Blizzard should compensate owners of Classic set cards

You have nothing to give back. Life is a harsh thing.Be strong, friend. You can only be sent far away and for a long time!

You will get one answer in Blizzard: Wipe the floor with a damp cloth, polish your boots, to the gentleman from Blizzard" and you can be free.

They are referencing Classic Cards that were previously moved out to Wild/Hall Of Fame. I didn’t think I needed to make that obvious. Of course they don’t refund every expansion that rotates - we all know they will move to Wild at some point. This was not the case for Classic Cards that were purchased on the understanding they would remain in Standard


But those cards were single cards that rotated out. This is not a group of single cards, but an entire set.

And no, we did not know Gnomes Vs Goblins would move out to Wild at some point because there was no Wild yet. We all thought they’d be available in Ranked and Standard for ever.

That’s what they call “precedent” in legal terms. And guess what? It was healthy for the game those old sets rotated out.


It does not matter if it is a single card or an entire set; a condition of sale would still apply.

You perhaps raise a valid point regarding Gnomes vs Goblins and Expansions that were released pre-Wild. That would be for a legal team to investigate - not me. All I am doing is raising an issue I believe to be a breach in the terms of sale.

I am only interested in seeking compensation for the Classic Set. Feel free to pursue claims if you feel they have defaulted on other expansions pre-Wild if you believed them to be available forever in Ranked/Standard play. I don’t think I was ever under that impression.


This is incorrect as well. Some cards of the Classic set will still be playable in Standard. Compensation is due for the cards that will be playable in Standard no more.


Thanks Warpunk - In my previous posts I have already made this point too. 88 Cards will remain in Standard as part of the Core Set - therefore Blizzard technically are adhering to their original terms of sale. The other 152 cards however are not - and I would be pursuing full dust refunds.

If Blizzard later on remove any of these 88 cards then again - the same ruling would apply.

If Blizzard later decide to make some of the Classic Cards they moved to Wild then available again - that is their decision. But they have effectively rendered most of the set unplayable for a large portion of time.

Would you pay for a subscription online if you could no longer play/access it on the platform for which it was originally sold?


I have not found any official statements about expansions pre-Standard/Wild era. If there aren’t any then no, there are no obligations for compensation there. They did advertise the Classic set as Standard permanent since they introduced the mode (2 February 2016) and sold it as such so compensation is absolutely necessary here.


So, what if some of those cards rotate back into the Core Set? Does that mean you have to give dust back? I mean, if you want dust because they’re not in the core set, it makes sense you have to give it back when they go back into the core set.

That analogy doesn’t make sense. You no longer have to pay for cards for the Core Set. If you want to use the subscription analogy, it’s basically, you no longer pay for a subscription because the game went Free To Play and everything you used to pay for is now free accessible for everyone.


I feel your analogy is flawed. The Core Set was not in existence when I ploughed money into my Classic Set to build an entire Golden Collection. That is what I subscribed to.

The Core Set is a different entity entirely. A different “subscription” if you like. As I have said in previous posts - I think the Core Set has many positive points and will open up the player base significantly, making it much easier for new players to compete. That is a good thing.

It doesn’t change the fact that the investment I made has been rendered largely useless in that I can no longer play them in Standard (aside from those 88 cards…)


Exactly the reason there should be a one time compensation for the whole set. What would be acceptable is something that can be discussed. Avoiding all compensation though is unacceptable.

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Again - I addressed this in my previous post. Blizzard have opted to make the Classic Set largely unplayable. It is not acceptable to wait 1-2 years to be able to play a small selection of cards (determined by Blizzard) when they are re-introduced into Core. That is not how the cards were marketed. They didn’t say ‘spend your money, buy our cards - and you will only be able to play 88/240 of them in any one year!!!’. The claim is for the ‘Classic Card Product’ as was sold back in the day. If they had marketed it like that - I would agree to your stance. They didn’t.

If they now wish to redefine those terms - of course they can do that once players have been reimbursed. But essentially that is then a new ‘Classic Set Product’ that has been rebranded - if they decide to return cards - that is their prerogative.


But you did not pay for any subscription. In fact, there isn’t any subscription at all. Also, you’re the one who brought up the analogy.

But they don’t redefine those terms now. Like I said, there’s a precedent. There wasn’t talk about the early expansions and mini-sets not being “playable” anymore. And yet, here we are, with Standard and Wild. The terms were there, and yes, at the time, Classic was a solid investment. But times change.

But for your legal issues… did you even check the EULA?

From the EULA:

Alterations to the Platform. Blizzard may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Platform or Accounts at any time, including removing items, or revising the effectiveness of items in an effort to balance a Game. Blizzard may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Platform or Accounts without notice or liability.


Rub the master’s boots for getting boosters. Guys, do your job. The boots have to Shine. Boots should be rubbed with shoe polish.Slowly and surely. You will be given a box with 5 cards for this.

Well this is where the legal people will thrash it out. There are basic consumer laws that forbid companies from mis-selling a product or false advertising. That is what I am contesting.

Blizzard may get away with it under that clause - they may not. As I said I am not a lawyer. I am just raising what I perceive as bad practice and pursuing that line of enquiry.


There were no rights and there are no rights.

There was only one rule in Hearthstone. Rub dirty cards with your fingers. When you rub the cards with your dirty fingers. Blizzard, they say “That’s good”! This is the end of your rights under all prescribed laws and agreements. You’re nothing to Blizzard. Player in the game = 1 unit and not even a person.
Blizzard therefore keeps a high profile by kicking and smashing the rear saddles of people who complain.

Exactly the point. Blizzard knew that with the changes implemented in the relatively new exp system vs quests that gave gold. People who play more are getting more gold (once you get past level 50). More gold = less $ spent on Hearthstone
More dust = less money spent on Hearthstone
With people either saving gold for things like Darkmoon races or when the new rotation hits, or spending it on packs, Blizzard knows that if they were to keep HOF and rotate cards from standard to HoF, too many players would benefit from this with the increases dust from the rotating cards. Basically since many players have been able to accrue more gold with the current exp system, this gives them the opportunity to increase their collection if spent on packs, which increases their chances of owning cards Blizzard could choose to put in HoF, if HoF continued to exist during and after the new year of standard rotation. Knowing this Blizzard chose to cancel HoF to prevent players from gaining additional dust in this fashion and unless you’ve been saving gold, you’ll likely have to spend money for the preorder bundles of the next set, which depending on how much you’ve saved you may end pre-purchasing anyway. This is somewhat speculative as I can’t know for sure what’s in the minds of the hearthstone teams at Bluzzard. Exciting new changes should be something good, cause let’s be honest, most people get excited when good things happen for them, and others and not when bad things happen. HoF disappearing feels like a big blow to the standard hearthstone community, so Blizzard should give us something of equal value to its player base to make up for it. Blizzard wants players to play Hearthstone for as long as possible, particularly standard, but the problems or them is that all of this players who started when the game was still new will likely spend less and less due to a combination of large card collections, high skill level of play which gains them more gold faster, and saving/spending gold wisely, unless Blizzard preemptively makes adjustments so that no player or players can reap to many rewardstoo often. Though maybe I’m dead wrong and Blizzard will come out with something as good or better than the dust refund for a soon to be extinct HoF. Here’s hoping that’s the case,


Yeah Leibs great points. They came good with the Reward Track after an initial shaky start - and they listened to the Community at that time who were unhappy at being given a system that left players losing out. Developers will have known this prior to its release - I doubt they do anything by accident…

I imagine it comes down to just how much can they get away with to maximise their profit margin - after all they are a business. The current changes to Standard (offering ZERO compensation for Classic Cards) clearly is the option that gives them maximum profits. As you say - less dust means players have to invest actual money into buying new cards/expansions.

For me at least - how Blizzard respond to this latest protest from the Community will very much determine my future playing choices with regard to Hearthstone. I have already opted out of buying the new Portraits for the first time since release as a direct consequence of this latest debacle. If no compensation is awarded I will not be purchasing future Expansions/Tavern Pass as well - and will just go ‘free to play’ - and start playing the game casually rather than as a serious collector.


I hate the argument people are putting forth that “compensation is you get the core set soft free” or “you never get dust for sets rotating”. Blizzard is invalidating the money, time and resources every old player has spent building their classic collection. Some of these players had to do this without the duplicate protection that was later implemented. Blizzard needs to do something for their long time player base.