You do not understand what Personal Loot is

Well, they did try to stem the anger at the horrible amazon face, to be fair lol.

To give them some credit they may be taking some time to analyze and figure out what they want to do. This so called “official poll” might be their first step before they start testing things and make official statements. We just have to go by their original reveal statements, which most of us are on board with. If this is true, there is likely no change to the loot system at all, but this is only inferred and anything can happen.

I was stating why some people want the loot to change. I’m sure some people are of this opinion. Personally I’m for FFA loot still.

20 chars of what?

This is like in wow classic. It is the consensus that the char who is currently present takes priority over the “alts” who aren’t present. If there is a paladin in the game with you, his needs are immediately more important than your alternative chars. Regardless it is moot, there is still a 75% chance it won’t go to either of you.

Again your statements only keep proving my point and disproving your own.

At first you state that you know exactly what Personal Loot is (and thus what the devs will do).

Then suddenly in your second statement you are surprised that the devs did something different than you expected.

can you not see the direct correlation?

You can know what personal loot is, but not know what the developers are precisely thinking about its potential implementation and the timing of that implementation. These are very different things.

In fact, I never claimed that the developers would ever definitively have a personal loot option. I did claim that it would be naïve to think that there are not at least giving that as an option at least a small, potentially fleeting consideration. For all I know, it could be about as much consideration as to what toilet paper to use.

I was surprised by the wording not the question theme. It was clear from one of their media interviews that they wanted player feedback. The phraseology of the question was unexpected. I suspect the developers/CMs communicated about what questions in general that they wanted feedback but the actual writing was left to the CMs. This then went through the Blizzard process before being sent out.

There is no direct correlation.

This was my point. This inference can be easily justified. It still may be incredibly unlikely. We will just need to wait and see.

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Automatic loot distribution I think would be what would happen if they ever did a change to the D2:R loot system. It wouldn’t have to be that complicated. It would be entirely random. This would require less effort than inventing an entirely new drop system. You’d just be locking the loot that was dropping as it normally would. Basically you’d be copying Path of Exiles loot allocation system without actually changing what was dropping.

You would not have to worry about “pally shields” because there would be no logical reason to distribute loot based on whether or not you’d use it on that character. People collect loot for alts, friends and trade in D2 anyway. If you didn’t want it and wanted to give it to someone else in the game you could toss it on the floor or trade it to them.

I also think you’d probably have a limited distance in which you did distributed loot (uniques and rare runes wouldn’t be unknowingly dropping across the map for you) and perhaps a timer so if they don’t pick it up after X amount of time it becomes universal loot and anyone can pick it up. Or as in PoE’s “Permanent Allocation” loot option, it would be yours until you left the area, then it would become universal loot. Perhaps “left the area” could instead mean traveled a certain distance away from it.

If they also have a loot filter system similar to PoE or even if not, your drops of a certain quality and type could also appear on the map.

If you wanted to get a bit fancier, you could combine this system with loot filters and have an auto-release type system where loot you know you don’t care about would be auto-released to public loot as soon as it dropped for you so you didn’t have to bother picking it up and throwing it back down to give it away. PoE doesn’t go that far though I don’t believe.

Here is the description of how PoE loot allocation works from a PoE wiki:

Item allocation is the system by which dropped items are assigned to members of a party. Each area instance has an allocation setting which is fixed when the instance is created. This will default to the party leaders default allocation setting, which can be changed in the options panel, or changed for a specific party in the social panel.

An allocated item will be greyed out to other players and they will not be able to pick it up. However, alert sounds or visual effects will still play for all players.

There are currently 3 allocation options:

  • Permanent Allocation:

Once allocated to a player, the allocation is set until that player leaves the area.

  • Short Allocation:

The allocation lasts 5 seconds then becomes available to all players.

  • Free for All:

No items are allocated.

The allocation will only assign the following items, all others are always considered free-for-all:

  • Unique items
  • Equipment with 6 sockets or 4+ links
  • Currency
  • Maps
  • Gems
  • Vaal fragments

Allocation is cleared if the item is picked up and dropped again, if the assigned player leaves an area, or if 5 minutes pass.

In D2 you’d have to change it from “party” to anyone in the game that was around since you don’t have to be in a party.

No you can’t. Nothing you have said proves you can. My entire post was saying that you cannot, and simply stating “you can” does not disprove that. In fact I can invalidate your argument immediately by saying that I think personal loot is different than what you think it is. At that point the definition of Personal loot is split 50/50. Being as how it is now split 50/50, my argument stands.

So the only way you can prove your argument is by convincing me (and the entire community) that personal loot is what you have decided it is. In order to do this you are going to have to make a pretty convincing argument with some hard data.

If I say the sun is a star and you say it is not, it does not disprove what I said is factually correct.

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Yeah but you are describing an entirely new system that would be very complicated to create. For example, how would the party leader assign the options? Where would this UI go? What if the party leader turned off the new UI? It just gets more and more complicated, or “fancier” as you describe.

Essentially what you are describing is a series of options customizable by the party leader with variations of auto-distributed loot vs original loot. What about all the people who prefer D3 loot? My argument is that people think they are voting for D3 loot, turns out they voted for PoE loot.

Unfortunately you are just saying, “its not a problem because I don’t think its a problem.” Well, I still think its a problem. If I am looking for pally shields, I’m still getting 87.5% less pally shields dropping compared to original D2.

So you say you can rely on other people to fix the issue. Okay so lets say I jump into a Baal run and I say “Im looking for a good pally shield”. There is a number of things that will happen

A. it will drop for me
B. It will drop for someone else, and they will give it to me out of the kindness of their heart
C. It will drop for someone else, and they keep it because “they might make a pally in the future, who knows”"
D. it will drop for someone else. They know I really need it, so they try to sell it to me, at a high mark up.

none of this is like the original D2. All of this changes the game in a significant way.

Open any information about astrology and it will define the sun as a star, and I lose my argument. All I’m asking is to show me the information instead of just saying words. Neither of us would know the sun is a star if people didn’t go out there and prove it and provide the data. The first time someone said the sun is a star, nobody believed them. No amount of taking would convince them, they needed to show their data and convince people.

But you don’t have the data, because there is none. So you just keep saying you are right because you know you are right because you said so.

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Wasn’t this already discussed in their videos?

No they didn’t say anything about loot. Only changes to stash size, shared stash, stats page and gold pickup (in addition to the new graphical overlay). They said nothing about this, probably because they knew it was controversial and they were planning on not making changes.

Wasn’t loot diving part of the fun in Baal runs? Everyone crowded the boss just before they died and everyone dived in for the loot. Not only did that give longevity and purpose to keep doing Baal runs, but it also gave more value to the drops. Loot diving is like a mini-game in itself.


I think the community is split on this, that is why its such a hot issue. A lot of people don’t think it was good or fun. Also auto-pickup hacks made it impossbile to ‘compete’ in this mini game. Nobody likes a fixed game.

The longevity and purpose to doing Baal runs was that it was the best way to level up, whereas (generally solo) MF boss farming was the way to loot up.

I say was but, you can jump in right now and experience this for yourself, its still the same today as it was 20 years ago.

These players seem like they all want convenience.

Loot Dive : Player Choice : Single Player vs Multiplayer

I could care less about convenience. Autopick programs can’t be beaten, and they could be much worse in D2R.

Auto-Pickup is lame.

I mean, agreed. There are really only two options to combat it though, and very few people are advocating for bind on account. Personal loot is the only other way to help combat it.

E: I suppose even with BoA you’d need personal loot as well so, nvm I guess personal loot is the only option to help combat autopick. Ugh.

Auto-pickup is just another third party program used to destroy gameplay. Just like any third party program is used to take out any effort to play.

When someone isn’t going to play the game themselves, then I don’t want to play with them. I personally would like to see all third party programs, be banned from multiplayer content.

That inconvenience is what makes games exciting.


i think you and everyone else is constantly missing the actual only point that matters. And that is that no matter what loot-system diablo 2 used, it should and will continue in D2R because it is a remaster, not a remake. A revamped loot system is not a “minor QoL change”, which are the ONLY changes the D2R devs have said they will even consider. Anyone thinking a survey is going to change the D2R devs entire point of view is delusional at best.

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Are you fine if it’s in an optional patch, though, with new uniques/ runewords?

Do you consider a dedicated charm inventory a QoL improvement or is tht something that affects core gameplay?

I wouldn’t mind seeing a balance patch.

But only enough to make many unusable abilities viable again. As many abilities become redundant and need something. Maybe even a few new uniques, sets or rune words. And these additions should be considered very carefully, as to not destroy the game outright.

They have a group of statisticians who do user research who would be the team who does the questions and study design based on what the Devs want to learn.

Yes, yes it is. We know exactly how Blizzard implements it.

  • Personal loot means when you kill a mob or loot an object the loot is generated off the loot table for YOU and only you can pick it up.

  • FFA means when anyone in the game kills the mob or opens the chest the game generates a pile of loot that anyone can pick up.

Implimentation of that can vary slightly as to if they want personal loot to include spec specific loot for you or not, or how much loot drops in PL vs FFA.

This is all well hashed out in WoW and D3 as examples.

Do not mix the ability to pick up loot on the screen that drops off a boss with TRADE.

That is a separate consideration after the inital loot type.

Because BattleTags allow the text part to be the same as other players you can get multiple with the same “name” at first glance.

Leviathan - 1356 (streamer)
Leviathan (CS/Tech MVP)
Leviathan -1227 (this thread)

They are not the same person.