Diablo 4 will be a 'dark and gritty modern diablo 2' apparently

If true that would explain a lot. :+1:


The PoE guys were the creators of Diablo and Diablo II. RIP Blizzard North.

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What is wrong with speculating now…believe it or not, some people can control their emotions if let down!

Humanity has not become God’s, a sector of humanity rose above to be godlike. D4 is likely going to focus heavily on the fall of the Neph, and the rise of balance…leading to Tethamet in my opinion, the true prime evil.

Pretty sure it was MM that said it publicly in a post Blizzcon interview in 2015 I believe.

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This is important to note, because the Necromancer DLC brought us some of the most disgusting and horrifying landscapes in D3

Brevik wasn’t in their team until '16 (Oct 18) and Schaeffer brothers are scattered; one keeping it real with Torchlight, other sitting idly by at another studio. I don’t remember any of the brains behind North worked with GGG to develop PoE from scratch.


No, they’re not. You might be talking about the Schaefer brothers (Torchlight), and David Brevik (Hellgate, Marvel Heros). Those guys created Diablo, then Blizzard bought their company and renamed it Blizzard North. They went their seperate ways after Diablo 2.

The Path of Exile guys were huge Diablo 2 fans who set up Grinding Gear Games and made Path of Exile which started out as a love letter to D2. Initially there was just 3 or 4 members of the team (one guy built the whole engine. On his own), but today GGG has over 120 employees.


This is the bad part of GR, but GR is where D3 actually found its own way.

What did you actually want from D3? Imagine they made a D2 remastered, with new items and new story. It would resolve all your complaints about D3, but would you be satisfied with that? NO. D3 must have something new. So does D4.

D3(RoS) IMO really solved many problems of diablo-like games. The solution is the combination of GR, global drop and intelegent drop. It has flaws but it is a great solution.

The problem GR brought is not the problem of GR. It’s the problem of the other things: they’re too boring or frustrating as endgame contents. Not for you, I guess, but for most people else. The only solution is more endgame contents.

They pretty much did early on. Especially when the game director was outed. They did a decent job of salvaging what they had honestly though but It’s still a huge failure imo, We all win if they do make d4 more dark and gritty. They’ll sell many many more copies and we get an actual diablo sequel.

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Couldnt have said this better!

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I like D2, I like D3, and I also like PoE and even Victor Vran. Grim dawn also quite decent.

All have good and bad points. Obviously everyone & their cousins have opinions about what is best.

It’s not an easy balance to satisfy people who want deep games and people who want casual experience. People who want the game to be competitive with the leader board, people who do not, as it forces people to play meta build for instance.

Personally I prefer leaderboard even though I never competitive and not obsessed with playing the most meta build.

Obviously your build needs to be somewhat competitive or you can’t find people to play with you or if you solo, it matters not much.

Depth is harder to balance, having much stuff does make game more complex, but not all complexities are meaningful. For instance, PoE has many modifiers and mechanisms that I think excessive, like accuracies, CI and low life energy shield. If you make an energy shield build, you look for items that enhance energy shield as oppose to life or armor. It makes sure people wear different gears and look for differences stats, but add zero to the gameplay.

Also, physical attacks were treated differently from elemental ( ice, fire, lighting) and again different from chaos damage. Armor only protects physical attacks, elemental resistance only for fire, ice and lighting, and chaos resistance are rare on gears with low value. Also, armor reduces damage by fix value while resistance is by %. Complexity for sake of complexity.

There are however good complexity, if you want to have high block chance, high dot damage, there are many skills, gears to enhance it. In D3? Is there even a single item that enhance DOT?


Oops. Thanks for the correction. I haven’t looked that up in a while. That makes more sense. Can we just have Blizzard North back and get back to enjoying these games?

i use 3-4 barb builds with raekor set alone. add LOD builds, MOTE ice/phys, WW. there is just as many as in d2 or more. having a leaderboard probably gives a false notion everyone uses the same builds.

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Something NEW is not just copy a lot of wow itemization, cooldowns, homogenization and other mechanics. Is bring something new. And if they remaster D2 but adds power creep to it or adds cooldowns it would be a nightmare.

See for eg dark souls 2, they added power stances, added new spells, new types of weapons, but also added awful things like soul memory and ADP. Diablo 3 in other hands only added awful things.


I don’t play wow so l’m not sure what’s wow itemization. If they’re maybe I should be… glad? because I don’t like the way items drop in wow and don’t like 25 man group PVE.

Not sure why you hate cooldowns. Unfortunately cooldown is so basic in modern games and I doubt if the game designers still know how to balance a game without cooldown. The concept also existed far before wow.

Power creep - not those after S12, that’s too much - is actually a way too keep people’s interest on the game. It’s cheap and lazy but effective. I hope the devs can learn how to control it.

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WoW and mmorpg’s popularized the concept who started in a MUD.

But yes, cooldowns are so common among modern games that when i saw any game without cooldown, dark souls, pathfinder kingmaker, etc it automatically becomes much better in my concept.

My point is that there was no CD on D1 and was only added on high CPU intensive skills on D2. Cooldowns doesn’t belong on Diablo franchise.

When i talk about wow itemization and homogenization i mean every lv 70 necro being just a clone of each other and the Barbarian muscle mass being 100% determined by the boots that he is wearing. That is awful.


“Some sort of monetization”

Sorry, can’t include links.

Yuck. I just want to buy a game and play the game. I hate microtransactions.


Come on, if is just a optional skin for your char, what is the problem?


I agree as LONG AS there are still really good cosmetics IN GAME as well, don’t make everyone look generic as hell and try to promote them all for payment

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And no pink llamas or other cartonish cosmetic microtransaction. Vampire skin for necromancer, make your fire golem blue, change the projectile animation, etc should be welcomed. One of many things that i miss about D2 is that armor looks(and works) like armor… Armor IMO should deflect blows and magical/rare/legendary armor should give a minor bonus but not make or break any build.

edit : here is how armor looks on d2


I’m okay with MT cosmetics, however if they are flamboyant I think only the user should see them that way, but from another player’s perspective they are visually subtle.

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