Hyuuuge barb Nerf 2.6.7

Wizard nerfed with 3.5 grift levels. Going from 144 down to about 140.
Barbarian going from a realistic 133-135 down 7 greater rift levels. Micro is nothing but a troll that spread lies.

He was never seen advocating or spamming numbers for Wizards or Necros when they are still op.
Only thing he has ever discussed about is Barbarians.
He together with others like him are the reason it got nerfed to the point it is still below other classes.

Either people thought wwRend was op cause of the seasonal buff.
OR cause someone on non season have 10k paragon points and almost max level gems. That is an insane amount of power.

Wish they would bring back ignore/block function. The amount of false info being spread around and people sitting here trolling, can spam false numbers and contradict themselves on that level is just sad to look at.


I was not those people. I used non-season/era numbers.

You keep saying this after I gave you multiple examples of my past posts where I asked for nerfs to outliers classes including wizards, including during the patch 2.6.6 PTR advocating a nerf to wizards. I will find these quotes and repost them for your convenience.

Here is a good staring point for you. Look at my comments in this thread.

or here

The new forum does not have an integrated ignore function. You could choose to ignore my post or use this as a work-around.

You have NEVER spammed numbers on the Wizard forum or in any relation at all, like you do with Barbarians.
You were never seen when Wizard has been op for several seasons… Nor with Necromancer.
Strange your Dh class is just fine, even better than Barbarian still.
The ONLY forum you visit is the Barbarian one or general chat ABOUT Barbarians.
The only thing you do is spreading false numbers and back out when people got something on you cause you cannot defend yourself.
You have never shown multiple threads where you made tablets like you have with Barbarians.
You have never been seen spamming with any class BUT Barbarians.

2 threads = no tablets.
2 vs how many Barbarian threads have you messed up by now?
Quite frankly you are one sad human being. You targeted Barbarians, saying they should get buffed. When they reach the level of Dh, Wd, Wizard and Necromancer, you then go on with “oh it’s fine Blizzard nerfed them”.
Making Barbarians more weak, again.
“Oh but what about Monk”. Go pull numbers for Monk then… Barbarians shouldn’t be forced into a zdps class and should be viable. Should other classes be that as well? Sure. But Barbarians have suffered the most.

This is the last time I will respond to you. Otherwise I will keep telling people to ignore you, cause you are nothing but a pityful troll not knowing anything.
People with more knowledge has shown us that you were wrong. You cannot even defend yourself.
Good on Free and others for not having the scratch to tell you to P off.

Damn you are one sad individual. Ruining stuff for others cause you have it out for Barbarians.

While I cannot ignore, all of my flag points are going towards you for the sole reason of you being a troll and spreading false info.


So I still want to see the patch notes because:

  1. The screenshots were from console, some things differ from both versions due, I just want official patch notes so I can judge myself.

  2. The new buffs to crusader seemed extremely overturned, so far as it might effectively be the best build, ever. It shouldn’t be that way.

  3. I want to confirm the starpacts nerf, if it really is happening or not, all of this is some speculation since there’s no official notes released.

This OP might be of interest to you.

Since it was on console, I still hold my judgment because both versions play a bit different.

If starpact is nerfed then perfect.

Although there are some differences in consoles vs. PC, my recollection is that all set bonuses and item modifiers are identical between the 2 platforms. Until the final patch notes are released, I think nothing is “final”.

For all of you who engaged the “nerf barb campaign”, you are all a pathetic piece of trash. Blizz can ban me for saying this, I don’t care. I will never trade honesty for polite words.

You are the ones who ruined this game, and will probably do the same to Diablo IV if Blizzard continues to listen to you


Just to add: I play this game since its launch and I’m only 1500 para because of sh!t like this. This kind of nonsense that drives me playing Path of Exile and Grim Dawn. It’s just mental how Blizzard can’t make Barbarian good, despite TONS of solid feedback and number crunching from players more experienced and patient than I’am.


Keep it coming barbs. They heard the war cry of all them idiots screaming for nerfs. Let them hear ours!!! WE HAVE DESERVED THESE BUFFS FOR TOO LONG. If they don’t like it then too gd bad. Blizz you OWE it TO THE ENTIRE BARB COMMUNITY TO STAY TRUE TO YOUR WORD. Keep these posts rolling my barbarian brothers and respond and give feedback to every revert the nerf post out there. This cannot go on uncontested we need to go kicking and screaming.


you mean from 145 to 141, darkpatator just did a 145 live on eu and there also might be more potential so gz the nerfed chantodo might be stronger than ww/rend before the nerf

It’s not a might be. It is still stronger. Cause wwrend was nerfed with around 7 levels.

i meant ww/rend before the 7gr nerf so 140 vs 141/142 and now 133 vs 141/142 which is ridiculous (with chantodo 145 live and nerfed to 141/142)

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Barbs finally get buffs.

5 min later:

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Excluding lamentation, I think all the other barb buffs are gong live.

chantodo only got nerfed to around 142 so thats why the barb down to 133 or 135 is too much of a nerf. Also my main problem with nerfing barb is now rats is king again for group speeds. I would rather have rend equal to rats and if it’s too strong in solo you can buff other solo specs.

Seriously man, get lost


what you have to say. You’ve already done enough for the barb community…


What if the Blizzcon PTR is a build prior to the Lamentation changes or it is a mere display error. You all sound crazy.

That being said. Do we even know if the Rend buff on Lamentation was an additional multiplier? What if the Rend damage was just additive to the Rend damage from Waste and/or shoulders/chest.

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Support Free’s thread. Don’t let the rend nerf go live:

From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

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