Poll - personal loot

I already have in multiple posts. Search my post history. My point was there are major differences in the economy due to the transition to modern battlenet. It is a weak argument to say we don’t know so don’t change when undeniable change is on the horizon.

Still looking where blizz confirmed ploot.

Yeah, transition to modern battlenet is a transition that the D2R team think is a must. The latency and accessibility improves are something that almost all players want, you won’t see a player that will say “But I prefer a laggy playstyle” or “I love being disconnected frequently while inside a room”.

When you propose changes like personal vs FFA loot, you’re talking about a feature that a lot of people consider a “golden nugget” from D2. I personally like FFA loot, and know that this is MY opinion.

Changes like that are about opinions, not about thesis and proving with mathematics, I really don’t care if an successful economist tells that FFA or personal loot is better, I’ll just prefer FFA because this is fun for me.

They’re producing D4 and D2R at the same time.

Would this be trying to please different groups?

Of course, I did not, but I also never counted cheats to the core parts of the game lol…

I know, we already discussed that and you still have to incorporate the variance into your considerations…

Check again. The statistical variance of a binomial distribution is σ. The square root of the variance is the standard deviation.

σ = npq = SD^2

σ =variance in the binomial distribution
n = number of total events
p = probability of “success” event
q = 1 - p = probability of “failed” event
SD = Standard deviation = σ ^ 0.5 = square root of the variance

The personal loot debate is pretty funny. I do not think people know how minor of a change it actually would be. If you think about how you find your items, it is almost 100:1 private vs public games. You are in public games to quest and level and you find 99% of your items in solo games.

Regardless of this being implemented (i could care less) my game play will not change at all.

I’ve already pre-purchased the game, and will not rEfUnD the game if there is personal loot added, i’m not a child, either way personal loot or not, it’s a game that helped me through my childhood, and teenage years, I will play it and love it, sure I don’t want personal loot, but if thats what they go with, so be it, it’s not going to break the game if they at least balance it correctly.

All the threads and posts complaining about personal loot, is pathetic. Yes I made a thread about this issue and my thoughts on it, but at the end of the day, it’s a video game, they will do what they can to make both sides of the community happy, weather that be add personal loot or not, or just have a option on game creation to enable it or not enable, with or without a penalty for using it or not.

As a community, we all love Diablo 2, and some are new to the game waiting for the release, but we all need to come together as one big happy family and show the Devs love and how thankful and excited we are for the company instead of fighting and yelling at each other about the changes they are doing and aren’t doing, they did say a few years back that a Diablo 2 remaster was impossible because they lost so much of the source code due to a back up failure, so honestly, we need to think of the amount of hard work they have/are doing to bring us a classic master game into the modern age with a remaster such as this.

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Did you not already buy the game to be able to even post on this forum?

  • “Mind like parachute - only function when open." - Charlie Chan at the Circus (1936)

Refund? Think harder.

Good more server space for the rest of us. You still have the dated version from the last century.

Yes. That is true. There is alot of casuals. They need alot of space.

Dude! The variance, as well as the standard deviation increases with the sample size. We discussed all that in detail already. The longer you play, the longer are the periods, in which you either find a lot good items or a lot bad items. Both does statistically increase. So if you play enough ladders, you will have a whole bad ladder, if the ladder is too short. That’s, why I am NOT talking about the expectation value, NOT about the relative error, but the absolute variance.

Yes we did. The expected frequency of hot/cold spells do not change as a function of time but as a function of n. Simply put, since you play more, you will observe more events that are towards the edges of the binomial distribution if you subdivide into smaller n. It does not change their inherent frequency.

And that‘s why this is only true on average, but not in every ladder, if the ladder is too short. Personal loot increases this effect.

How many drops on average does a typical player get during a ladder season in multiplayer games? If you play single player, personal loot versus FFA loot does not matter.

I can calculate the variance or SD. As I showed above, as the number of drops increases the ratio of the standard deviation/expected average decreases. In a season (assuming you play multiplayer with regularity), the standard deviation is quite modest in comparison to the expected average.

Ofc it makes no difference in single player. But on Bnet it does, for the mentioned reasons.

For your information askavenger:
The guy with 300mf doesn’t have much dps, which is why he’s able to have 300mf.
All he/she has to do to make full gg drops occur is make the last killing blow on the i85 level elite.

The other guys have the full on dps.

One of the big issues with talking about D2R is there is no true resume for your D2 credo.

But one ignorant line in a post lets us know you don’t know what you are talking about.

Lol 300 mf is soe easy to achive. You almost dont need to sacrifice dmg for that amount of mf. Good thing you know so much from d2.

Not to mention a Barb, in theory, could dual wield babas with Ist’s on W, and get the killing blow with them. Or a Gull if you had nothing else.