Does anyone actually have any hope for Diablo 4?

I was just considering joining in on the wave of sharing our hopes and dreams for the future of the franchise; Diablo 4, letting Blizzard know what I’d like to see, but then it struck me that it’s really kind of pointless. We, the community, can’t even agree among ourselves, and there are far too many voices for anyone to be heard. Ultimately, I believe Blizzard will choose a direction based on what they want to do, and what they’d like to see.

What I’m curious to hear about is whether or not anyone has any actual, real hope that Blizzard will deliver something worthwhile with Diablo 4. Are you hyped about this game, even in the slightest?

Personally, I’m expecting nothing more than a carefully crafted busy-simulator with loot boxes, seasonal passes, brain hacking and micro transactions.


You might know something in 2 days.

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No. I will wait until the game is actually out, and is not a 2 inch deep childish piece of crap before assuming it will be as amazing as Diablo 1 or 2. Any faith I had in the company with regards to Diablo, was obliterated LOOOOOOOOONG before they decided to create and deploy a stupid little phone game…


Some kinda event upcoming?

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OP - here’s a few existing threads you may find interesting:


Cosmetic only micro transactions could be great if the money is put back into the game for further development and patches. PoE isn’t my jam but that is at least one thing they got right.


As long as they stick to cosmetics only and don’t add loot boxes, I wouldn’t mind.


I doubt loot boxs. Federal government is stepping in on that. And is prob worth more trouble than its worth. Like teens sticking to mom and dad using there credit cards. Hoping for a bot free D4? Nope bots invade everygame. New is the glamor here.

Too many cooks spoil the pot. It takes a vision and a skilled team plus time.
Blizzard has the skilled people, they have the time - what this community fusses about is the vision. And Hoodling, that is the 64000 $ question, does Blizzard have the vision to pull this off. I leave that answer for the coming days/weeks depending on how much, if anything is revealed.


I’m trying to be optimistic about it, but I can’t help feeling skeptical about the situation.

Hoping for the best but ready to reject and move on if they let us down again.

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I don’t. But I’m not an Activision fan, just a Diablo fan who hasn’t bought anything from them since Reaper of Souls so my opinion is worthless.

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That’s well said. I used to have faith in Blizzard’s ability to create quality games, but the direction of this “ActiBlizz” monster seems to have changed from quality to quantity.



Nope, not really. There are currently no reasons for true fans of the franchise to be hopeful when one considers, that we don’t know who’s working on the game.

For there to be hope, Blizzard must hire people, who actually enjoy and understand the franchise… and most importantly, D2:LoD.
If you don’t understand and enjoy D2:LoD, you wont know what the player base actually wants out of a Diablo game, which is why D3 sucked and remains lame to these day.

I highly doubt BlizzCon will give me any hope. They’ll show a character or two, a zone or two. The only things we’ll get to see is if they’ll have atmosphere and graphics, that fit the franchise. That’s it.

And… while atmosphere and graphics, that fit the franchise are important, that’s not what kept players playing D2:LoD for years. It was the character progression system (stats, skills), the itemization system and the trading.
If the game doesn’t have those parts right, it will die like D3 did.

They wont show those this year, or at least I highly doubt, that they will. So what is there to give me hope?

Agree on what with whom? What community are you talking about?
The true Diablo players (out of which the Diablo community is comprised of) left the game shortly after the release. Now they’ve left these forums as well.

Nowadays, you can read the most nonsensical garbage on these forums and see it upvoted, while reasonable criticism and/or suggestions from real fans are ignored (and on the previous iteration of the D3 forms, they were downvoted).

The only thing Blizzard needs to do is, that they should make the game appeal to their core Diablo players, instead of trying to appeal to every single noob out there, that has never touched a Diablo game before, because in the process they’ll alienate the core Diablo players… just like it happened with D3.

The only thing I can agree on is as follows:
D2:LoD was an awesome game, with minor flaws (which can be forgiven considering, that the game came out 19 years ago and despite those, it’s still a solid game even for today’s standards).

D3 is a garbage game overall, and only has with few minor improvements going for it (such as the interface, the shared stash and the inventory size). That’s it.


I do yet have hope. It’s a bit more reserved than it used to be. But I imagine the Blizzard folks have doubled down on making this game as good as they can. It’s a matter of pride for them (I think) as this community and many others have challenged them.

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I don’t understand all the hype with D4 if it probably ends up the same as D3 did with constant buff and nerf rollercoaster or removing the most FUN aspects of the game…


I couldn’t agree more.

I can’t really put a finger on anything specific. It’s just my overall impression of the community (and by that I mean this forum community) after years of reading posts and offering suggestions. Anyone offering a suggestion, no matter who they are or what they say, are flayed alive and keelhauled by the mob.

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im looking forward to D4.
im looking forward to a modern take on Diablo, with more modern understanding of the mathmatical models that play better than the calculus we are currently using.
im looking foward to realistic numbers that dont require scientific notation.
im looking forward to a slower play speed, both in actions and progression.
im looking foward to content that isnt stale, that i havent done a hundred times or more.
im looking forward to a new system pf progression and skills.
im looking foward to possible new methods of play and concepts.

but at the same time, i dont want to lose the core of what diablo is… diablo is a beer and pretzels hack and slash. People use ARPG a lot, but its not really. you can 100% ignore all RPG elements and just power through. thats a good thing when you are doing the same content for the 100th time.
i dont want to see the game grow to more complicated controls. (i like 4 key play)
i dont want to see the game go to using combos (press 3 4 then 3 again or you miss the x2 bonus!)
i dont want the game to become a mmo with a diablo skin.
i dont want trade systems ruining the solo player game by making loot too rare.
i dont want the solo game to ruin the multiplayer game by making loot too common.
i dont want to see grind groups at release similar to what we have now with rifts… IE the game should not progress so quickly that people are left repeating “end game” content over and over within the first month or so.

i can go on, but i think the point is there.


I know i’d skip D4 if it comes with always online DRM. Always Online is BS.


I get it. Yes, throughout the first few years there were real players, fans of the Diablo franchise on these forums. Yes, some of those (including myself) would provide reasonable criticism, as well as good suggestions.

Throughout the last year or two, those players moved on to other games. Games like Path of Exile or Warframe are much closer to what Diablo used to be, than a game like Diablo 3.

Like I said, and like you yourself must have noticed, nowadays good suggestions get ignored (and on the old forums they were downvoted), while utter garbage gets upvoted.

Let me say it, so that it’s clear. You should not feel or see those as part of the Diablo community. Hell, you don’t know if those are a mob. For all you know, it could be one or two sad blizzard employees with admin privileges and a bunch of shills. Those are not real games.

You might wanna watch this video, as it will explain some things in simple terms better than I could:

Again, for all you know, those individuals spilling garbage on these forums could be the new aspiring shills, that hope to get propped to fame over the battle net app. I don’t care about them and neither should you.

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