My Diablo IV Journey: From Excitement to Disappointment

Hello Blizzard and fellow adventurers,

After dedicating over 200 hours across three characters, completing all available things to do from completing the Battlepass and Season rewards, conquering Lilith, and tirelessly running through countless T100 dungeons, I’ve hit a wall.
My endgame has boiled down to farming Duriel – a task I’ve approached with as much zeal as the initial hours of my journey.

I’ve diligently collected materials and tackled everything the game has thrown at me. Yet, after more than 350 Duriel runs, my reward has been a “SINGULAR” Uber drop: The Grandfather.
Unfortunately, this item doesn’t align with any of my Sorcerer, Necromancer, or Druid, rendering it practically useless to me.

This predicament leads me to a broader concern: The loot system in Diablo IV.
Despite my love for the series and the countless hours (over 1000 in Diablo II and +750 in Diablo III) . I find myself at a crossroads with Diablo IV.
The excitement and satisfaction that fueled my early days with the game have faded, overshadowed by the frustration of unrewarding grind and a loot system that feels misaligned with player efforts and expectations.

It is with a heavy heart that I’ve decided to uninstall Diablo IV, halfway through the season (despite the significant time investment).
This decision wasn’t easy, but the current state of the game’s reward mechanism leaves me longing for the gratification of past Diablo experiences.
As I look for my next adventure, I’m considering giving Last Epoch a try…

I share this feedback not only out of anger, but from a place of love for what the Diablo series has meant to me over the years. It’s my hope that this critique can contribute to a constructive dialogue about the future of Diablo IV and its loot system.
Perhaps, with time and community feedback, we can see adjustments that reignite the flame for veterans like myself and newcomers alike.

Too all of you still on the grind, may your loot be plentiful, and your adventures legendary - in whatever world you find yourself in.

Best regards,
A dedicated but disheartened adventurer


If you could make one suggestion to fix the problem what would it be?

For example: Implement a feature where instead of an Uber Unique dropping, it drops a item that you can turn in, to claim an Uber Unique of your choice.

I think this has deterred many people from investing more time in game. With seasons having such a short lifespan, the rinse repeat of an unrewarding grind isn’t worth it.


Quitting until S4 big reveal is a solid approach. Especially for those that like eternal as all the items you are getting right now will most likely become useless. S3 has nothing left to offer. No armory makes gauntlet a total pain. Dungeons are redundant. Vaults are repetitive loot pinatas. Duriel is a mindless slog. This entire item system needs to just be thrown out and start over with something fresh and new with 50-80% less affixes. Bring set items back. Bring primals back. Add mythical items to party which are more rare than uniques but less rare than ubers. Add more game changing affixes and uniques. Make comparing item overall power easy. Add more gems to the game. MAke occultist better. I am trying my best to help:

FLEX = NEW FLEX affix is approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Set Items = Set items get Deckard Cain to stay awhile and listen

Primals = Octimus Primals! 🕗

Gems = He went to Jared to get this Gems upgrade! 💎

Upgraded Occultist = Improved Occultist covets your gems and is not Adam Sandler

Shoulder Gear Slot = NEW Shoulder Slot = 😍

Earring Gear Slot = New 👂 ring Slot = Hear me Roar with approval

NEW Gear Affixes = 20 NEW Affixes. PLEASE comment even if you no like. 🤔 - #23 by Urza-1177

NEW Boss and UBER distribution idea = NEW Boss and UBER distribution idea. 💡

Runewords reloaded = Runewords reloaded! 🔢


URZA for community council. You’ve always been looking to solve the problem. I respect it.


Hi Mike,

for me personally it would be a few things

  1. If they had reduced the uber crafting into a ratio from 2 uber to craft a particular one, than maybe I would still grind for it.

  2. Stick with the 4 to 1 Ratio but maybe give a chance to drop crafting mats for an uber also in other contents like T100 Dungeons for example.

For me the game is as I mentioned only Durial grind because I can easily do all the current content, but there is no benefit in increase my power significantly because the only things im missing is more or less the uber uniques.
The Gauntlet is the same without the uber I cant get above 300-400k so no point in pushing that either…


Last epoch is fun but to be honest the end game is really no better than D4 imo. Monoliths get old quick and it’s so easy to take a decent item and brick it with bad luck. If you never played it though it’s worth a shot it does have a lot of enjoyable aspects.

Those seem like reasonable ideas. I really hope they do something about the Uber Unique system as well. With the seasonal cycles being short, they shouldn’t have things that are exceptionally rare with a potential to be so unrewarding. Especially in a game with limited trade.

Hopefully next season brings a new Trial to the game that is beyond t100 nmd’s. Something like a better version of AoZ. Not exactly the same but mobs that go higher in level than 154 for sure. When the topic of if another AoZ will be coming, the devs said in the last stream that we should stay tuned for Season 4. We’ll see I guess.

First of all I’ll say very well written. Your criticism is well thought out and you’re just giving your honest opinion about the game. I completely get where you’re coming from. It’s also the reason I don’t bother with grinding Duriel just on the off chance I’ll get an Uber Unique, it’s not worth it to me. I also don’t mind them being super rare though.

Secondly you may wish to take a look at the endgame for Last Epoch. I enjoy the game myself, but I do so in spurts. The leveling is much slower in that game especially when you hit the endgame.

So you will be grinding essentially NMDs for most of the endgame in LE. It’ll also take you longer to gear out though too. Min-maxing your gear in that game will take a bit. The crafting system helps a lot with this though, once you understand it that is.

The community in game has also been very helpful and there’s an in game guide for most basic questions you’d have. Regardless as long as you’re having fun that’s all that matters.

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Be safe out there friend, a lot of fresh games out there looking to catch your eye.

Come back when the time is right.:saluting_face:

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We’re seeing a lot of players capitulating recently. That means the “bottom” is probably just about here and season 4 will be the turning point with interest to play spiking up again as a result and everyone that uninstalled will reinstall :slight_smile:

Sounds like you just upset with GF drop rate. Speaking of end game… I’m not sure why are you so upset.
D2: Endless Baal runs/terror zones (D2R)
D3: GR spam
D4: World Bosses, Events, Ubers, Gauntlet(leaderboard) with weekly reset.
Open world, random parties.
It’s not WoW where you spam ICC with group of 25 for 6 months. You beat the season - take a break for the next. This is how D3 was played for years.

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What chaps my hide is that doomy and grandfather are complete S and SS tier items the barb can still use while also getting a 1h and 2h aspect while spear of lycander is B tier at best and thats it for weapon aspects for sorc / druid. Andy Visage is also terrible. Who thought u needed 90% poison resist on an item???

Sorc would give up both enchants if they could just equip doomy and grandfather instead.

Hang in there. I had pretty much the same 1st post on the forum a few days ago. I’m on a break.

I think there is a certain portion of the D4 fan base that consists of Seasonal content players that are long-term Diablo fans (like playing for decades) who have always played solo. It takes us a while to get to the point those over caffinated fanatics who played nonstop till their computer melted the first 3 weeks.

And those other somewhat less caffinated but likewise determined and lucky few who have a clan, or 3 friends that go to work in a very efficient manner that speeds things up so much than us solo folks.

And then those who are just lucky.

Although we can complete NM 100s (except suppressors, im a ranged rogue), grind 85s and kill all the bosses, it’s going to take a couple months. Maybe more. It took me forever to get past Slayer thanks to the vaults. When I did I was almost done with Destroyer.

And we are all coming to the realization that farming Duriel mats is a waste of time. I’ve gotten no Ubers. Im pissed that I have put in all this effort and no Uber or a worthless one for my build. The math is horrible. If you are lucky in a 100 runs you will get 2 drops. Not worth the helltides unless you need other mats and have to do it anyway imo.

From what I’m reading, we are just a little late to the party.

I also learned there is a lot of cheating going on with Duriel mats. Did not deal with that in any prior games myself as a solo player. My sister says if you are not cheating you’re not trying hard enough. Evidently some portion of the player base thinks like my sister.

Bottom line seems to me that no one who is playing the game by the rules is just getting showered with ubers. Math.

Plus, I think Blizzard and Facebook both know how to keep us in the maze. Im not in the business, but there’s most likely a corporate reason why helltides were spread out before and are essential to get the shiny stuff. It takes time played. Im assuming that’s a good thing for business.

I’m looking at what I want to be next season. Not a barb. I’m thinking maybe another Druid. With pets. Need to do some research. I need to spend some time with the paragon boards. I can’t get my elemental resist worked out.

You can tell you love the game. Take some time off. Hopefully there will be positive changes.

But this season I had a pen shot rogue that if you had it lined up just right or there was a tight bait ball a little shadow imbued arrow would blow it up really nice. Limbs flying everywhere. I couldn’t one-shot any of the bosses. I could two shot Varshon and Grigoire. Zir it took about 3. Beast in the Ice I had to take my time. Same with Duriel. Needed to take a little time and get all my buffs in a row. Best part of my season was a level 93 Butcher sighting. He stopped right on my pet and lost his barrier and I had all my buffs in line and one shot him. Made my season.

Best wishes

I’d like to see set items introduced. The loot is too boring as it is in D4 right now. Hunting for a couple ubers is just a crown jewel achievement - something you dont even really need - you just want it. Once you get it - what are you going to hunt for now? You’ve basically “won d4”. Aspects are cool, but they need to be removed as items and just added to the book.

I’m not sure about set items. I’d really like to see them stumble into fixing the current system. In D3, when you got the set, you were pretty much done. Sometimes there was a certain weapon like Deathwish that was needed and hard to get. Or a Demon Hunter weapon or two. But once you got it, practically nothing could hurt you or put you in a jam except very high level greater rifts. And you could pound away at those until you were spent.

But you are right. There is an aspect of get this item, cherry on top of your build and you’re pretty much done. You “won” the season.

Except when I got the Mcguffin I used it. BIS gear. Powered up. That’s when something like spead racer was done. 2 minutes on T10 just killing everything in less than 2 minutes. Then I would waltz around a Neph Rift tileset like Battlefield of Eternity destroying everything. Then, I was done.

Therin lies the problem. The OP’s frustration is shared by many.

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I don’t know, man. I’m losing faith in this development team’s ability to course correct, and Diablo IV grows more irrelevant with each passing day as new games come out to replace it. Maybe it gets better at some point, but then the question won’t be if it’s good. Rather, it’ll be is it too late.

When Does Titan Quest 2 come out? That was a solid game ppl forgot about.

I think it’s called Grim Dawn.

There is also a Titan Quest 2 proper coming, so lots of aRPG fun to look forward to.

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