. No one can predict the future and what may be true now may no longer be true in a year, simply because things change, in ways people can’t foresee.


You’re still rambling, I’m not suprised though.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

That’s basically this thread.

Explain how that assumption wasn’t based on thin air instead, I didn’t make the assumption, you did. Speak up. Or don’t, I couldn’t care less.

Classic set was promised to stick to standard forever, regardless of time, you know? That’s what “always around” means by definition.

They are complaining about not getting compensated, you’re right. As I already said.

There is deception, nobody knew this was going to happen until like 2 weeks ago except blizzard. I never made the argument about deception though, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

At the time they said promises, that classic would remain in standard. Period. Blizzard is hearthstone’s past, present and future. They are in control of what happens in the game, they might not foresee what happens in the future but they are in control of what happens in hearthstone. They just realized that it wasn’t optimal so they broke their promise.

But… but they have known about wild for so many years now, why do you even use that as an argument. They have throughout these years, fully aware of the wild format, sold classic packs as the evergreen set.

Yeah, you’re still out of touch. Wake up. Your arguments aren’t based on anything, and you cherrypicked topics that you emotionally answered, which is weird since you have done over 850 posts on these forums.

In the end I’m right and you’re wrong.

My arguments are based on reason, yours are most likely based on envy and self loathing. I don’t even understand why this topic of discussion even bothered you to begin with. I said what I wanted, and now I feel done with my contribution to this topic. You may continue with your shady arguments and stick to these forums, but remember to take a shower once in a while, SuddenReal.

Good Luck:


i have every intention to spend more money in the game as money allows, indefinitely. as a new player. i’ll be what is considered a “whale” too. but i am doing it BECAUSE blizz is making the new core set and doing all of those changes. for every one of those players who feel tilted by this there is a me who loves the change because it doesn’t feel as daunting to collect every single card. and i will have access to cards i don’t already have and will know which ones i like to play and then when they rotate i know what to spend dust on. you’re all stubbornly looking at it one way, out of self interest. but lots of games eventually end up with tons of old players that stop playing for various reasons. and new players such as myself come in and essentially replace them as far as the spending money on a game is concerned.


You’re the one who said it was made on thin air. So, it’s up to you to explain what you mean by this. Speak up, or you know, you probably won’t because you can’t.

You literally stated there was deception in this quote. But if you want the original quote, okay:

But still, they did say they were looking to change things up long before this announcement was made. We didn’t know how exactly but we knew things would change. But again, this is not something they knew when they introduced Wild, so at that time, Classic was a valid investment.

Saying something isn’t making a promise. There was no pinky-swear, no cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die. Your assumption is made on thin air, as someone would say. Policies change, and Blizzard has the right to change things up to create a healthier meta. It says so in the EULA you agreed to by playing the game.

Not at the time when GvG came out. GvG was supposed to be played forever and then Wild came along, long after GvG was out. So yeah, I used it as an argument because it’s a valid argument. Ranked wasn’t playable with all the expansions, so they changed it to Standard because it was healthier for the game.

No, they’re not. They’re based on entitlement and envy. I also have a full collection of Classic, not because I need the cards, but because I wanted a full collection. And yet, I’m not complaining about things, simply because I barely spend money on this game, and somehow still have a pretty good collection. Do I feel bad about “losing” these cards? Not really, because I’m curious on how the game will evolve, and how I can continue to grow my collection. Because, unlike some, I’m not stuck up on just a small part of the game.



“i cant come up with an answer for “the first wild rotation” argument stop using it !”

its the only explanation i can think!

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Anyone who says that, is immediately wrong.


I think this is the most important part … is there a Terms and Conditions section where they stated that the virtual collection of the basic/classic set was going to remain playable in Standar forever ??? Because if not … legally, i don’t think you have a case.

On the contrary, it says they have the right to change things to balance the game.

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It’s not a question of what blizzard can do with their own game, and the content within it… the real issue here is the screwing over of everybody who has been playing and collecting the in game content up until this point. Blizzard themselves refers to the game as a collectible card game. What is so collectible about it if everyone just now gets everything for free? They should do right by their long term players and give compensation, just something so we don’t feel so duped.


Good for you, you are so smart and we are so stupid. And you are obviously a very nice person too.

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That’s not thin air. That’s fact. If there is only option A, it will always be option A.

But it’s nice to prove you’re making new troll accounts, just to annoy me. So, what exactly did you say before you deleted that post you made on a 2 year old thread of mine?

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That is not a fact, it is your opinion and since you do not represent Blizzard in any way (if you do, state your position) your opinion is irrelevant to this Topic. This Topic is not a question if you actually read it. You came here and made it pretty clear that you do not want any compensation for yourself (good for you) and no one here is asking any compensation from you. It is time to let people with different opinion than yours speak up without you harassing them by pretending to be some kind of Blizzard’s profit police.


Classic card sets majority unlock by leveling I as well would like scrap my Golden classic cards but most are stander and likely be more usable in future

(do agree we do deserve compensation but not just for this)