What are your minimum requirements to pay for D4?

D4… LOL , these people are hopeless… must be one of the Rhykker sheep… unreal…

Truth of the matter is that y’all will buy it no matter what. The only requirement is that it’s called Diablo 4.


I think I’ll wait for months before I make any move on buying any new games. Even BL3 couldn’t budge me and I doubt a potential “D4 battle royale lootershooter- ARPG edition” could make me pre-order anything.

D2 lacked an infinite scaling difficulty, it used its PK threat as a last challenge. Unfair? Nobody said it would be fair. While it can be tweaked somewhat I believe it added some depth to the game.

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Personally, I don’t believe the depth it added was worth the harassment of pve players.

I concur.

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OP - I think you are setting yourself up for a big let down.

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What are your minimum requirements to pay for D4?

reply: That the game be realeased :wink:


If it’s a good game I’ll buy it at full retail if not then no I won’t.
I don’t have an itemized litmus test, it won’t be difficult to tell if it’s good or not either.

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Same, I’ll buy D4 regardless of what the internet says. If I like it, I continue to play and purchase future content. If not, I won’t.

I buy very, very few games these days, so it’s not like it’s a zero-sum game or anything.

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Yeah, okay OP, whatever you say. See you in D4 regardless of the features it comes with.

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Except I haven’t played D3 in years. Nice try. Some of us have a backbone and stand behind principles.


Such courage, much bravery.

My requirements to pay for D4 are for it to exist.

If I only get a few hours out of it, oh well. However, I doubt that would be the case, considering I’m closing in on 4300 hours played in D3.

4300 hours on D3? are you always high?

Doubt it; they probably just enjoy Diablo 3. Nothing wrong with that.


fresh and fun

20 characters

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Nah, .065 percent of my time has been spent playing diablo.

I’m mostly interested in a thicc muscled Diablo. I actually don’t mind the D3 version of Diablo. I think it’s interesting being a more agile aggressive Diablo (ala Heroes of the Storm cinematic). Unfortunately the game didn’t do the form justice in terms of gameplay although that’s probably hard to do.

I prefer the Diablo 2 style Diablo.

And while it’s not a deal breaker, I’d love for the game (on assumption it’s coming out) to evolve gameplay and character building, instead of just aping D2. It’s a good game, but games are capable of so much more in terms of skill building.

The important thing is character progression tied to the first 60 (or whatever) levels. The flexibility of the rune system is nice for the first few times you change skills, but it lacks the investment that makes characters important to people.

Even if putting a single point into strength is not interesting, the investment of the player making that simple choice is important. (unless it’s paragon and there’s thousands of levels)

See you on day 1 of d4. You’re not fooling anyone.

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Well I have a GTX 950, and 8 GB of RAM, on a mere 2.8 Ghz processor, so I’d like the minimum requirements be at least that low.

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More sympathetic player exprience. So more immersional exprience at emotional level. Diablo 1 had this in the campaign, where sound effects, level design and game play were emotionally engaging. Both Diablo2 and 3 has lost this. Yes it’s more engaging in a logical manner, but needs more emotional engagement besides all the rage/euphoria associated with rng and online(lag/disconnect) competitive gaming.