The reason why higher drop rates will follow after personal loot

Or play with people you know.


Or play with 7 other people that have all opted into personal loot. It shouldn’t have any influence on how you play the game.

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You do understand what would happen with ploot right? Bots would be running private baal/chaos runs instead of public ones


In your scenario where there are 8 players and 4 Baal total item drops, 4 players always get nothing. It does not matter whether drops are FFA or instanced/personal loot.

This argument applies to both FFA and personal loot.

About that:
Lets think rationally about this.

There are 2 players in a game. One player clears the entire map and kills all the monsters. The other player just chills in town.

If the “town” character goes to that “cleared” map, how much loot will he obtain from monster drops in

  1. D2 FFA loot?
  2. Personal loot like in D3?

Hint: The answer is

  1. All the loot not collected by player 1
  2. Nothing, nada, zippo, zero, nil

Hence, FFA promotes free loot for leechers when they do not even need to be in the same zone/close proximity of the monster kill. Just chill in town. Let the map get cleared and then go there collect your loot without risk.

At least, a leecher in a personal loot games need to be close to the action and potentially in peril


Okay, so lets for a moment just accept everything that you are saying is true about pickit. I will NEVER get a good item in a public game for as long as I play D2. Now that that is established, lets talk about the topic in the OP. Increased loot drops that will follow because people will QQ over literally not seeing loot drop from bosses.

I believe something else will happen, people stop use ploot and public games will be rare as everyone will run private game to get more loot.

I cant disagree that in a way this does happen. But there will be a difference in seeing good gear drop and not picking it up and playing multiple runs in a row and literally not seeing anything drop out of the boss.

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Let them. The drops rates would be lower, and as such deal less economic damage. This is exactly what I want.


Why would drop rate be lower? Bot will simply join mules.

Saying that you are clearly unaware most bots run solo… but we already established you didn’t play online.

If people whine about drop rates, it is not because of personal loot.

I 100% agree we should push back against drop rate changes. I’m with you on that. I have no argument there.


I’ve played online for the better part of 2 decades…I just play self found now.
I know a lot of bots run solo, and lots run public.


Using said mules still cuts down efficiency of bots. Those mules could be bots instead, running 8p games each. Forcing them to go solo is better. Obviously best if they can ban a lot of them, but every bit counts when combating cheating.


Are you assuming that people in a free for all loot system are leaving good items on the ground for “leechers” that are for some reason waiting in town until the dungeon is cleared to scavenge it like a rat? I have never seen anyone do that, ever. lol

No. I am just demonstrating that scavenging is an issue for FFA and not personal loot.

Your concerns about personal loot leechers is outweighed by ninja looters, cheaters, and pickit users in FFA games.

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I find it funny that is the exact argument for FFA, if a leecher wanted to get loot, they needed to get near the kills, most of them are squishy, they die from greed. Even Baal often would do his aoe and kill newbs prior to drops.

Just weird you try to turn it around. In personal they aren’t in peril, they just need to be within leech distance, a screen distance, any leecher can maintain that, in FFA they need to go to the body.

I am not concerned about personal loot leechers… I am concerned about the inevitability of increased drop chances with a personal loot system because people will be sick of not seeing any loot drop over and over again. People will mostly play private games to avoid putting time into Baal runs to see ZERO items drop. Therefor, I am not for private loot. It isn’t Diablo 2 even outside of the fact the community engagement would change OR loot drop increases will follow.

That will also happen in FFA games, since total drops are the same. Your argument is about drop rates overall and not the loot system.

Community engagement will be different between the 2 systems. In one system, there will be anti-social behavior caused by ninja looters and pickit users. The other system will not be affected by this nonsense, creating a more positive social experience.


I think you could be missing the point I am trying to unfold. It is about drop rates, and it is about the loot system changing to personal loot.

Just for fun lets run through an example.

Lets say you get on for 2 hours and run Baal the entire time. Say a Baal run takes a total of 3 minutes to complete. That would allow you to run Baal 40 times. Let’s also assume you are running with 8 people, with 4 pieces of loot for simplicities sake. 1 hour out of the total 2 hours of playtime (20 runs of Baal) you literally did not even see a single item drop on the ground when you kill him. Not just good gear… any gear, not even a health potion.

Can you honestly say you’re going to be okay with potentially killing Baal 40 times in a 2 hour session, 20 of those runs not even a health potion drops from his dead body? How will that FEEL?

D3 wasn’t a positive social experience.