Stop Asking For Personal Loot

you subtract all those Spell spams, the auras and buffs… usually the main guy clearing clears just as fast.

I get the point you’re trying to make, but this would only occur in a Baal run when everyone is equally geared and not someone face rolling the mobs.

In games where everyone is of equal footing, I haven’t had an issue getting loot.

Edit: To correct Quote

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You’ve replied to Ionz22 but quoted a random section of one of my posts. I’m assuming its the other guy you are trying to talk to. But since I’m here :wink:
Getting loot in a game with no cheaters in it was never the problem. It’s not about games where nobody is using a third party program. That’s the point

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Haven’t I seen you tell people that if they want to be able to get loot to play solo and now here you are basically shaming solo players? I say stuff it you elitist neckbeard. Your opinion is less than meaningless when you talk out both sides of your face.


Don’t think that’s the intention here, but agree its not clear.

Think he is saying that the people telling you how awful the multiplayer experience is elsewhere say they only play solo because its THAT bad. Most players who have played a lot of multiplayer (without being carried) would not be as dramatic.

Losing out on a drop is a bummer, but it happens. You get lucky eventually.

There are others who have been strong advocates who also mentioned elsewhere how hard it is to progress through hell solo. Progressing through hell is really as easy as a google search. To have strong credible opinions about the loot hunt and item drops I would imagine you would need a lot of experience playing in hell. It becomes hard to take the opinion of someone who can barely get through Act Hell seriously when trying to alter the entire looting function.

I don’t like dismissing people since for a long time in this game I was noobish myself.

I agree ! Please DO NOT try to “improve” the original game in a way that can break its mechanisms.

D3 already changed various things : healing potions, skills respec, personal loot, inventory, etc. Each change has some reasons to justify it… but it makes the game different, that’s all.

So, D2 must stay as it is, even with its (supposed) “drawbacks”. Otherwise it won’t be D2.

IMO, the only acceptable changes are about :

  • graphical upgrade
  • additional information
  • fight against bots / hacks

Then it’s simple will give you chuds a kick button and you can personally inspect and judge whether the person is worthy of your group

The also works with my idea to reset maps with cain(mine was use the WP but some dude was like nah my dude use Cain”

So in review with personal loot you get Cain who can reset all maps so you don’t remake games and you get a kick button so you can hand select the people in your game and you do runs over and over!

Game host = kick button

Reasons why Shared loot is the worst system ever created.

  1. Anyone with even a .01 faster Internet speed or CPU or GPU than you will win 100% of the time.
  2. Ranged characters are left out nearly 100% of the time unless they risk dying.
  3. When you die you lose your items and gold to other players? pluck that!
  4. If YOU open the chest or YOU kill the monster or YOU uncover the hidden block or YOU nearly die defeating the mobs or YOU do ALL the work and then someone with a auto grab takes all of YOUR hard work than YOU have no plucking right to complain.
  5. I went 10 years of playing this game without ever once owning a Rune above a Mal for the above 4 reasons, ergo, I never once was able to solo any part of hell difficulty and MF solo means nothing if nothing drops for you regardless of hours put in the game.

Give us Personal Loot and give us the option to turn it off or on. Then losers like you who wanna use hacking software to cheat or just have $5000 to spend on superior computer hardware and boosted internet speeds so YOU can have an clear advantage over anyone else who lags for a few seconds every single last solitary time ( like it did for me for 10 years ) when the Boss or mob leader dies can have your own persona haven.

No one cares about trading. People played Diablo 3 for years and we REJOICED when trading went away because it was even more toxic than diablo 2 was. I get my own personal loot, I can lag or die after “I” am the one to open the chest or kill the boss and I Still get what I want.

Literally no one complained when borderlands 3 switched to this superior system and it will be industry standard from now on for that franchise. Anyone who thinks having the choice between the two is bad is a toxic player and doesn’t deserve to play this update.

10 years and you were never able to farm hell? Sounds like your build was bad man lol.

Plenty of people love trading in diablo 2.

Want all the drops? play in a private game.


Both of these make me question whether you knew how to play the game and/or if D2 is even the game you like.

Trading was pretty core to D2 and not finding higher than a Mal in 10 weeks would need to involve highly questionable gameplay decisions let alone 10 years, maybe a strategy guide would help. he says in a sassy manner


Thanks for dropping this post!
It actually proves that ploot is for people who:

  • dont know about trading for 10 years
  • dont know how to play the game and build propper gear themselves for 10 years
  • are actually trying to leech for 10 years
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Wrong!Wrong!Wrong!Wrong!And you’d Lose that bet

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Just Too many Trolls in this thread

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Actually quite often it wasn’t the killer of the boss that got the loot, It quite often was the meelee toons who got whilst the ranged toons lost out,With the ranged toons doing all the damage


Ah ploot.

BL3 did ploot, BL3 doesn’t have a ladder or any truly valid competitive scene. So, irrelevant.

D2 never had ploot, you’d have to drop 8x the loot per person (yeah right), or reduce the drop per person down to 1 or 2 items in a full game.

Lets see how you feel about that when you run through Bazaar (or ANY area) and have 7 people just shadowing you not doing any work because they know 1/8th of the loot will drop on the ground is theirs regardless.

You’ll be in solo games in a month, then the whole ploot argument will be moot and possibly have ruined the game.

In addition, this would MURDER Hardcore incentive to risk ANYTHING. Not your game, go try D3 or 4.

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as if people already dont do this. You STILL have people shadowing regardless and they get ALL of the loot thru a pickit program or just because they aint doing anything, they easily loot all the spoils thus the person who actually did all the work, gets nothing.

Its a LOSE LOSE situation either way. I lost track of how many times I was the one doing all the work yet get nothing for it since the pickits and the leechers just spam click the area and get all the loot while I get nothing.

If anything make it a toggle that is disabled by default. Players can toggle it on which would make them ineligible for ANY shared drops and would see a small share chance of any drops (/players1 rate) while anyone still on shared would be at the /playersx rate where x is the number of people on shared.
ploot would change nothing then the current state of the game. With ploot, you’ll have leechers, w/o ploot you STILL have leechers that actually take loot away from the ones actually doing the work. They can easily put in safeguards where if your not doing anything or any damage (or for certain bosses, a % damage threshold) to be eligible for ploot drops. With full shared on loot, the leechers can easily suck up all the loot while the ones who actually play, get nothing.


So people who are close enough to ninja loot stuff that isn’t technically yours, equates to people loading in 3 zones behind you and just perusing all the ploot drops after you cleared the area 5 minutes earlier? Yeah, totally the same.

Its again a lose lose situation anyway. As I stated, you “can” put in safeguards for PLoot options like:
Requiring some damage
Being within some “range”
Requiring some % of damage
Can put the above limits even just on elites/bosses/named as well.

Either method has leechers regardless. However one method as least means that some loot is shared around. The whole argument about ploot promoting more leeching is moot when its no different without ploot in current D2 state except in current state, you can do nothing and get everything, at the same time that someone that does everything and gets nothing.

How many times do you see a Meph run or XXXX Run where the last 10% of life is the slowest because no one is doing damage and just spam clicking around the boss in order to “try” to get the drops. I’ve seen plenty of games where the item is instantly gone the split second it touches the ground. This also means range classes get the shaft since you can’t loot at range and killing a boss in MP at range just means you’ll never get any good loot.
So thus either way you go solo or resign that you’ll never get any loot in MP.

And hence why I said as well, make a toggle option on a per player basis. Want Ploot, turn it on knowing that you wont see “that” much drop compared to shared 8 player run but at least your maybe getting something.
Theres leechers in both methods so adding it wont change the current state of game anyway. Its still up to the RNG gods on what drops anyway. If anything Leechers are the ones that would be hurt by ploot since they wont be able to get Everything for doing nothing.


I am really hoping they prevent scripts from auto picking up items. That is something I hope the new Bnet client will detect and punish.

Heres to hoping at least.

Just though of a nother way of hybridizing ploot and shared loot. Items that drop for a few seconds are assigned to a specific player before they are shared to all.
This would solve the complaint that leechers with ploot would stay WAY far back as it would only be theirs for a second upon drop before it goes full share. Would at least mean they would need to be up in the face of the boss or monsters. The only thing would be it would be weird seeing loot drops “after” a monster dies just appear. But this way, players still get a chance to quick look at something and get it before its fair game to all.


I’m not necessarily advocating for personal loot, but I feel like I should point out that literally no one who wants it is asking for either of these things.

P-loot advocates have been pretty consistent that 1. drop rates should be the same as FFA, and 2. no one not in proximity of the kill is eligible for drops.

There are certainly valid arguments against P-loot, but you should at least try to argue against the things that people are actually asking for. Otherwise you’re just tilting at straw men.