So do we want more changes or not?

How do you reach this conclusion, since I said Blizzard can decide? Reading this statement from February as shown below, it sounds like I do not really care which was implemented and said let Blizzard decide.

On March 2, I wrote:

So I think your idea that I am against splitting the playerbase is not based in reality.

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I have no problem with mules. Just spoiled d3 grown up players. But shared stash is also not changing the gameplay cus its serves the same goal as mules (bigger inventory but you can move items easier). On the other hand like immunity or ploot cryers are different thing.


Since you and many others have referenced the poll quite often and you want split realms, would it be fair to say we can have a strict remaster realm and a modern realm without personal-loot? Since that wasn’t as popular as some of the other choices. In fact, a pretty large majority of people didn’t want personal-loot at all unless there was a caveat, which there is no reason to believe there would be one. It only seems reasonable that the majority “yes” changes get passed into such a realm. Or would the modern realm be more like a wild west realm where they just throw in changes willy-nilly? I don’t think so.

Anyway, this would be perfect for me.

I think the modern realm can have more optional changes. The most popular would be cow king kill reset.

In terms of the question about the loot system, 39% of respondents wanted to keep the game FFA only. The rest were either unsure (12%) or wanted one of 2 personal loot options.

I do not support a wild west realm where changes are thrown in willy-nilly.

Even if they don’t touch any balancing issues, I would LOVE for them to fix the Amazon zeal ability (forgot the name), the druid fury, and a few things like that. Honestly, some bugs allowing people to skip lowbies to Hell Chaos and such should stop too.

Reality huh? As others also stated back then there is good reason why you hiding your posts and why building up thousands and thousands comments. But was nice try flipp/flopp guy.

These are all from a single post in March 20. I do not think that we need to have separate realms due to an impact on the trade economy.

Just to highlight this senence:

Please note that I said that it does not need to be two distinct realms just based ion a trivial difference in trade economy. There are other reasons that a separation that might be preferred, such ad the hostility between those that favor the status quo and progressives


How you think the salaries of the developer teams who will end up creating 2 different versions of the game are going to be paid for huh?

Ahh pls again very weak try.

Blizzard presumably is releasing D2R to keep interest in the diablo franchise as D3 has aged and D4’s release is far way. If D4 were releasing this year, D2R would not.

My views are far more nuanced than that. Please quote it all and not some snippet out of context. I also clealry state keeping it separate is also possible.

I still believe that if the only factor was the item economy and that was the only change between a strict remaster and modern realm was the additional of optional personal loot, then separate realms would not be necessary, if the pro/anit-ploot advocatess could coexist.

Out of context. Yeah right. You wrote you prefer changes (loot type)on game creation level and not on realm level. You was not talking from economy. This is still very weak lie Micro.

You stilll have not quoted things in context. The post reads in full:

While I wouldn’t mind personal loot, I think the biggest changes I want (outside of the key rebinds we didn’t get for beta :frowning: ) are just some balance updates, and a modern take on ladders to not gate the content so much, especially with the removal of tcp/ip.

Console wise though…I’d love to see more opinions from console players, as I think personal loot and charm inventory would be the big two there, outside of actually having lobbies, since it seems the console versions of D2R are running off of the D3 checkpoint system for multiplayer.

And you still talking from loot and not from economy. 1 post but you talking from 2 seperate things. The truth is that you are exposed flipp/flopp guy and trying to hide behind the usual “out of context” thin excuse.

I thought you’d either go back to the poll or say something about that said “no” to changes no longer being a factor, which would also be true, but we have no idea from that how many people want no changes at all - probably not many. You can’t gather that much from the poll, but taking it at face-value you can get a general idea of which are the most divisive.

You can interpret the question about personal-loot however you want and I have constantly seen people debate it even though it’s pretty black and white to me. Again, there’s no reason to believe there would be a caveat attached to personal-loot so the results for me are: 52% No, 39% Yes, and 12% “I’m not sure” in a poll where people just seemingly clicked “yes” to everything.

Why have another realm and make everything optional when they could just do that on a single realm? I don’t know, I don’t see it, no offense. Everybody will be on the modern realm, and every game may be a little different with different options enabled. I don’t think anybody is/was expecting that. How is something like a charm inventory even an option as well? That affects balance. Maybe the charm inventory part isn’t optional and everybody has it? This is more complex than what I believe VV/Blizz have in mind. If they announce something like that it better be soon because you know some people will be asking for a refund, they always do.

You are correct in that I have changed my view. I initially thought that either optional changes at game or character creation was doable. I have refined that either/or position to favoring separate realms, because it became clear to me that this issue was so contentious, resulting in way too much hostility.

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I would not believe your poll results that sum to 103%.

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52% “no” 36% “yes” 12% “I’m not sure”.

is this finally right?

Except that was not the result of the poll. What I said was accurate. What you said is not.

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