Diablo 4: The way to resolve the split between players who want trading, and those who don't

Have two game modes. One with trading and one without. That way you can be 100% certain that nobody you are playing with/against is involved in rmt.

There will be more than enough players to support both game modes. I don’t see why anyone should have any problem with this, unless they are selfish. It’s a good compromise. Everyone gets what they want.

They might consider buffing the drop rates a bit for the self found only mode. But that’s a design decision for later.

UPDATED IDEA (some good ideas in this thread)

What if instead of a seperate no trade mode, you just flag your character no trade when you create it. Everyone plays together. You will receive a special portrait and possibly title so people know that you are self found only. No segregation. Possibly an option to start games that are self found only, if you wish, but it’s your choice.

You will appear on the main leaderboard, so you can see how you compare overall. HOWEVER, there is also a seperate leaderboard for self found players only so people can see who is best.


As we have discussed in a Previous Thread . This simply splits the playerbase and then the players who choose No Trading , now have access to LESS content which isnt something i think people will choose. I despise the idea of open trade due to the implications behind it such as 3rd party item selling but that being the case . Im not going to GIMP my character and not do it if its available to me , if it means the difference between 10 hours grind and 1 hours grind cause i trade for some OP item.


The playerbase is already split between various modes and leagues anyway. You’ll never play with them all. You won’t even notice a difference if out of 3 million players, the playerbase is divided into a few different groups.

Also Blizzard much rather have the players who DO want to trade, and that’s a lot of players, actually playing Diablo rather than split off entirely into a different game ran by some other company who was wise enough to realise the mistake Blizzard made by not allowing trading.


Dont think it was a mistake at all to remove trading or cut it down. It got rid of those rubbish 3rd party item selling sites and still gave you the ability to trade in game with players in your party which i do regularly.

Rubbish like this happens when you allow OPEN Trade

https:// www. ign. com/boards/threads/most-expensive-item-in-diablo-3-sold-for-16k.452776697/


It will also get rid of a lot of players who find the game hollow, boring.

Who cares if some guy sold some item for a lot of money. Why is this news even a bad thing? It’s news and it can bring in new players who see it.


Hey wana top the leaderboards .Just drop $500 at X Site.
No that immediately = a bad and garbage game


They could simply have a higher drop rate in self-found mode.


Not a problem if you can just play the self found mode. No chance of anyone being involved in rmt there.


This isnt a bad idea but with bots already plaguing D3 i dont know how well it could be implemented. Especially if these bots can open trade

why would you have to split the player base?
Just have an option “Self Found” when you create your character that you can enable. This will remove your ability to trade unless you opt out of it. If you opt out of it you can never opt back in with that character. Any new Characters created that opt in to “self-found” cannot use any items that were not found with that character itself.

This still allows both philosophies play with each other, sure you could complain about “self-found” characters getting carried/assisted by non-self found or what ever but there is always going to be a reason for someone to complain about something. Not everyone can get what they want. Suck it up.

This of course depends on the loot drops to remain the same as d3 where you can only see your drops and loot your own drops.

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I think it is a good idea, though if I was to play the no trade realm I wouldn’t want a drop improvement. I love the grind. Right now I’ve play through the game (hardcore of course) using only Blue/Magic gear to see how far that will take me until I hit a wall.

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Then all we need is a SSF mode, with a higher drop rate, and for Blizz to uphold their no cheating policy.

Bots have plagued D3, no doubt. But it’s the only game Blizz seems to neglect in this way. I honestly don’t think D4 will be left like this. Not for a little while anyway.

Regarding splitting the player base? Us solo players aren’t in groups as it is. We just get a more even playing field.

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If there is both of these modes…I would end up playing both regardless.

Use to do hardcore self-found with a group of 4 of us back years ago, was fun. Was a evening thing from 7pm - 10/11pm after work for a good while.

You can make a game as fun as you want it to be. Leaderboards are cool and all, but it seems that it is all that matters to many anymore…whether or not they can “compete” and if they can’t it is due to some X mechanic, money, cheating, hacks etc.

As long as they remove all the extra life passives in HC mode with this game I’ll be happy.

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Don’t worry about it, guys. Blizzard will fix it for you.

They will sell some sort of token for RL cash that allows you to trade an item. If you want to do trading, you buy some of them. If you don’t want to trade, then stay out of the cash shop.

And that’s only the beginning of the stuff they will sell to bypass the artificial blocks they program into the game.

Hear me now. Quote me later.

Good thing that unofficial Mute function works, so I won’t have to see this drivel spamming anymore.

People are to concerned with splitting the playerbase, but think it is so black and white…

You know what else splits it? When you do not give a large portion of the players what they want, and then they quit!

There is absolutely no negative to adding a SSF mode to an ARPG.

PoE did that right!


Who wouldn’t want trading? Just add a bind on equip function, most problems solved.

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the reason seems to be missing from this thread, so let me add it:

if there is trading outside of group play, then item drop rates have to be completely crap to compensate.

currently, we enjoy 1-12 very high end drops per run for instance. but imagine instead of having to fish for the right piece of gear, you could go to the trading mechanic (be it auction house, private out of game listings like ebay, etc) and get the exact item you need because there would be 100,000 other people that are also farming and didnt get what they wanted, but did get what you wanted.

thats exactly why gear sucked donkey when D3 launched… because anything above yellow quality had to be so rare as to never pile up.

even bind on equip will not help this… there are simply too many players farming and not enough consuming what is farmed. as the game is literally about loot farming, thats a huge concern.

on release, D3 handled that by setting timers… IE you play for 14 real hours, and you get 1 legendary drop. considering the average length of a modern game is about 30 hours of time invested, that simply wont work. (unless you want a really small target audience)

personally, i think i would be happy with something similar to how PoE handled it… the item itself has power, but more importantly is what you add to it, that you have to create yourself that is non-tradable.

imagine a system where people would trade for looks or base weapon frame, but then the player receiving it creates items to imbue the weapon after the fact. IE, its a nice sword that dropped, with a nice basic damage range, but its “white” until the barbarian imbues it with the power of Bul-Kathos, or the Crusader the power of Akkan.

players could even have a system of building up favor with their Gods, or with their crafting skills (or the skills of the crafters they hire, no reason the player has to be a master blacksmith) and then spend into the weapons and armors they have collected to power them up.

that could also be an interesting way to handle the player that plays all the time vs the player with limited time… IE the player that plays all the time would have a full bank of power, and with exponentially increasing bonuses, they may have something better to show for their time investment.

take something like hit chance, lets say the range an item could have would be, 1-25% (no other items would grant hit chance only the item to itself) the player that plays all the time pays the huge cost to get all the way to 25%. while the more casual player, lacking resources, stops at 15-20% to conserve.

both players can get the same result if they focus on it; eliminating any disparity of play time in the sense of final progression. the die hard player can simply cycle faster.

tl;dr add cosmetic item trading, not end game.

Most problems? I fail to see how this solves any. This just actually creates an item sink which makes items rarer. You will have just as many bots farming items and not equiping them and selling them from 3rd party websites that will attempt to spam the chat. also scammers.

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Interesting idea. But how are you proposing they do this with the current game modes? Because right now we have:

  1. Seasonal
  2. Non-Seasonal
  3. Hardcore Seasonal
  4. Hardcore Non-Seasonal

So then we’d have:

  1. Seasonal Trade
  2. Seasonal No-Trade
  3. Non-Seasonal Trade
  4. Non-Seasonal No-Trade
  5. Hardcore Seasonal Trade
  6. Hardcore Seasonal No-Trade
  7. Hardcore Non-Seasonal Trade
  8. Hardcore Non-Seasonal No-Trade

That seems a bit too complicated and way too many modes.

Maybe they should integrate the no-trade rule into Hardcore mode, that way it can be presented as a “true hardcore experience”? That way you’d still be able to stick with 4 modes, instead of 8.

If you want to trade, roll a non-hardcore (Seasonal or Non-Seasonal).

If you don’t want to trade, roll a hardcore (Seasonal or Non-Seasonal).

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