Why not wait for Diablo 4 if you want changes? Stop trying to ruining our remaster

Yep, and my opinion as valid as theirs, true. So, what we gonna do? Without being selfish and telling things like “go play other game name”?


We are gonna hear what the devs said - which is that they are open to changes after launching the game mostly as it was. So we can infer, changes are more likely than not.

Actually they think same thing about us, purists. That we are vocal minority.

I think truth here is somewhere in the middle, as usual. And it will be nice to find a way to work together and ask devs to do something that will make us all happy before its too late.

I so tired of arguing about this theme, so I would like to find a solution already. That will help us all to get D2R we want.


Great, another one of these threads…

They’re keeping the game the same. They will likely fix long standing bugs, perhaps some minor class/skill balancing, maybe more QoL features that do not affect the core gameplay. The game hasn’t been released yet, stop being worrywarts.

The modding community will bring the changes that people want, or they can wait for Diablo 4.


Why don’t I play old Diablo 2? This is a poor argument, stop.

Old D2 is not being supported by blizzard anymore. Having to use 3rd party software to continue to make it compatible and run properly on modern systems is not an appropriate solution.

Convince blizzard to update original D2 first with compatitbility and resolution updates, and to clean up battlenet’s awful problem with dupes and cheating - then this option might start to make some sense. But the reality is they are making D2R instead.

How about this? Why don’t you play another game that has the features you want?


Yes i’m also pretty sure that everyone’s opinion is valid.

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Every single one of your posts is the same. Your tone is becoming increasingly hostile. Please start offering constructive arguments.


Because there are changes that D2 needs. Things I wanted even back when it was the big game. You do realize that D2 went through several content patches that dramatically changed the way it was played, right?


Irrespective of where you stand on the D2R change versus no change argument, there are several undeniable facts:

  1. D2 diehard fans are often passionate in their viewpoint.
  2. These fans collectively have divergent viewpoints with respect to “no change” versus what to change. Some claim D2 is a masterpiece and perfect as is. Others see multiple avenues where the gameplay experience of a 20 year old game can be significantly improved.
  3. Currently as announced, D2R both preserves well the D2 gameplay and provides optional changes to the original D2 gameplay. One simple example is gold pickup. D2 originally required player to click on gold to pickup while in D2R you can do that or turn on an option for auto-gold pickup.
  4. Blizzard has announced that they want D2R to preserve authenticity to the original D2 experience AND that additional changes are possible in the future based on player feedback. It is possible through selectable options to both preserve and to have changes. These are not mutually excusive. These are not an either or scenario, but both are possible.
  5. On a reddit poll of 971 respondent, 84% wanted D2R patches that bring balance changes and new content. Although all internet polls have sampling bias, I think we can accurately say that the “change” crowd is not some insignificant minority of a few players.

To me, the best way to satisfy this diverse playerbase is to have options that when selected that result D2R closely resembling D2. Other options when selected provide an updated/improved experience.


Historically, insulting a player base like that polarizes the issue against your viewpoint. Just food for thought. If you don’t want a feature, argue logically, without insulting the other side.

Otherwise, sit down and have a nice big bowl of personal loot, cause game design has shown that to be the case when you do things like you just did. Especially at Blizzard.

Still searching where Blizz told that they implementing personal loot for D2.

Not a noob or casual. I have played since day one and I want some things to change. People like you spamming your boomer rhetoric 24/7.


Same could be said about you bruh.

How about you stop being a bigot and accept you don’t speak for all of us, and some of us want different things than you do?

And maybe accept the Devs said they would listen to community feedback, too.


Nope I am not. I find plenty without bots and only play in hell, run every type of content.

But keep making up strawmen because you have no valid point.

These are valid points. Personal loot supporters just wants to leech games while the hardcore community does the work for them.


Where’s the downvote button? hehehehsnort

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

All the name calling/personal insults are not promoting a constructive discussion. Simply put, D2 fans have divergent opinions. Live ant let live.

This topic has been discussed ad nauseum. It is clear that many are firmly committed to their viewpoints. Blizzard knows the playerbase is split. Ultimately, they will decided how to move forward with D2R. Forum posters are entitled to express their opinion as long as they have a game license and follow Blizzard’s CoC. Expressing one’s opinion can be done with civility.


Just report them for inappropriate posts/trolling. They’ll get locked out of the forums for 24h and move on with their lives. But yes, the die-hard fans demanding no changes really need to stop insulting and/or fighting back like that. The Devs asked for feedback from EVERYONE, not just the people who have been playing D2 for 20 years and who want to continue for another 20.


The best part is D2R is a Remaster for those that love D2 and are playing D2 for 21 years.

They update the Graphics, Sound, and add a couple of quality of life improvements like the shared stash.

The goal is to allow THE best ARPG to be playable for another 20 years, on modern Operating Systems without weird workarounds.

Give D2 players a Remaster of the game they love, and allow new players to get to see what the fuss is all about without getting “Eye Cancer”. (I personally love D2 graphics as they are today, but understand why people that never played D2 could be turned off until now)

Nothing more to say.