Individual item drop will decrease the motivation of farming

Individual item drop will decrease the motivation of farming.
This is because Diablo 2’s system allows one person to hunt and the others to follow from behind.
Items that can be obtained just by following are guaranteed, but who wants to farm while hunting hard?
Diablo 2 is a game where Farming is the main content.
A patch that depresses Farming’s motivation even a little is in the wrong direction.


We need a downvote. There are plenty of topics dealing with this already. It has been already confirmed there would not be instanced loot. Leechers are going to leech and not farm anyways. The rise in multiplayer loot hunt would overshadow the leecher, and diversify the game. But this topic has been beaten to a pulp already.


With out personal loot expect massive returns with in week one! I will be returning this game 100% if no personal loot and will not give D4 a shot!

It’s 2021 outdated systems are not gonna keep players around! Hell most people are going to return the game when they realize they have keep making games to do Baal runs lol

You people are going to kill this game before it comes out!

With out qol this game is dead doa people will be oh look d2R it came and went


There will be no personal loot, and nobody should want it but that requires a deep understanding of the game which not everybody has. Fine, ask for a refund and please don’t ever come back to Diablo 2 as it seems you never liked it in the first place anyway.


The only people are here who really want to kill this game are Individuals like you and the rest of the people who wants core-changes of a game which defined a new genre of games.

Some people argue : But all modern games has this system and that system and bla.

That shows us, you guys are not even able to create own concepts and your decisions are made by coping other games their concepts.

Diablo 2 was 20 years ago released and this game was ahead of his time.

So many “modern-games” are really bad products. Even Director and developers, YouTuber, researcher admit it.

In the past the gaming industry created phenomenal games because they stand behind their idea, philosophy and their concepts which they made with their heart and hardworking decisions

I am guarantee, if Blizzard keeps the core of Diablo 2 and add the QoL which they delivered us and in future balancing patches with maybe more content.

This game will be like fireworks and a lot of people know this as well, they will make more money of it…


Farming will be there one way or the other, the key is will you be group farming or solo farming. Yes individual loot means I can partner up and group farm with some people I trust/like. But I will probably still solo farm.

Now how often do you think people will go hostile everyone when they see something good drop for the other guy, guard the drop and make sure no one gets it.


The only thing personal loot will do is have me play in more pub games. Let’s be real, outside of botted baal runs people farm solo anyway.


And why is that?

I still don’t think they should do anything without a few months of data to analyze.

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I don’t MF in pub games because why have the drops taken by pickit/ping/random items moving tooltips around?

If loot were per person we would see players 8 mf games.

I don’t think it will happen, and it should launch as is for now.

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I think personal drops will inflate the number of items and lead to an over saturated economy.

Imagine each Diablo/Baal run will turn out 8x the drops.

Follow the leader from a distance and collect free loot.


That’s not how it should work, but…

The way it would likely work is a 2 roll system; 1st, the game rolls to see what drops; say in an 8-player game, and a Baal kill occurs, and x items are created for drop. Then a second set of roils determines who gets what item. The only difference between this and the current system is the game chooses who gets what loot, and not the players.

Now if they were to create instanced loot and each player’s rolls are done as if it was 8 separate 1 player games, that might be an issue, since that would generate a lot more loot, I believe. Then they might have to inhibit drop rates to keep the economy in check, and that would be a disaster (see D3 Vanilla).

I still say that if that is to be done, they should wait as least one season and see what data they receive.


I am for personal loot and people crying about economics are people which use bots and sell items for real money.

Bingo. Timed personal loot that is able to be toggled on and off is the way to go.

You guys, the personal loot doesn’t have to work like D3. Go look up Path of Exile’s loot options. You don’t get 8x the amount of items lol.


Ok so how does personal loot work in D2 when someone kills baal or diablo in an 8 player game and only 3-4 items drop ? How are those items split between players?

This game was NEVER designed to work with personal loot, so stop trying to force it into a game that wasn’t meant to have it.

The only reason it works in other ARPG’s is because those games were designed with personal loot in mind, there will be absolutely no satisfaction in running chaos or baal and half the time you end up with 0 drops. The adrenaline rush is something all players get to feel when they see those 3-4 items drop and think they have a chance of grabbing 1 or 2 of them. That’s a HUGE part of the fun and what made Diablo 2 the game it is today.


you end with 0 loot now too, if you have lag or somebody is closer to server or have better connection or some type of loot bot, you get 0 items anyway so what is the difference. this way you have atleast a chance for loot, now you have none thats the reason why everybody is farming solo. With personal loot you can go and play with other people without worying about any of those.


It won’t change the number of drops AT ALL.


Lol what no it isn’t. Nobody runs those for drops. They run it for xp and then go farm solo, because they don’t want people grabbing everything with pickit.


8 people doing solo runs vs those 8 people doing runs together with personal loot.

The amount of extra loot produced would be negligible at best.

People who think this will multiply the amount of loot out there don’t understand how D2 is played in the first place.


Then join/make a game that has shared loot enabled… Lol.


I 100% agree that modern games have personal loot and it works great, but those games were also designed around that concept from day 1. By simply adding in personal loot, there will literally be nothing else to do in this game than Baal runs. D2R will become “Baal Runs: the game”.

They could however deal with this in a multitude of ways. Instead of loot pickup, they could have loot rolling. They could cap your MF/drops based on how much damage you did to the boss. They could drastically lower the chance to get anything good based on specific parameters. Personal loot would not work for D2R but it is not black and white only.

But all of this is complex solutions to fix one problem which is bots stealing all the Baal loot before you can pick it up. The solution already lies in the game; Kill Baal yourself and nobody can steal your loot. There is not actually a problem here, and trying to mess with the games core mechanics could have dire consequences which could upset the balance which has kept this game relevant for over 20 years. Lots of people are saying they will refund the game if there is not personal loot but realistically the game will become so boring with personal loot that more people refund it just because the game becomes boring repetitive garbage.

Blizzard has a track record now of ruining things by making them ‘better’. Lets not make D2R ‘better’ than D2, please?

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