My Diablo IV Journey: From Excitement to Disappointment

I couldn’t get past farming the stupid gyphs. Game is so tedious.

You hit the end. Why cant you accept that there is an End? You play it, enjoy it and in time, you would be done and would get bored. Why decide to continue? Why not stop or pause. Play something else and come back to next Season when you regain your excitement.

If you lose totally your excitement, it’s normal. Just dont play it and do something else. Does Diablo 4 has an obligation to keep you excited daily for the rest of your life? It has to come to an end in time. D4 has served you already when it caught you for long hours to beat it. Your money was well-spent. Freaking $99, is just like few hours with my RL date. D4 kept your longer than that. ROFL.

Wrote in another/similar thread and I think the big one, the big problem is power unlockable by chores as opposed to drops

Glyphs are a primary example of this - run NMDs 30 times to level up glyphs (and that’s like up to lvl 14-15 or whatever, didn’t even bother after unlocking the range lol)

The easy fix is to implement sockets that setup & empower glyphs, as well as some affixes that affect paragon. Doing so, by adding additional types of sockets (i.e. drops that aren’t weapon, armor, jewelry) would also reduce the “clutter” of item drops

That one would be the “easy fix”, another would be to remove Paragon unlock from Renown and put TS there instead. If need be start Paragon 5-10 levels earlier at 45 or 40 (again, another “chore” that unlocks power)

We can’t add more player power, the game isn’t hard enough to give purpose to all this super Uber epic amazing mythical legendary gear …

Yep. You are totally right. There comes a time in the Season to tap out. Take the dogs for a nice long walk.

But there is a psychological aspect involved as well. Particularly for us OCD, Virgo perfectionist types. Must cross everything off our list. And the devs know how to encourage this with the gameplay loop. Had a grip on me until I looked around at a World Boss gathering and realized everyone was ubered out to the max. Especially when I came here and realized some portion of those got them buying Duriel mats.

Not a conspiracy theorist, but I do believe there is also another reason. Law enforcement is purchasing all types of data. I would bet a six-pack of your favorite soda pop MrCute that the FBI BAU is purchasing data on all the PvP players. Especially the ones that lay in wait for you and attack from stealth just as you are fighting some trash to purify the seeds. They want to keep an eye on you guys. (I’m kidding of course!).

You are also right about value. I have definitely got my moneys worth. Even for the ultimate bundle I purchased up front, the battle passes and a couple of shiny skins in the shop I couldn’t resist.

I’m sure there will be improvements next Season. Eyes wide open now, if I don’t like the changes, I will find something else to occupy my time. If I like it, I’m gonna have fun. Till it stops being fun. The Diablo franchise had a lot of good will built up with me. But yeah, that is gone now. But they can earn it back with a really good finished out game.

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