All Khejistan hidden side quests

Part III is here with Kehjistan quests! yay. This zone was significantly easier than the other three I have done. (I didn’t make a thread on fractured peaks though).
Scosglen: Scosglen all drop item side quests - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (
Dry Stepps: All Dry Steppes drop side quests - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (
Hawezar: All Hawezar hidden side quests - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (
Fractured Peaks: All Fractured Peaks Hidden Side Quests - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

Sealed Khazra Offering - Drops from Khazra in the Southern Expanse.

Ravenous Necrolyte’s Cache - Dropped from cultists in the scouring sands. All the way past the giant deserst, inside their base of operations.

Unusual Ore - Obtained from ore deposits in the ragged coastline.

Iron Wolf armor - enemies in caldeum drop this.
Iron Wolf Sword - enemies in caldeum drop this.

Battered Shipment - dropped from enemies in the southern expanse.

Spotted mushroom - obtained from picking herbs in khejistan. I found it out side the city of Gea Kul

Waterstained Letter - found on the ragged coastline from chests and objects.

Old Journal - dropped from a treasure goblin in Khejistan

The way of the three - this is an achievement quest as well. Basically go back to the entrace of Hell in caldeum. There is a altar there that says you must activate the 3 statues before it will do anything. /cheer the baal/diablo/meph statues in Kehjistan and the altar will offer you the quest.

Locations here, the baal and diablo statues are easy to see. The mephiso one, outside of the fields of hatred, can easily be mistaken for just another rock, so look carefully and you will see it.

Crumpled Note - this is a drop inside a dungeon from the tortured prisoners inside the reformatory area. The prison of caldeum.


Hey Zolmation,
first of all thank you for the guides, they really helped finishing all the other areas. At this point I am trying to find the last quest in Kehjistan for over 10 hours. I am wondering if someone can help me find it. I’ve killed hundreds of Mobs in Caldeum and Southern Expanse (both Pirates and Khazra). Killed roughly 15 Goblins. Went into the Dungeon 6 times and clicked on the tortured prisoner. Looted over a hundred chests and objects in Ragged Coastline. And looted a lot of Ores in Ragged Coastline (which I’m 99% sure i already have). I’am pretty sure I have done the Waterstained Letter and the Old Journal but I’m still trying them to be sure. Quests that i have for sure are Ravenous Necrolyte’s Cache, Spotted mushroom and The way of three. I also went through all of the areas with an Interactive Map to be sure i have’nt missed any of the normal quests. Anyone got an idea what else I can do? Is there any item with a really low drop rate?

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I am in the same boat as you. I have been running mad in Kehjistan for hours on hours and can’t seem to find the last quest to complete. Any thoughts?

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Thanks. (Commenting to keep track of this post.)

I’ve gone and double checked that I didn’t miss any side quests in the post, but there are some quests that are locked behind campaign completion so do make sure that is done.

Make sure you’ve traveled to every area of the map to make sure you didn’t miss a normal quest and then the only thing to try is keep up looking for the hidden items. Its incredibly difficult to figure out which one you haven’t completed, but I would say the crumpled note took me the longest to get, and the unusual ore took a little bit, while the others just fell into my lap without much effort.

It was the crumpled note after all. I had do it about 15 times until the item dropped. Not sure if this had anything to do with it, but it dropped in a Nightmare Dungeon. So if you are still on 43/44 you can try this. A friend of mine was missing one of the Iron Wolf drops and i suggested that I saw someone in a video claiming that one of the items can only drop from the Knight enemies on the right side (The Abandoned Iron Wolfes Garrison). That worked for him. I am not sure if this is true but its definitely worth a try. Thank you for checking again Zolmation, your guides were incredibly helpful.


Triple A game released in 2023 that doesn’t even have a quest journal to check which quest is already completed lmao. 4 stash tabs without search option like its a f2p game. This game needs serious quality of life improvements in every area.


For my last one it was the crumpled note in that dungeon for me as well. Keep in mind you’re looking for a prisoner on the stretch rack thing. I watched this video and while my dungeon layout was different this is what I was looking for - - there was only 1 in that entire first part of that dungeon (before advancing the dungeon to phase 2). I walked in doing the dungeon on normal and got it on the first try after eventually finding the prisoner.

Before that I also needed Iron Wolf Armor, which came off the knights in the first parts of Caldeum (furthest away from the waypoint for that zone)


Thanks for that list :slight_smile: althoug h i am beginning to wonder if the last quest for me is to be found. i have killed numerous Treasure goblins, more than 10k goatmen(kazhra) scrappers galore, looted soooo many chest and corpses in ragged coast line. still no drops no where. :frowning: , prison of caldeum on normal and nightmare (guess i have done this one since NONE of the Torture benches is possible for me to interact with.
been through every “normal” quest to see if i missed one but it is a secret quest i am missing just dunno which one. damn i need that quest log for completed quests . :S


I was in the same boat as you. Missing just 1. I first thought it was the treasure goblin because another site said they goblin has to be found in Southern Expanse. But the goblins didn’t drop anything for me. For me it was the Iron Wolf Sword. That i tough i already had since the i’ve done the wolf achievement. But i went to left side of Caldeum and found it there pretty fast. I think you can rule out everything that drop of mobs. If you killed 100 mobs and it don’t drop its not that. Drop rate a very high so you should get anything pretty fast. If it doesn’t drop you can rule it out.

There was also some Torture benches that i couldn’t interact with but then late in the dougen i found one that i could with. I’ve even read some had to run it a few times to find one. So i would check that again.

There is also a Old Book that is not mentioned here. Maybe check that out too.

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Old book i think i found somewhere and can only interact and read stuff. :frowning:

I tried going Left and the iron sword was actually the one i missed… If only i had went left in the past :stuck_out_tongue: THX i had in mind that the ironsword was prerequisite for the iron armor . so i ignored that haha :stuck_out_tongue:

For anyone stuck on this one (especially at 43/44 quests complete), make sure you have finished the quest: Mirage. It is a quest that does not show on the map unless you are near it. Its not near any towns or waypoints so you generally wouldn’t come across it by accident.

Definitely another ‘easy to miss’ quest if you have exhausted all the drop quest possibilities. Hope this helps someone!

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