Devs confirm personal loot ladder and classic ladder or this game is DOA

If the deva don’t step in and give us a qol and a classic ladder this game is done and dead before it even gets going!

People including my self do not want to do deal 20 year old out dated mechanics and remaking pretty graphics for the 10Kksh people who play this dead game isn’t going to be worth it your just gonna be another d3!

No end game , lack of class balance , no personal loot , no dupes no bots thus no items because farming legit in d2 = waste of time. Merc tab , runeword crafting table , Charm tab , the ability to reset maps so you don’t constantly make games etc

Even playing project Diablo the constant joining games is just exhausting how are you gonna to get new age / modern gamers to do this??? I just want to play with friend but we gotta do runs over and over oppps the game is full! This is another thread to expect week one followed by we returned the game d2 might have been good 20 years but today it’s outdated and seems broken!

The game is simply outbdated and need to be tuned for 2021 it was broken back then and it’s even worse with age!

And yes competing for loot when your just trying to relax and play with friends is a game breaker I tried showing my friends d2 but if all we’re going is graphics overhaul I’ll pass no one wants to deal with these systems my group was actually laughing at how broken the game is! I can tell you I will return this game if we don’t get personal loot! If people think doing solo MF runs is the way hhave at it ! I’ve done a billion runs in my life and barely found anything but my bots found everyting that’s the reality and truth about this games

Project d2 is a better game then 1.14 and yet no one wants to deal with out dated mechanics except for the people who have been doing it!

Rip this game before it even comes out and I will not play D4


Heh, cluck-cluck-cluck


Well you don’t actually farm items in D2. You farm trade chat and then sell the items on d2jsp to then buy better items.


There wont be any personal loot. Maybe in you wild dreams. D2 survived 20 years without some casuals dumbing down the game. D2R Also going to make 20 years.

Feel free to play your causal mod. Nobody stops you.

Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.


Personal loot will only make d2 an overall worse game as with personal loot comes the increase to drop rates and making items soulbound\account bound, trade restrictions and all that junk you have in d3, no thx.
And what do you mean with “classic ladder”, why wouldn’t there be a classic ladder?


It’s a dead game survived lol the best version of this game is a mod !!! How has it survived how many ppl are on during peek hours a few hundred ?


There are about 700 bots and 200 characters playing D2 at peak hours.


source? (20 characters)

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And mod support already confirmed. You can continue to play your easy mod. How do you know how many plays at peak times? Some kind of source pls before you writing imaginary things. Me and my friends are rly happy that we are not forced to play in 800*600 res.

But all these things are dosent matter. Nobody sayd personal loot ever going be a thing. With mods you can make the dumbest and easiest game what you want. I’m pretty sure project diablo 2 comes also to d2r so you dont need to worry.


PvP, grinding to 99, Holy Grail/MFing, trading and (for casuals) Uber Tristram.

I am not strictly against adding some kind of new end game content, though it isn’t as if you couldn’t keep yourself busy for years with the content there already is.

Also I don’t know how exactly new end game content could be implemented, without fundamentally changing the game - which definitely shouldn’t happen.

I am all for class balance - as long as it doesn’t “break” any existing builds and is strictly limited to getting some clearly underperforming builds viable.

Personal loot is a no go.
If you have a problem with FFA loot, then I would recommend to play in an organized loot sharing group.
It works. I did exactly that myself for quite some time.

I kindly have to disagree here.
If you play efficiently you can get good equip very fast without the need for bots or dupes.
Also dupes shouldn’t be an issue at all in D2:R and I at least hope that the bot situation will also get much better.

What exactly is a Merc tab?

Would be nice.

Would also be nice.

That’s why you agree on a way of loot sharing when playing with friends.


Ahahaha, ok. Funny joke.


It will be cool to add more uber locations, even harder then Uber Tristram. But after release.


There are several reasons, why Personal Loot is complete unacceptable from a Developer Perspective,Gamer Perspective and the list goes on.

Diablo 3 with the Personal Loot System became one of the easiest game ever.
The Drop rate is complete out of control.
They wanted in the beginning of Vanilla increased, ofc 100 Diabloruns and still not a single Legendary, they increased and continue increased after the ROS and Loot 2.0 they continue to increase it more and more and this game became right one of the easiest game ever.
People will start to argue then, but they have no bots and tools because of the Personal Loot Mechanic…this is absolut complete wrong.

The botting issue is still present leaderboards (there was a time every new season came a banwave aswell) and the tools which the players are going to use are even more ridiculous to see this as competitive.

So Personal Loot and regulations in the Trading System turned D3 in to game which will be dominated with Tools and Botting.

D2, the current drop and loot system is perfectly balanced, everyone gets his gear after he played a amount of hour. I mean really except everyone. But mostly of the kids doesnt wanna play this game, they want immaedtly endgame items at the start of the game. This will destroy the motivation to play even this game. Not only this, it will destroy the entire game from his mechanic till to his economy and fundamental design.

I mean for open world game as Diablo 4 make Personal Loot a lot of sense from the developer and gamer perspective but games with limited stage content does not make Personal Loot any kind of sense. I spoke with the PD2 Players there they have a Loot-system which is identical too the current loot system of d2 retail.

Why we creating games with different kind of mechanics ?
Because we want to play different kind of mechanics and enjoy an unique gameplay, so this give us a diveristy and this will keep games alive.

Casual Players are like Casuals they gonna buy this game no matter which system they have and play it quickly and say good bye…facts cannot be denied.

Really guys personal loot system turned most of the players to incredible selfish dudes, i saw it in D3 a lot and i am happy to quit this game 4ever, Blizzard can ban even my account, i am so happy to be back in Diablo 2 and i know myself i learned of the biggest mistake, A 3D-Engine doesnt make a game good, d2 perfect example, his graphic is based on 2D-Sprites (but its like artwork in his purest form) but the gameplay and mechanic is incredible. With fixing the botting issue and providing in a another Future more content with Class Balancing will keep this masterpiece even more alive.

Most of the kids from d3 and wow wants the Personal Loot System because they want the endgame exactly in the beginning of this game…seriously they need to realize, there is not a single positive factor on it to implement this Loot-System…history doesnt lie, only look at D3. They should introduce a new leaderboard , how fast you can geared up with the endgame items, 30 min ? 1 hour?

Its complete out of control D3 and we dont want this for D2 because D2 is perfect…Period


"People including my self do not want to do deal 20 year old out dated mechanics "

then don’t play it. it’s not for you then.


if you ARE just “relaxing and playing with friends”, then you wouldn’t be “competing for loot”, now would you? You only “compete for loot” when you join random public games with strangers. Of your own free will.

Sorry but no one cares about you or the others demanding changes, the Devs themselves have said the game is shipping as-is without any additional changes apart from UI. They have said multiple times they won’t be touching loot AT ALL besides graphics. Its just a remaster, don’t like it? Play something else kid. I currently play D2 so the game ONLY getting graphics overhauled is a huge bonus to me.

Ah so you’re exactly the type of player 99% of the fanbase dislikes. Cheating botters. Gotcha. You don’t like playing the game, you like cheating and bragging about all the gear you didn’t actually work for. cute.


The game simply isn’t meant for you. That’s ok. Some games aren’t meant for everyone. This isn’t candy crush and Fortnite.


Ppl keep assuming everyone plays online. There’s so so so many ppl that only play solo offline. Trading isn’t an option.


This statement seems overly broad and easily invalidated. Many gamers prefer FFA only while many prefer personal loot. From the aRPG developers currently, personal loot is favored.

Personal loot and drop rate are independent factors as you accurately noted in the next part as the D3 has always had personal loot, while the drop rates were super low (you state “100 Diabloruns and still not a single legendary”).

So what was the reason for the increased drop rate? Fundamentally, it boiled down to the constant conflict between serious and megaserious gamers. For megaserious gamer, they play more and more likely to get end game items over less days because they play more hours per day. This leads them to request for more items of increased rarity to continue the loot hunt. Upon addition of these more rare items, serious games want access to these and will request an increase and drop rate that they often get, starting the cycle again.

To my knowledge, I have not seen anyone claim that D3 does not have bots. This is the fact even though D3 has personal loot and moved from free trade to exceptionally limited trade. Players bot in D3 mainly for items, keys, and paragon levels.

This is a mischaracterization.
In D3 botting exists largely due to:

  1. More Loot
  2. More paragon levels

Since D3 has personal loot and legendary item trade restrictions, botting to get items for trading or real money transactions is rather minor (bordering on largely non-existent).

In D2, botting gets you:

  1. More loot
  2. More levels (to the 99 cap)
  3. More items to trade (and real money transactions)

Both loot systems are slot machines. The more you play, the more lever pulls you get and the more items that you receive. If the current D2 drop and loot system is perfectly balanced and we know that botting/item duping in D2 is rampant, then we must conclude that the loot system without botting and duping is not perfectly balanced.

That may be true for some players, for other they will be more motivated to play the game.

Every game has bad apples, including D2 and D3. D2 had griefers and ninja looters. For all of D3 faults, these two types of misbehavior were less common/absent.

This is a matter of opinion. Almost all players that I know want a shared stash. Therefore, to claim that D2 is perfect seems overly generous.


thank god you made this thread Ionz22, blizzard just had a board meeting after your post, and are doing exactly what you want, they NEED you to play d4.

and your threats of Refunding the game unless blizzard does exactly what you want, has really worked, in-fact they are so impressed with your negotiation, diplomacy skills and ability to make the right choices for D2R, you are going to be promoted to lead manager, on the D2R project.

where should they email the contract?


Stop lying to people omfg the biggest lie in D2 is farming legit!

I played D2 way more then most of you could ever dream and its clear if you do not bot you will never ever find anything! This was clear as day when i was trading with people back in the day you had two camps.

First camp people who botted and duped we had everything or near everything

everyone else looking for scraps and praying they get a lucky drop giving basic items away like sojs low end rune words made people FAP for days…

but real D2 LOD players played Ladder to farm the ladder items but went back to non ladder because of all the non nerfed ladder items you know Like V.08 Archon valor… had way to much vit but please tell me how fair and legit this game is lol

personal loot replaces all the bot loot and all the duped loot we have been used to for years

stop lying to people about farming in this game! You know the first two weeks will be flooded with i did 1000 X runs and found nothing because thats how it is and you know or your blinded by the fact you have bots!

A merc tab would be a tab that all your toons could use like you hire X merc on your sorc your alts would be able to use baring they are the same level and have completed nightmare/hell. Also access to your mercs inventory at all times.

you also fail to realize that giving both parties what they want is perfectly ok… If a group of players say 75% or more play on a QOL and personal loot ladder why do you care? also the ladder season is 3 months with out personal loot good luck finding anything. Will be seeing you in season 3 ladder reset

also leeching this is kinda a lie as well seeing how going from 1-80 takes what 4-6 hours? less if you have premades ? so what happens now huh lets go i wanna hear this crock of bs

game starts fast forward 6 hours ok were all 80+ who leeched no one? maybe a barb or zon? or a melee paladin who had auras that carried us from start to finish? i hit level 18 time to teleport the game… ok so anyway were level 75-80 now… now what now what we all got drops from the runs we just did ok? personal loot across the board now what do we do? keep doing baal runs because of phat loot? why would we go into private solo emo games when we can just power farm together?

also to the person who doesnt think Project D2 is better then 1.14 has never played project diablo it is a newer mod on season two and yes its superior in every way shape and form IT HAS MAPS YOU lose

Adding end game content is simple JFC you people really are stuck in the stone age lol

Hell X2 Hell X3 Deal with people being 99 boohoo it takes 4-6 horus to get 80+ wahhh wahhh wahhh grinding.

you have harder scaling game modes omfg so hard

your items start to roll better stats like the shako you find on hell x3 is going to be a different color and +4 skills and 100 MF and maybe Faster cast rate and all res the system isnt broken just the drop rates and the anti social behavior its so hard ot think how it would work derp my lord

stop lying about drop rates in d2 1.14
Bots and dupes get replaced with personal loot you know legit loot
your going to be 70+ in like 4-6 hours instead of farming alone solo emo time you can hang with your friends