Legendary Gem Missing

I crafted a bunch of Mothers Lament gems last week or the week before. i used them all to rank one of them up to rank five to trade them out for another gem in one of my slots on my weapon. when i class changed and went to my armory to change my equipment, i noticed my rank 5 mothers lament was gone and so was all the resources i used to craft the gems and the gem power i used to rank the gem up are gone as well. all i did was class change and change my loudout. the gem is gone. it’s not in my inventory, it’s not in my mail and it’s not in my stash. All i want is my rank 5 mothers lament back. It disappeared within the last few days. I’ve already seen someone on here saying they lost a legendary gem as well. my in game name is JennaRae#11771, i’m on the soul siphon server in NA. If it’s not resolved i may not come back to the game. It’s insane that you can class change and have legendary gems just get deleted off your account.


I lost an r3 na an r1Roiling Consequence. This was 9 days ago and have yet to hear anything back on my big report. I have been in contact with customer service everyday about my issue
and keep getting lame / generic response. Always pushing it off onto other people.

Yeah i’m getting the same. had two replies from customer support and in one of them they said customer support cannot return ingame items. like really? they even said it was a known bug, yet they can’t give us back our legendary gems that get deleted because of a known bug? i told them i’m not returning to the game till my gem is replaced.

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Oh I’ve been messaging them everyday for the past 10 days. The thing that pisses me off even worst is the fact that a “whale” lost gems as well and he got responses to his report, but I haven’t heard a word. Just because I don’t spend absurd amounts of money doesn’t mean I’m any less than they are. Just shows what Blizzard values and how they treat the differences in players.

i got a reply from customer service once i told them i made a bug report and this is what they said. “our developers are investigating the issue, and once it’s finalized, they will inform the impacted players of the resolution.”

another words, we aren’t getting our gems back and they are probably going to give us a crest and normal gems. that’s what they always do.

Hi JennaRae, you are not alone, I’m facing the same problem too. Shoulder + Rank + Gem gone after using armor exchange. No assistance or help from helpline or manager even he is aware of the situation. All players are at risk of this sudden disappearance of item + rank + gem as long as player use armor exchange function. Unless you are a whale who demanded immediate help if not refund. It seems like no help will be given.

So a whale gets a response in 24 hours and i have to go through tickets and then told to watch my in game mail and my forum post here. Yet it’s been active for 9 days with no response. This is complete BS. Just because i’m not a whale the community managers can’t be bothered. I’m not going to log back into the game without this being made right. I’ve been told customer support can’t return legendary gems yet there was a whale on here that had 11 legendary gems get deleted the same way as my 1 rank 5 mothers lament and every one of those legendary gems was given back to him in his in game mail. Yet because i’m not a whale, i can’t even get my 1 legendary gem that was deleted? How the hell is that even fair?

This is the exact thing I complained about. I went off on them in my tickets. Yes, more than one ticket, because I couldn’t add more to the one I had opened. And tbey said couldn’t give them back and that the devs were looking into it. My bug report has been open for 14+ days now and nothing. Like I have said time and time again, it Is Customer MONEY and not customer SERVICE!!

I went off on them in my ticket too. Because they claim there is no change in how they treat f2p players and whales. Except i have evidence that this isn’t the case. My bug forum post Vs a whales bug forum post for the exact same bug.

Same here. I had screen shots and everything. I’ve called out the blizzard employee twice now on the whale’s post asking for when will I hear something back or get my gems back. I don’t care what the problem is, just give me my missing gems back and let me get back to enjoying this game.

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Yeah i saw that they replied to your post and Rayoo’s but they intentionally ignored mine. Again.

Keep hounding them. That’s what I’ve been doing.

I had a starfire gem rank 2 that i had bought and upgraded, i purchased another to upgrade it again and when i combined them to upgrade them, all of them disappeared. 3 in total. Almost 200,000 in platinum just gone. I need help with this. Ive upgraded gems before but nevet had them disappear. I have pictures of where i bought them and now i have to start all over again. I finally collected enough pearls to make another, but this is ridiculous.

How?how do you do that? Is this the only place to contact them?

They tell you in tickets that you have to make a bug forum post about your issue because they have no way to help with in-game issues. Yet i’ve had a community manager here say the same thing but in reverse. Yet theres a whale who had them comment on his post and within four days he got all 11 of his legendary gems back. Its BS.

Yeah. Noone has replied to me at all. Its been posted for over a week now.

Exactly. All i want us my gems back. It takes forever to collect tgem and to have 3 starfire shards disappear at once was a huge lick. Almost 200K in platinum that i saved up.

yeah i’m sorry but because we aren’t whales, they aren’t going to help us. at this point it’s been a month since my bug post has been up and they haven’t done anything.

Still nothing from that GM on the other post. This is absolutely ridiculous. I’ve already told my friends that after this immortal reign, if I don’t have my gems back I’m done. As much as I enjoy this game, the developers and GMs make this game crap!

yeah no reply to me either. trying to get a refund now.