Stuck at 36/38 in Dry Steppes

Stuck at 36/38 in Dry Steppes. Bummer you cant see completed quests. Looked up dropped quests. I know for sure I did Dust Daisy and Strange Ore. Been clicking on bodies for one of the side ones and no luck. Killing cannibals for hours and no luck. No luck with Sealed Oxin Tribe drop. No blue marks anywhere. Campaign is done, so are all dungeons. Just cant seem to find the last two.

Sealed Oxin Tribe is a random drop. So, it could take a while. Still, at this point, I would report it as a bug.

I would report the other as a bug as well. You are not the first to be unable to find that last quest in a zone.

Good to know. I was starting to wonder if there was a bug. Especially after returning daily for hours.

Did you check this post to see if any of the other drop quests sound (or don’t sound) familiar? Might help. These drop quests really suck. Good luck!

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Thats what I was using originally but only found a couple listed

Ah ok. Yeah it’s tough to figure out what we’re missing unless we track them from day 1. Something I never even thought about doing :slight_smile:

same here. 36/38. no idea where to start. ended up abandoning the idea of 38/38. itll happen if it happens heh

*if that pvp area is part of drysteppes thats where they are i believe. i got 2 unfinished quests in that pvp area

“blood and sweat” and “malign devotion” - that must be it.

Releasing the renown completion garbage without a failsafe / guide to find whatever you are missing at a certain point in 2023 is ridiculous.

Blizzard relies on third party sites helping with their maps and checklists, however this is faaaaar from the “high quality game design” they announce to deliver over and over again, just ridiculous.

Adding “invisible”/untrackable random drops as quest starters would be okay, UNLESS they added them to the numbers to be completed for a 100% clear, which they did.

Things like these make the game feel like a beta and they should full well know how they alienate (potential) customers with oversights/lazyness like this.

I did blood and sweat, cant remember the other. I may have to go and check

Seriously, why is there no quest-tracking feature so that I can see all the completed quests? They give us random drop quests from the open world; then it should be checkable what we did from its name, not just a numeric value. I am also stuck as 37/38 even though I believe I did everything, which I also cross-checked from other guide videos

p.s. I figured out that there is one more side quest that you can get after completing the story campaign at the guy near the Fate’s Retreat Waypoint in Chambatar Ridge.


Je pense que c est bien un bug, j ecris les missions secondaires que je fais au fur et a mesure pour avoir le compte, mais la j en ai fais 15 sur cette zone actuellement et ca m en compte 14. Et si jamais il y a cache scellee de la tribut des boeufs et cache scellee du penitent

I think it’s a bug, I write the side missions that I do as I go to get the count, but I did 15 on this area currently and ca m has 14. And if ever there is a seal cache of the tribute of the oxen and seal of the penitent is the more or less translation into English.

Just wanted to let you know that I was also stuck on 36/38.

For me it was these 2 side quests, might be worth checking out as they don’t show up on the map just for being in the zone, you actually have to travel to the locations to check.

Quest: Firsthand Knowledge
Location: Dindai Flats (The Forlorn Tread), South-West.
Talk to NPC to start quest.

Quest: No Deed Unpunished
Location: Tusmaa Rift, West/SW
Click on book to start quest.

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