[Forum] MUTE/IGNORE function - an easy solution with Adblock

As per request of the forum community, here is the way to mute a user in the current forum platform (Discourse v2.2.5):

  1. Download an extension called Adblock Plus for your browser
  2. If you already have Adblock, check its version - you need v3.0 or higher for the :-abp-has() class to work
  3. Go to Adblock settings, click on advanced and find the section with the custom filters you can add by yourself aka “My filter list”

You can add the following filters depending on what you want to block:

To block AAA posts where AAA is the user forum ID:

To block BBB threads where BBB is the user battle tag:

Easiest way to find the battle tag of the user is to hover over his name with the mouse. Then go to the .json file and view his forum ID (it is the first number in the first line), just as you can read his trust level.

To open the .json file of BBB where BBB is the user battle tag:


thanks ofc for this effort, but:

solutions are always offered as tasks to do by every player;
-let the devs make a game-server based solution for all QOL approved requests.

Didn’t work!!!

My Adblock+ version is 3.6.3.

Ok the thread thing worked, Adblock just takes a couple seconds to vamoose the threads on the front page. But I can still see posts.

Refresh browser - F5.

I refreshed it 20+ times, didn’t work. Forum ID is the same as battletag, isn’t it?? Or is it the username without the number? Because I’ve tried both combinations and nada.

No. Forum ID is a number given depending on when you registered.

Also, here is some code for those forum users that prefer the reply box to be on top, not on bottom (you can also play with the numbers to adjust it at whatever height you want):

1] For Mozilla - Add this to your userContent.css file:
@-moz-document regexp(".*blizzard.com/en/d3.*") {
#reply-control.open { height: 354px !important; margin-bottom: 454px !important; }
#reply-control.fullscreen { height: 100vh !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; }

2] For Chrome - Add this to your Styler extension css code:
#reply-control.open { height: 354px !important; margin-bottom: 454px !important; }
#reply-control.fullscreen { height: 100vh !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; }