Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

My point being, Blizzard doesn’t change anything by us being complacent. So instead we are arguing against each other, while Blizzard gets better at making changes that don’t make us outrage.

Who says it has to be exactly the same?

I’ve crunched the numbers already, and this would be in the ballpark:

As in, Blizzard would be rewarding us for our past investment in the Classic set eg: A pop-up in game: “Because of cards you own in the Classic set, here’s a gift of xxxx dust!”

The Blizzard devs are already moving away from the idea of dusting your cards, and keeping them to grow your collection. Duels was just the start, using cards from Wild sets. There are going to be more ways in the future that will have you use more of your collection.

And if you make a mistake dusting a card? Especially an epic or legendary? Well you’re not getting that back in a pack, unless you’ve pretty much completed the set already, then you’re back to a random chance of opening it again. This is due to the duplicate protection.