How many of you will refund?

if they make even the smallest dumb change from people’s suggestions on this forum?

i defiantly refund, and for sure wont even care of d4 :S


No I won’t. Even if it is as “trash” as W3R I will buy both PC and console Deluxe Edition(I bought W3R Deluxe after official refund was announced)

I will post bad review if it is that bad however. :wink:


you must be a a bigger fan than me, hope you wont get disappointed if such thing happens :slight_smile:

They won’t do much until the release, so you cannot refund after a few months :wink:

I think the Devs know Diablo2 and I trust them so far. You cannot please all customers with changes, so the Devs simply cannot win here.


you should not please with changes, its a god damn remaster, not a new game :frowning:


If I were the developer, I would make ladder unchanged at all other than graphics. I would support a bunch of toggles(or easy mod interface) for single player mode to suit various tastes.

This is not what I, as an individual player wants(for example, I want personal loot and I am sure a lot of you don’t want), but this is how I will try my best to meet the taste of most people.


The only way I might refund is if the devs state for sure that they will not add shared stash and the larger stash for D2Classic.

It’s still not a 100 percent dealbreaker, but it might be enough for me to just stick with single player mods on old d2, as much as I want to play with people on the ladder.

We’re paying for a remaster for a reason, the idea to not give classic players an easy way to mule and store items would be crazy.


this is so true right here i’d like to see some changes an act 6 an expansion on end game content like a second uber, it’s such a Great game & other games have done BIG BIG thing Like POE with the cosmetic Micro transactions, But many of My ideas or visions will never see the light of day. sad but true. POE had such huge updates it was like a whole expansion via an update if the Can do it BLIZZARD can do it. Why just give us D2 when they could give us the same Game with a Brand New addition just my perspective,…


I am not purist myself. I support all sorts of additional change and contents.

You get my support.


I would also like to see more game content but the big problem with that is you can only go so far without adding more insane items. Adding items = broken builds. I don’t think as of right now that they are looking to deal with that rather than to bring back D2 to its glory.

And to add to the refund part. Even if they add personal loot witch im against I would still play a great amount because of how much I enjoy current D2 and want the new graphics. There for I would not refund.


People have suggested balance changes which the developers may be willing to do post launch. Are balance changes to buff weak skills dumb? Or is it only dumb if it does not fit your personal viewpoint?

The designer themselves already have a list of things that they would love to implement. If the player want these and the designers would love to see them implemented, things will change.

This game initially/currently was being developed by Vicarious Visions (not by Blizzard per se initailly). VV is now part of Blizzard but still remains in Albany, NY. Some of the VV developers may be diehard fans that are purist who played D2 20 years ago. More likely, most developers aren’t but were originally tasked with replicating the experience and they now see how D2 could be improved in several ways


“WE CAN ONLY HOPE FOR THIS” Fingers crossed, I’d Love to see a few additional rune words added and a second uber fight or 6th act, Once the game releases these maybe things Blizzard starts looking to explore, if they plan to keep the game running another 20 years. I’ve put thousands of hours into the D2LOD I’d enjoy the game all the same as is… But i’d like them to give us more- something to game after the game.

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I hope if they do this, it’s optional. Otherwise it’s basically false advertising on blizzard’s part.


I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing weak skills buffed to encourage different builds. The main build of endgame currently being the hammerdin. Would be nice to see what people could find to be the new hammerdin build.


I won’t. I actually would probably enjoy at least some of the changes people are suggesting. It wouldn’t ruin my experience. Regular D2 servers are still up if I want a truly pure D2 experience.


If they made it so you can play on different patches with people then changes to a newer patch won’t effect players who want no changes 1.06b 1.09 1.10 and 1.14 then any changes would be a patch after 1.14 or a seperate ladder


I will refund If they have Personal Loot in Diablo.
Developers / companies today is good to ruin great games that is a masterpiece.


you wouldn’t be stoked about a 6th act with another Uber boss fight + regular act boss if they did a Big patch a year after launch ? I think Most die hard gamers would Love something along them lines, Not that D2 wasn’t alrdy a Legendary game but just in the sense there’s nothing truly New about the game, besides the visual revamp.


People suggested a shared stash and devs delivered.

Sorry to see you leave :worried:


I am sure that they will do amazing job, already looks great. I trust vicarious visions because I saw the great work they did with crash bandicoot! so there is not even a single thought for refund from me.