Devs confirm personal loot ladder and classic ladder or this game is DOA

I agree that threats to refund the game will have little impact on Blizzard D2R design decisions; however, this is not the first of these types of threads. Here is one from a week ago requesting largely status quo.

How many of you will refund? - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (


yeah I had seen that one too, and like i said to that guy, most people wont refund regardless of the threats.


Ladies and Gentlemen. Let me introduce you the “majority” of the d2 experts who are demanding changes to a game what is still alive after 20 years.


Yes the game is “alive” but if it was not a blizzard tittle where they have access to cash, there wouldn’t be any servers left to play on.

Given that ladder season will be shorter and botting/duping reduced, I suspect at some point Blizzard will re-evaluate drop rates. They may not change them but at least think about it.

1 rune in 3 runs in a Zod droppable area
Each run is 2 minutes
Each Zod drop is 1 in 5171 among all runes

50% of players will not have a Zod drop after 358 hours ( = 9 weeks @ ~40 hours per week)

25% of players will not have a Zod drop after 716 hours ( = 18 weeks at ~40 hours per week)

10% of players will not have a Zod drop after 1,190 hours ( = 29 weeks at ~40 hours per week)

2% of players will not have a Zod drop after 2,023 hours ( = 51 weeks at ~40 hours per week)


Where are you getting these numbers?

Are they really friends?

This says it all. Thanks for playing.

I can’t agree more. Very accurate statement.


Pls after i have 8 lvl 99 char dont try to tell me what is keeping d2 alive :wink: Not to mention that “i mostly played solo” “i mostly played with friends” “hell is too difficult for me” or “if you do not bot you will never ever find anything!” causals trying to change the game. With mod support all of you noobs can dumb down the game how you want. Nobody is going to stop you.


You only leveled 8 characters to 99?

Since Blizzard allowed modding, D2 in some shape or form would still exist to this day even if Blizzard turned off the server. I would argue that modding has helped keep the game alive.

This leads to another question:
Is being alive/survival a good enough metric when considering optional changes in D2R?

There is a post-Blizzconoline report stating that Blizzard is concerned that keeping the game authentic to D2 will ruin the game for new players who are not used to its old mechanics. This is a problem in that how do you balance status quo versus new players.

Yes. “Only” 8. As a “mainly pvp and non ladder player” you sure know alot of the game. Sry dude it was a rly weak bait. You need to do it much harder.

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I as well mainly pvp but on ladder. Non ladder characters all sat there to rot.

Good for you. Pvp also not going anywhere. Together with FFA loot.


People who claim farming legit is how you play D2 have clearly never played D2.

Youtube is full of people who do videos like “I did 1000 Andariel runs and here’s what I found”, and then their loot is mostly garbage. So what’s the next step?

You go on third party websites, sell the bad loot, and buy one good item.

Don’t act like RMT and third party websites are not a core part of how D2 is played. If you take away the bots and RMT, nothing will be left.

Personal loot will ensure a thriving economy. Not destroy it.

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Well not everybody needs bots to farm. Sry if your only way is bot using. This already proves that you are a noob.

Yes. Mostly. And what i care what is NOT garbage.

For amatuers like you sure this is the only way.

So if personal loot comes then people are not going to sell and buy items at RMT sites? Ok. More and more experts.

Personal loot ensure leecher heaven. But the loot stays FFA anyway so to much drama from the casuals.


Thee are both legit and non-legitimate D2 players. I think the issue with drop rates/item rarity is something that may need to be addressed as botting/duping leads to more supply of items. The trade economy in D2R with reduced botting/duping will be far different.

Although I favor the option of personal loot, it does not ensure a thriving economy. I have argued that it may make a more robust economy, but the effect of the loot system is likely dwarfed by the issues of botting/duping/RMT.

I dunno, I farmed every HR except Zod, most of them quite a few times, and nearly every unique, along with every set item in the game multiple times.

I don’t argue lots of cheating happens in D2, but dozens of people I farmed with back in the day played legit, found windforces in 1.09, etc.

1000 Andy runs and nothing but garbage almost never happens.
I can show you the drop tables if you want for Hell andy, but it’s really really hard to kill her 1000 times with nothing to show for it. She’s one of the better droppers for shako, skullders, occy…she’s great for newly created ladder chars.

Tons of people play legit and have found tons of high end runewords,etc. I’ve made 2 legit Enigmas, and found plenty of HRS in ladder play…I think people just think they can kill meph 100 times and gear all their chars, which isnt how this game should be played.

It’s hard to MF sometimes, but if you can make a character in the first couple weeks that can solo CS runs (should be easy) you can find tons of great equip in first month of ladder.

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Yeah andy runs have fun, create your farm route like maouso, pit, forgotten,chaos and worldstone or change with other lv 85 areas and u gonna see, the results will be different. Stack up an amount of MF , 100 , 200 ,300

There is another setups aswell u can individual set it up, defeatly way more better as andy bs…

Btw: not forget to grind with an amount of hours included and you will not cry anymore little one

You would be very likely to have dropped sufficient rares/HRs to trade for a Zod if you’re at the end of the spectrum.
And the median is at 358 hours, not 353 hours, in your simulation. Your maths is still false in every single post you make, but at least this is the most accurate thing you’ve ever said.

DOA, huh? Seriously, they could change a lot of things that would make you upset and the game will still be wildly popular. Know why?

Atmosphere. The game is dripping with it.

Personal loot wouldn’t kill the game.


Nice elitism. So only current D2 players are allowed to state their opinion here?

I have really bad news for you about the direction the devs said they wanted to go with bringing D2R to a much wider and larger audience than just D2 players.