Does anyone actually have any hope for Diablo 4?

But… Many hands make light work!

Sorry I had to, couldn’t help myself… I don’t actually disagree with what you’re saying.

Not a problem - Many hands is what I hope Blizzard Team 3 is doing as we write.

Lighting up too much pot makes the nephalem cook?

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Ooooo - the TRUE diablo player. ** shiver ** I always cringe when somebody starts their debate/argument with this. Everything after it can get tossed right out the window.


Nah, makes the nephalem mellow, hungry and sleepy.

My Predictions/Hopes

  • Open World, semi-MMO
  • F2P
  • Auction House and Trading allowed
  • Auction House allows purchases through in game gold only
  • In Game Shop with all sorts of “Shop-Exclusive” appearances and services, and all items in Game Shop can only be purchased by “special currency”
  • Special Currency can be bought with Real Money or In Game Gold
  • Classes will be: Mage/Wizard, Demon Hunter, Necromancer, Barbarian, Paladin/Crusader, Priest, Monk, Assassin/Rogue/Thief
  • PVP!

Looking forward to it

A system where people can sell the special currency to other players for gold can work, quite a few games use this now. Player A buys the special currency for money from blizzard and then sells that currency to player B for gold.

It’s just like the WoW token. Except you’re buying a cash shop currency to sell to other players for gold, not a token.

The main benefit is it hampers the RMT market while generating revenue for the company because players have a legal way to buy gold.

D4? Anything that builds on the unrivaled success of D3 will be fine by me. More customization of builds and characters, more end game options, improved crafting / gearing / followers but same fluid gameplay and it will be TAKE MY MONEY NOW!

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I’ve had that feeling so many times. I’d read all these posts where someone made a suggestion, and they’d get these in-depth technical excuses for why it wouldn’t work, as if it was literally a Blizzard employee trying to shut people up.

As for the rest, I’m right on board with what you’re saying. I watched that youtube video. It’s really just confirming everything I hoped wasn’t true. The way Blizzard assimilates information has changed forever with social media.

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I hold no hopes for this companies future. As the old saying goes, when you lie with dogs you are bound to get fleas. Unfortunately there is a dog at the top of the bed.


Are you actually asking for this, or just predicting it?

I’m skeptical but will wait to see what happens after this weekend.

However, if Blizzard does not go on the front foot and declare that D4 will not have loot boxes, pay to win, season passes, subscriptions or any other greedy monetization schemes then that may well kill it for for me.

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I’m pretty sure Blizzard will know exactly how its going to be monitized, but wont release the details of it until just before launch. They’ll try to hit you with all the hype trailers, press releases, exclusive interviews, etc first to get you hungry for them game. Then a month or two before launch they’ll talk about monitization. It will be the very last bit of news they’ll release on D4.

Saying it outright that it won’t have greedy monetization from the get-go is sensible from a marketing perspective; the game starts off on a good standing.

Saving the details in any way can lead to the idea that Blizzard are not being upfront and honest with the players about how the game is going to operate.

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I have hope.
Not sure how it will go, but personally enjoyed all 3 Diablo games.


It’s one video game franchise in an ocean of franchises. I can find another game to play if Diablo goes under completely.

Some people around here need to get a life.

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I enjoyed all Diablo games too, but after the release of D3 I don’t have high hopes any more.

Based on how the D3 RoS PC community was treated compared to consoles I don’t think D4 will be revolutionary. It might be great for the first 3 months or even a year, but as soon as the balancing by nerfing stuff begins it will be just the same as D3 RoS is right now…


I’ll admit that I’ve enjoyed D3 as well, but only in short bursts at a time. It doesn’t take long before it all starts feeling too familiar again. The boredom of being locked into certain builds in order to achieve progress. Playing classes I don’t like because they can do higher GRs, so I can upgrade gems. Basically, playing the game the way Blizzard wants me to play it. Not to mention the endless balancing nightmare you talked about. It’s all just way too bottle necked, no matter how often Blizzard flips and burps it. I doubt D4 will be any different, so I’m expecting nothing more than a fresh coat of paint. I hope I’m wrong, though, I really do… but I don’t have any faith in them anymore.

That’s a good point there. Let’s hope we get some real answers at BlizzCon.

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well, i want diablo 4 more like diablo 3 then diablo 2. only thing from D2 i want is the dark, gritty, gothic graphics/Atmosphere.

what exactly from D2 makes it that good? Ive played diablo since D2 and i honestly would want a game evolved from D3.

You cant talk like the “real diablo players/community” lots of my friends and family played D2 back in the days and all of them like diablo 3. want a game like d2? play it


My early gaming childhood was Doom and Doom 2 (before StarCraft and Diablo 2). When Doom 3 came out, it was disappointing enough for me not to buy it. Diablo 3 was also very cartoonish, lack of heroes in expansion, and disappointing too.

Then in 2016 DOOM was released and it was amazing. They focused on the style and aesthetics of the original. Great metal music/instrumentals, and hellish, horrific, dark, no fuking around (I can’t even say naughty words here without altering it) creativity first shareholders second…

Blizzard is a child friendly money and shareholders first corporation right now. No I don’t have any expectations for Diablo 4. I think they’re stuck in corporate meetings, not art direction and creativity meetings. I think they’ve learned very little in this last terrible year.

My only real hope is Diablo 2 remastered. Honestly they did great with StarCraft Remastered, it’s basically my favourite game ever. I don’t care about Warcraft. So my hopes is they just give me Diablo 2 remastered. Just let StarCraft and Diablo rest in peace.

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