You do not understand what Personal Loot is

To me, that question was phrased strangely.

Do the developers really want to know how interested players are in having personal loot at launch instead of FFA?

It is a rhetorical question as I know that you are an MVP and that would be Blizzard insider information that they would almost certainly be unwilling to share.

I just assume that they would take the easiest path to Personal Loot by using the already existing formulas, but instead of it dropping on the ground for all, it drops a different rolled set for each player. They would just have to nerf the no drop rate a bit, which having it set to single player standards (p8 is equal to current P4 online to my knowledge), and have a base minimum for non partied members.

I don’t get to talk to the Devs and they would not tell me anyway. Heh. Most of the time when I talk to Blizz folks they are “shocked” I know that the Global Intelligence and User Research (newish) teams exist. It is not common knowledge even among some Blizz folks.

or to keep total drops constant, you roll the assignment to a player after the global drop decision is made.

I actually doubt that they would go that route. I believe some of the anti-ploot peeps are correct on that assumption, that it would lead away from party play in favor of solo farming, and your likelyhood to see a decent drop would be even slimmer. It would be fair, yes, as more than likely, you might not have had a chance to click fastest anyways, but it would lead to further anti-engagement.

Having the instance set to single player standards prevent an extreme overflow of high quality items, but still gives the incentive to play as a group, and also allows the philosophy of loot rarity to be preserved and cherished when you get that great roll.

When I played D2 back in the day…

I chose Single-Player online games for reliable drops.
I chose Multi-Player online games for higher drops.

It effected my decisions. It was a trade-off.

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No, I dont think that is the case.

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According to what? All I’ve asked for is to show me the data. The community is clearly NOT clear on this, because I have been told personal loot is the same as auto-distributed loot. You may think its clear to you, but its obvious to me that its it not clear to the community at all.

  • From my research, D3 loot system is called “smart loot” not “personal loot”. There is no ties to the D3 loot system and the phrase “Personal Loot”

  • In my post I clearly define wow’s definition of “Personal Loot” and it differs greatly from what you just said, and likely from what anyone is calling for in D2R.

You are just another person claiming you know the definition of personal loot because you know it. Please, for the love of Akarat, just show me some evidence to back your claim. You claim it is a defined term, so simply show me the definition.

I’ve never claimed to be anyone other than I am. I’ve had this account for like 10 years.

I would trust MissCheetah on Blizzard’s definition of personal loot. She is quite knowledgeable and one of the few MVPs that visit the diablo forums.

Smart loot as used in D3 refers to the fact that there is an 85% chance that when loot drops is its useable by the class that you are currently playing. It used to be completely random in D3 that as you might imagine creates issue as wands are dropping too frequently for barbarians and mojos for demon hunters and so on and so forth.

Personal loot has a different meaning than smart loop.

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I certainly do not think that is the case either. It’s clear that “most of us” are agreeing on no such thing.

She is correct. D3 launched with personal loot, also called instanced loot. This is where loot appears in each separate player “instance.” Smart loot, as Micro said, is the system developed with Loot 2.0, originally introduced into the console version of D3, where loot is “smart” rolled tailored to the class you are playing.


Two people is anecdotal. The only data we have to go off is the reddit survey, in which 39% of the people think that the loot should not change. I don’t think the loot should change but I still think its an outdated system. So, less than 39% of people don’t have any negative feelings toward the original loot system in D2, which is a minority.

Sorry but, I don’t trust anybody. If she is right than all she has to do is point me to the evidence. Regardless convincing me would only be 1 person, when it appears that large parts of the community think that personal loot is something different that she thinks it is. Probably the fact that nobody can point me to any evidence of what it actually means is a major contributing factor.

its not defined. How many times do i have to say it. You can say it is defined all you want, but its not defined.

having a definite outline or specification; precisely marked or stated.

You can have a 1000 people say it is defined, but its not defined until it is defined. The only way to define it would be to point to an official blizzard post defining the term. Anything else is speculation and opinion, however well informed.

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Play the games - if you had played D3 or WoW you would know exactly how Blizz handles Personal Loot, how it can be modified (spec specific) and implemented differently, and how trade is separate.

You obviously have not. No, they don’t have a Dictionary if that is what you want.

You seem to be very new to both the forums and the games. Playing semantics does not work well here.

The only one not clear on this is you. The rest of us who play the games know exactly how it works.


I have played D2 since launch. I played WoW at launch, and WoW Classic at launch. I played D3 at launch. Don’t see the point in baselessly accusing me of not playing games.

You are saying that Personal Loot is D3 loot. Yeah I get the concept, I covered it in detail in my original post. But no where on any official (or even unofficial) is D3 loot defined as the phrase “Personal Loot”. That is a made up phrase with no definition. And without a definition, the community is free to interpret the concept as they see fit. Maybe most people assume D3 loot, maybe not - there is no way to know. But people like you and MicroRNA are just so sure that everyone in the community understands that personal loot is D3 loot and that is the end of it. This doesn’t seem to be the case from what I am seeing.

And then there is the problem of details. Is “personal loot” simply D3 style instanced loot, where everyone gets full loot? Currently in D2 the no-drop chance goes way down when there are multiple players; will this still remain in effect or will loot drop as if there is only one player? Which scenario does “personal loot” entail?

So when you are voting for personal loot on their poll, are you voting for 8 players getting loot with all 8 players reducing the no-drop chance, or only 1?

Since you know what the exact definition of personal loot is, please enlighten me, as -

How loot works in D3 or WoW is kind of irrelevant given that Blizzard wasn’t re-making a game when they devised either of those systems.

In D2:R, loot allocation would seem to be the way you’d go for “personal loot” since it changes the game the least (same exact drops and amount is possible, you are just then deciding how to allocate and if it’s timed and what not).

Path of Exile’s loot allocation system is probably the clearest example of how you’d consider doing loot in D2:R if you were considering changing it. Even though it’s not a Blizzard game, its loot system is much more similar to D2 than WoW or D3. Its loot allocation system is what you would expect a natural progression of the existing D2 loot system would look like if you didn’t want it to remain FFA exclusively, but still remain as similar to the original as possible.

I’d expect most people opposed to “personal loot” are opposed to it regardless of the exact details anyway. Or maybe not? Perhaps some people would be fine with a PoE style loot allocation system, but would hate a D3 style system where you don’t even see what is dropping for other people. :man_shrugging:

Leave Diablo II as it is God damn.

You don’t like ? You don’t play and go back to d3 with all your awesome failed features.

Don’t ruin this game.

In recent articles they said even adding auto-sorting stash was too big a leap from the original D2. You also have to factor in the $40 price point and the fact that they announced a release window for this year, which puts constraints on how much new stuff they could add into the game before launch.

Given all this I would not expect them to make any significant changes to the loot system.

That’s not what this post is about, this post is about the fact that people who are asking for personal loot don’t even know what they are asking for.

If you look through any of the personal loot related topics on this forum (or any other website forums) you can easily count the topic is divided very, very largely.

I agree with your topic’s overall point that many players have different ideas of what personal loot is, but your first statement is blatantly false.

Stop asking for personal loot


Personal loot would be Terrible

Personal drops not faithful to D2

Reddit example:

There are 108 likes on that first post I linked alone and there are tons more replies in every other personal loot discussion thread as well.

Claiming “Two people” is laughably reductive.

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Well the debate is because D2 system is broken and has always been since 3rd party programs… that’s why it’s being debated.

3rd party programs have ruined this.
You can literally have multiple players of your own (multi key) in a public game bottling with pickit…which makes FFA loot next to impossible
It’s not entirely possible the person/s playing with this person would even know they will never win the “grab it” war with this person for hours.

Unless we have a fully secured battle network that eliminates this kind of problem indefinitely then technically D2 is actually the game with failed features :man_shrugging:

I’ve seen people saying “but leechers! I kill and loot drops for them?!?”
Not the best argument either considering I could kill said thing and the loot could drop for you…in this case the trade off is actually closer to fair if anything.

D2 system isnt broken. It’s people that are broken, cheaters.

Never had problem with in 1.10 to 1.12 (then i played only pvp). Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. You can be faster than tools also.

“Unless we have a fully secured battle network that eliminates this kind of problem indefinitely then technically D2 is actually the game with failed features”

This is the key. I believe in new bnet system, D2R should be safe at least at first.

it’s very fun to fight for loot honestly… it’s one of the fun in PvM.

I feel sad reading all those topics trying to make the game easier, where is the challenge ?