If you make personal drops your not faithful to d2

Personal drops to keep the same economy. Same rush to get an item. Real farming is done with a friend or solo with high mf, but fun rush for items during quest in a public game is part of diablo. Even asking is a slap in the face to many d2 fans im a reasonable whos up for more content but dont screw with the basics. This is NOT a quality of life change.


stop making new threads, post in one of the 30 already up - can a mod not merge these stupid threads please


I have 101 posts and about 5 are my threads. How about you dont tell me what to do goof ball, the fact they just put this in a survey deserves multiable threads calling them out

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It’s a change many people want and can be done in a way you can choose not to utilize it. You are the one trying to impose your will on others.


one thread is enough broski , multiple threads just make it hard for blizzard to read feedback.

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Oh I want diablo 2 designed like how diablo 2 was, how selfish of me. xD. Uh how am I not gonna utilize it? It greatly effects the economy and multiplayer in general, how old are you?


No it doesn’t. I am old enough to have been able to drink when D2 came out and I was there on launch day buying it.

You can not utilize it by making it an option on game creation. Don’t join games that use it.

It will not change the economy in any way since the amount of drops would be the exact same.

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Stop drinking then clearly killing your brain cells if you dont know how personal loot effects the economy. If they tried to balance it and everyone gets 1/8th the normal drops your gonna see the game collapse and people rage quit fast as d3. Having to filter out half the games is a dumb thing to do, everything a filter, now how about people who want additions to the game, a expansion for that, lets just devide everyone by 100 ways in different modes to satisfy everyone instead of keeping the bare basics of d2s gameplay :nerd_face:

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Nice english there, check your own brain cells out.

You will not see the game collapse due to personal loot at all. Just keep making things up. The amount of loot in play will be the exact same.

Having to filter is not dumb, there is no more useast/west etc.

Adding an option to have personal loot or not is not “100 ways in different modes” but EXCELLENT strawman there bro.


There’s nothing preventing them from playing single player or making their online games private. They’re imposing change, regardless of whether said change is an option or not. The advertisement was clear; the Diablo 2 we know and love. Knives isn’t being an imposition on the development team or what has been advertised, they are. Your insolence is astounding.


Yeah we already do that. Anyone who is after loot is playing solo anyway after they level up. Adding an option for personal loot would mean more people in pub games.

The advertisement was clear, they are open to changes. Your insults are pathetic and reflect more on you than the person you are aiming them at.


It would mean that casuals getting loot for hugging pillars on baal runs.
d2 had a long way with useless leechers anyway. Dont need to give them free loot also.

Btw “Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.”
Personal loot is not classic gameplay. And i never seen Blizz stated that they considering personal loot.


Just add bots to your games if you want the illusion of social interaction. You’re not going to interact with anyone of them anyway.

Lol it’s very understandable I could fix it up with better grammar but its a forum post not a book. “advertisement was clear”
ibb(dot here)co/8mn7V2j
Can you do me a favor and read that and post it after you do so?

I read it. You can both preserve the original gameplay experience AND make optional updates/ improvements. This was clearly advertised. Specifically, the original D2 experience was clicking on gold. You can still do that; however, there is a selectable on/off option to have auto-gold pickup.

The advertising is completely true in that it preserves AND makes different options available.

Literally says its preserving the same GAME PLAY as diablo 2 not the same “experience”. Additions are fine but gameplay changes should be off the table. Putting personal loot isnt a quality of life change. Gameplay changes are different then qol and updates that include additions or balance. The item hunt forumla is one of the main cores of gameplay…

Clicking on gold is the original gameplay. You may call auto-gold pickup a QoL feature but clicking gold was the actual D2 gameplay.

Now, you can argue that it is an minor/insignificant change to D2 gameplay but then who decides where the line is drawn. Where is the line between QoL and core gameplay. In Blizzard’s survey according to a screenshot, it had charm inventory listed under QoL. I suspect that you do not agree but that is how Blizzard listed it.

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Nobody cares about gold its virtually worthless in the d2 economy thats why people dont care much it wasnt even worth clicking on all those 1 gold coin drops. A big reason it was done is for console players. Items however are totally different.
“who decides where the line is drawn”
you acknowledge theres a big line between gold and items right?
There you go.
As for if its a good idea or not thats why this thread among others was made and thats why it was rejected in the poll question.
I disagree with a charm inventory just because its dumb and doesn’t make sense how you will have space for charms but not for items just seems like a way to take a decision away from indecisive people, but I could live with it over this level of change.

The poll question result for personal drops was almost dead even. Did you read the poll?

Rejected is a strange word.

39% do not want a personal loot option
36% want a personal loot option
13% want a personal loot option with a caveat
12% are not sure

The plurality wanted personal loot.

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