people MF alone because a players get more loot in a single player game than they would if they got 1/8th the loot in an 8 player game… 8 player games DO NOT generate “8x” the loot
THIS is how the loot formula works
this is straight from Arreat Summit… Written by Blizzard North
1 1-(0.75^1) = 0.250 2 1-(0.75^2) = 0.438 3 1-(0.75^3) = 0.578 4 1-(0.75^4) = 0.684 5 1-(0.75^5) = 0.763 6 1-(0.75^6) = 0.822 7 1-(0.75^7) = 0.867 8 1-(0.75^8) = 0.900
if you suddenly add “personal loot” and evenly distribute that in a way where no more loot would be generated
it would just be that number divided by the amount of players
1 (1-(0.75^1) )/1= 0.250 2 (1-(0.75^2))/2= 0.219 3 (1-(0.75^3))/3 = 0.192 4 (1-(0.75^4))/4 = 0.171 5 (1-(0.75^5))/5 = 0.153 6 (1-(0.75^6))/6 = 0.137 7 (1-(0.75^7))/7 = 0.124 8 (1-(0.75^8))/8 = 0.113
thats what would happen…
how many people “asking per personal loot” know they will see and have access to LESS THAN HALF the loot from their 8 player game than they would in their single player game.
THIS is why people farm alone
not because "we are worried about “people taking loot”… its the GAME DROPS MORE ITEMS per person when PLAYING ALONE
adding “personal loot” wont stop people from solo farming
it won’t make it so you get the “same amount of drops” playing alone as u would in a party
the ONLY thing that is going to do is make it VISIBLE how much LESS loot per person is generated in a full game than in playing alone.
now tell me? are YOU going to farm items in a party?
people play as a PARTY when they want EXP, NOT when they want drops.
if you add “personal loot”
you wont “magically” get some scenario where everyone farms together.
what you WILL do is remove all the people who are doing service runs, because WHY THE HELL would i “help you level” if i get LESS loot from being in a party with you.
now if u understand this… and STILL wants personal loot… ok
but i want you people to at least UNDERSTAND what you’re asking for.