Diablo 4 musts, and must nots

I like all of your “must haves”, and hate all of your “must not haves.”

Bottom line, D2 was a great game, but the endless pressure of timed Greater Rifts is arguably the single best thing in any ARPG game, and must be preserved. I think Paragon as a cross-account accumulation is awesome.

D3 is a great game, and so is D2. Just mush them together!


Why not?
Adventure mode is basically a QoL content for farm/grind, which is a huge part of ARPGs.
If you don’t like 1-2 things about it (let’s say rifts/GRs), then I can agree with you, but I don’t want to have to remember every chapter of every act and know what will spawn there, like we had before Adventure mode was implemented.


He may be implying they integrate endgame into the whole story. I hate to compare to other games but POE integrates mapping after the Kitava fight and the other activities (that I know of), it is somewhat seamless (somewhat).

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music. music. music. diablo 1 and 2 have iconic music and nothing in d3 is memorable at all besides the EPPPIIICCC orchestra diablo fight that doesn’t fit in diablo’s universe at all. we need that d1/d2 foreboding gothic atmosphere.


added to ‘musts’! :slight_smile:

If you want D2 …Doors that way mate


Thats exactly what I had meant, I didnt mean like get rid of everything that Adventure Mode had. It just really takes away from the story/experience when you can just start running rifts or GRs at level 1. There should be at least some story paired with progression… :slight_smile:


Which is sometimes a good thing. Like in this case.
Still hoping they can resist all the D2/Poe/Pvp/Trading whining and come up with a good game.

D4 MUST be playable offline. Srsly. If D4 comes with always online DRM (i know it will lol) I won’t be buying it. I really hate always online requirement.

And Built in Mod Support would be nice. Modding tools.


Lets build in Mods and Offline it so people can just Hack and Bot Offiline. Great Selling Point


I heard that there might be a D2 remaster.
So I guess that should make you happy! :wink:


Must, and I mean absolutely must, bring back Matt Uelmen to assist with the abient soundtrack.


  1. Capture every ideal I have in my head for the game while appeasing every bit of nostalgia and also be forward thinking

Must Not:

  1. The game must not miss any of my preconceived wishes that I have in mind in my own head

End game:

The game fails to reach every one of my wishes so I rage post on the forums years after I stop playing.



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As much as I enjoyed more hours on d2, d4 should not be d2 and definitely not d3. Take some good things from here or there and try to make d4 feel new and fresh. Probably wishful thinking but im glad my expectations are low.


Ahh, another one that wants to go back to Vanilla D3!

Please go away with yourself!


What? The level cap in vanilla D3 was like level 60… did you even play Vanilla…? @Nataraja

And the highest level in d2 was 99 not 100 like the OP states…


I like the atmosphere in D1.
I liked the loot in D2.
Music in D1 and D2.
Story from D1 and D2.
Combat from D3.
Transmogs and cosmetics D3.
I want the game to combine those, and be dark, desolate, and creepy.
I want that sense of fear as I am going through it.


Please do show me where I ‘stated’ that the level cap in D2 was level 100…?

:roll_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: