FFA is CORE to D2

This is an interesting assumption you make there.

Not what I would choose, but I would be okay if they started out trying it this way.

Non-ladder: toggle for FFA and Timed Allocation
Ladder: FFA only

Not optimal, but a step forward nonetheless

Honestly, between this and the “ploot in private games” it seems like things are moving. More people are coming around to a solution.

Scrolls and potions should be instantly FFA yeah.
Blues? That is more debatable.
Anyway yeah, 1 person could get shako and shaft while another gets literally nothing. That is how RNG works. And same can happen in FFA too.

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I don’t think that implenting ploot as an option or not is really that simple anymore. As soon as you start debating on details, just like above, you should realize that it is in fact more than adding an option.
I was hoping that people would put more thought into it and realize that it isn’t that simple to do. Even if Blizzard employees or ex Blizzard employees said otherwise.

I have my doubts for the future in regards to this feature.

Yes, because they wanted to remaster an old game and promised little to no change for targeting d3 players.

Logic here <<<

True, the people would stop staring at the item so everyone would then stop to see whats being looked at making the owner either pick it up or everyone standing on it to grab only for 1 person to get and maybe arguing to follow.

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At least we know why Micro has made his post history hidden.
This month i want this, other month i want that. Trustworthy. :laughing:

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He is 100% spam. He is now in panick mode. Thanks to him posting rods tweet it woke up the masses. FFA loot is here to stay. Not even rod is crazy enough to change it now.

His gloating caused this uproar.

In fact it was this post in which you guys wrongly assumed there will never be a change to the looting in d2 and the subsequent gloating and trolling that followed it lol. Pretty sure your name is in there stavros.

It’s not the first time I’ve seen you lot talking about this guy specifically. I saw his name reading on d2jsp too.

Why the attempted character assassination of microRNA lol he’s always been pretty polite to you guys despite the way to conduct yourselves.

I might call all my character’s microRNA just for a laugh. See if you guys will make good on your threats to hunt for his ears when the game is released.

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what character assassination ?

check d2jsp I cba to go and hunt it down for you. Why do you always want me to find your dinner bugles lol

Ploot won’t ever happen in d2. The issues ploot will cause have been explained a thousand times.

ohhh . i will go read. i also like bugles btw :slight_smile: with salt obv

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lol southern style bbq every time :wink:

is what I was replying too but I’ve noticed his name pop up a few times in the last week.

etc etc.

By that logic they should be going PoE’s route with D2 and selling you cosmetics and pets and stash tabs and such.

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How is my post history hidden when you have quoted 3 posts of mine? No one can hide their posts. If you want to see my entire post history, you can use the forum search function. My profile is hidden. For your convenience, my entire post history can be found at the link below:


My views have not changed. Initially I said either of two options were ok. Later, I said I favored one of those options over the other. That does not mean that I am opposed to the other.

For example, I favor being given $100,000 in cash over getting a free new car. That does not mean I do not want a free new car.

In addition, a separate realm has the added advantage of adding more changes than just the loot system.

Trust Level 3


Refund now I guess since ploot will never happen.

We will collect so many ears from them :joy:

Blizzard, one more QoL Change please; Bottomless Bag of Ears.

People probably already did.

But, no, you have zero way of knowing that. Ploot might happen. Or it might not. Doesnt particularly matter, as we are discussing Why and How it should happen.

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It won’t he said it won’t. And if the out cry was indication it won’t be mentioned again.

Blizzard has said similar things countless times, only to turn around. Again and again.
And outcry… there was no outcry, just a few people spamming twitter.

But you are right. Ploot might not happen. Not very relevant for our discussion.

I wish we could focus on QOL changes that aren’t core to game. But I’m sure will get there.