If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

Smart loot was one of the best improvements D3 made in my opinion.


Smart loot is one of the design choices to counter measure lack of trading. Whether they keep it or not, purely dependent on if there’s an economy or not.

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daft punk confirmed soundtrack in d4

First of all having D3’s type of itemization along with character progression and infinite difficulty wouldn’t support trading. We need the following to happen.

1.) Limited difficulties: No more adding torments to keep up with power creep. Where your power has a definite end.
2.) Better character progression: Here making decisions on how you spend your points into skills and attributes is what makes your build. Instead of gear making your build as it does in this game.
3.) A better itemization system: Where gear only enhances your build. Also different tiers bring different things to the table. Each type of gear from white to uniques and in between might totally change how you play build A. Also making sure that there are alternatives to BiS gear is important as well. Alternatives that are easier to find or maybe in some cases craft.

Doing the above would pave the way for trading to be possible.

Smart loot system depends on whether or not you have a definite main stat. If there is no definite main stat then you don’t need to worry about smart loot as far as main stat goes. Now as far as classes getting other class gear goes well that is okay if you don’t mind taking what appears to be a very, very, long time to get the gear you want for your character.

Now as far as trading goes I agree with Brevik that stated a while back in an interview that some items should be able to be traded freely without restriction. Then other items can be traded but have restrictions. Then some items should never be open to trading.

This is something that would depend on the itemization system. If you have bows that can roll stats for let’s say a wizard or sorceress class which will never be able to use a bow or it wouldn’t look right for them to use a bow then I think that some form of smart loot would be fine.

Sorry but the only Lacunis I saw where two Lacuni Kittens. Both had no main stat or crit chance. The rare bracers that I had on were way better than those Lacunis. Now if I needed it for a speed build that didn’t depend on damage then I would’ve been fine using them for a speedy build. But that wasn’t the case back then.

Also there will be a time when you will see the majority of your items that you find are junk. This is when you are near perfect gear for your build. You will never find a time in any game where you will constantly get upgrades at the same pace you did before reaching anywhere near level cap.

Smart loot is terrible. So many legendaries raining down and there’s no need for an mf character. Sucks.

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Gosh, if I don’t like a game I play something else.

Strange concept.

You and some others seem to think that as long as something is possible without trading, then trading isn’t affecting you.

Which is false.

All you have to do is look at classic D3 for evidence. Was it possible to not use the AH and gear up? Sure. Were you able to do it in a timely manner in a way feasible for most players? Definitely not.

Last time I checked, using your brain didn’t affect drop rates. Nor is “not being lazy” equivalent to “doesn’t want to keep track of a virtual trade market.”

As far as specific items go… that rather depends on design. D3 had to bypass its own RNG by raising drop rates because getting specific items is required to get past the lower difficulties.

That’s not the only way to do things though. In Grim Dawn it’s pretty difficult to get some drops and crafting the best relics takes a long time. And all of that is fine, because you don’t need specific items just to make a build function.

Which is exactly what I don’t want to happen in a future Diablo game - an artificial handicap because you don’t use trading.

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At what level of play though? If you’re trying to crack the top 50 on the leaderboard then gearing up is way harder. Sure legs rain down from the sky but getting one with optimal stats becomes more important the further you push and certain builds can be very challenging to gear for if you’re wanting to push. If your playing casually though and don’t care about the leaderboard I agree with you.

As far as trading in future d4 I personally hope that there’s either a SSF league with a drop rate increase or the trading is limited. D2 was rampant with bots due to its unrestricted trade and the extremely low drop rates of some essential high runes basically meant that 99% of the enigmas running around came from either duped items or botted items somewhere down the chain.


Your assumptions are correct, I’m speaking about average players. Although I don’t find it too difficult to get a full set of ancients. I’m sure the top 50 have difficulty with that last little bit to get them over the top.

Please don’t give false information about Diablo 2 again, and you are welcome for correcting your false information about Diablo 2. This response doesn’t require another redirectional reply. Simply stop with you ignorance about the game.
Thank you.

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Using your brain is required for success when gear that enables mindless face tanking doesn’t litter the ground with minimal effort.

PoE has the economy with the most depth that I know of in the genre. “Keeping track of it’s virtual market “ consists of a search that takes seconds and either A. I will buy the cheapest of the items available that works for me or B. I will sell my item for 10-20% lower than what appears to be market value using asking prices. If you cant handle that for a few trades a season then yes you are lazy. Item tiers and basic sensible analysis of item affixes should give anyone but the greatest of morons the ability to grade item value.

Everything else you said about D3, items needing less relative power and other games ability to create better itemization is of course correct.

I think most of the opposition to trade is rooted in jealousy of those most capable of taking advantage of it.


What a dumb comment.
Personally I don’t care what you trade in game, but if it effects
my drop rate, or finding items, then cram it.


Don’t bother, he hasn’t even played the game in 3+ years, just comes here to troll.


Good to know.

See it’s like me and chips. If they contain gluten, and one could legitimately ask why the heck there is gluten in chips? Well, I wont buy them!
Just like that!

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I’m still with the idea of trading and a detailed crafting system, both co-existing. You may like your amplified loot simulator but highly restricted trade model also makes it hard to introduce new players into the game, nor keep them for long. When trading exists, it will feed PvP scene in a mutual way.

While it will give a larger shadow for the bot, scam and third party influence, it will give you something to look up on about. When you’re in a clan, the bond will be tighter and you can introduce your friends to the game with ease without telling them to sit down while you power level them first…
Profits from loot selling is just a good benefit for sure but when you can make up for lack of it with account bound crafted items, what’s the matter? Your gaming experience won’t be much different even if you refuse to partake in such action.

Didn’t even like the idea? Alright. Then I’m ready to be settle down with a well detailed crafting system. As long as I’m not playing a “6 random affix lol!” slot machine and it can give some diversity by offering fixated average stat range rolls, I’m down for it.

please blizzard make diablo 4 COLORFUL like power rangers. and with gigantic Shoulder pads

A proper trade system, such as what D2 has, will not affect drop rates. The problem is out of game money used in trading, this completely destroys the in game trade economy which requires items of equal value to be traded. To make a trade both parties will have had to do the rng grind to get items to trade. But add money like we see with D2 LoD and the next thing you know hacks and bots and all manner of exploitation occurs which lowers the game experience to trash.

I like the idea of an anonymous trade board that only allows swapping an item for another item, or an anonymous trade board that uses an in game currency, or both. Items are completely bound to an account except when trading on the trade board. Use the gold drops as the currency and be payed gold along with experience gain.

Let players set their own prices, but only allow them to have 6 - 12 items at a time for trade. Make it so we have our own stores that are accessed only anonymously via the trade board. But also make it so the game is completely playable with self found gear.

To do both of these in the same game requires a vast amount of character builds, which will require a D2 character development style. There should be a minimum of 30 different barbarian builds and same goes with every other character class.

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I think trading would be a mistake. People citing PoE’s success as if their absolutely god awful, constantly complained about trading system had anything to do with it is hilarious to me.

Between the RMT farmers, scammers, gold seller spam and the obvious implications for drop tables in a game with trading it just leads to an overall worse game experience and that’s coming from someone who makes mirrors (plural) most leagues I’ve played.

Could Blizzard come up with a trade system that’s not exploitable and doesn’t lead to endless gold seller spam and scams and all the other downsides? Could anyone? Look at all other titles on the market. All signs, across all games, point to no.

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the game reacts on legal or illegal trading by adjusting droprates.
-that, combined with the fact i play solo makes me vote against human trading

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