Hyuuuge barb Nerf 2.6.7

They changed lamentation belt from 200% increased damage to rend to “rend can now stack up to 2 times on an enemy”.


That was the old affix on lamentation. Why do you think the lamentation affix changed relative to patch 2.6.7 PTR?

Lord fluffy’s Twitter has a pic of it up along with the new set revisions on bloodsheds and thapchilds twitters. New crusader set got a huuuuge buff with heavens fury now incorporated and some other changes. Monk got a buff too but it’s hard to say how big it is.

Thanks for the info. If this is the only change to barbs, I most likely will play them in S19.

Indeed. New crusader set seems OP now since the 6 piece is 20k increased damage from foh and heavens fury and dark light has a 1k damage modifier now, plus the crusader shield that adds damage to heavens fury. But I don’t want to be the fun police so I won’t comment on it being OP.


I will need to check out better the monk changes to see if/how much this will help bring this class up relative to their ability to clear high GRs.

4 piece adds damage reduction, 6 piece adds flat 15k damage modifier after using tempest rush and sweeping wind.

Well done. Your campaign to spoil Barbarians having fun worked…

In case it wasn’t obvious, I’m being sarcastic when I said “Well done”.


I said bring lamentation from 200 to 100, not nix the entire change. Seems obvious blizz devs went their own way.

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The screenshots on the changes are from the console version. Given consoles don’t get to participate in the same PTR and the fact PTR’s do have bugged drops at times (legacy items drop instead of the changed ones) this isn’t a 100% confirmation. If a dev comes out and says it or updated patch notes then yeah…


We will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to find out for sure.

I would hardly call a 67% nerf slight.


Slight? removing x3 multiplier is “slight”???

x2 is typically 5 gr, x3 is about 7-8 GR levels. Forgive me, I am a bit rusty, I did not play Diablo for couple of years, but I think GR scaling was not changed meanwhile.


Lamentation still might be useful. Don’t jump to conclusions until you actually test it. Could also be other buffs to other items for non ww builds that weren’t posted.

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Which one of you donkey droppings thinks this is good?

Which one of you turds thought a “small” nerf was warranted?

Atrocious. Y’all and the try-hard PTR players should be ashamed of yourselves.


I’m trying to wait until the patch notes hit for my full response. I will most definitely get a forum ban if this nerf sticks.


You and me both…

While I don’t agree with any nerf, I can understand, given the mass stupidity present on the forums, if the devs nerfed Lamentation slightly.

But nuking a 200% bonus?

Holy crap.

The community is gonna go nuclear.


Ya, if Rend is the new damage dealer, than 200% leg affix is indeed x3 multi and it is anywhere between 5-7 GR less damage. Now, does stacking rend twice do anything good? Is there another belt/armor slot that can take it’s place?

Also, this looks like Morticks, and the “ploughing thru 124’s”. The “famous” ploughing warranted a nerf because RXT secured a clear on PTR. Needless to say, nerf estimated at “only couple” GR levels actually yield result of 6 GR levels nerf. This looks exactly the same.

TY Dark potato or whatever your name is.


What would be funny is if they moved the 200% into the set and no one looked.
It would still be a nerf without the 2x Rend but may open up other gear choices.

Test what? That a 67% damage reduction makes the build weaker?

People who only care about WW aren’t going to care if Slam or HOTA get further buffs when WW is getting nerfed.