Why we WONT EVER get personal loot (or any other big additions)

They already mentioned balance changes. That is not “only very small minor changes”.

They have not said that they would not make additions. Their statements means that they will not make an addition that replaces a core D2 mechanic.


I think I understand its a very low chance of it happening. I think I just want more people to be clear on why its not as good as they think it is.

A lot of these nonsense beliefs were allowed to go unchecked during D3’s creation and life and I was shocked to see developers put them into the game in response to those loudly clamoring for it while others remained quiet.

Not all of them were bad, but I still believe to this day a lot of what was bad from D3 actually came from the playerbase.


They are not going to make balance changes to skills in any big way, maybe make some of the dead skills that no one uses usable. but that wouldn’t be major. They also said they aren’t going to touch items at all besides the art. So yea, they are only making very small changes. No changes or additions that change how D2R feels or plays compared to D2. Anything not effecting those aspects isn’t major.

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They may make small changes. They may make big balance changes. If will depend on what the community wants. We do not know. They explicitly used balance changes as an example of a change that we may see.

They already introduced additions to how D2 feels and plays.


no, it won’t. they literally said in the video that they aren’t going to change how the game works at all bud. Meaning no major changes to anything. Thinking anything else is pure delusion. The game is about to go into alpha and the ONLY changes are auto gold and stash changes. You think its going to jump from those 2 very minor things to major balance changes? rofl no.


Too many people only hear what they wanna hear. It’s sad.

That video is not the sole source of information. See:
Diablo 2: Resurrected gets a single-player alpha first, then a multiplayer stress test | PCGamesN

My statement that they are open to balance changes was stated by the lead D2R producer.

"“We’re going to start with a single-player technical alpha, and then we’ll have a second technical alpha after that, which is kind of multiplayer and stress testing,” lead producer Chris Lena tells us in an interview. Both those tests will, of course, take place before the Diablo 2: Resurrected release date later this year. “But,” Lena adds, “that’s all we have for specifics.”

These alphas will, of course, start to shape the future of Resurrected. Lena says the door is open for things like balance changes to help keep the game vibrant for a modern community – if, indeed, players indicate that they actually want that to happen. Either way, that process starts with the alphas."


well to be fair, MicroRNA goes around just trying to argue over nothing because he’s bored. He never makes good points, he only tries to debate everyone. But they’ve even stated they are leaving in dozens of bugs ON PURPOSE just so D2R will feel literally exactly like D2 but with a new skin haha. So anyone can say with absolute certainty that D2R will never get Ploot, big balance changes or any other changes to how the game feels and plays.


Direct quote from:
Chris Lena is the lead producer of D2R.


Direct quote from


Direct quote from


We had to use friends to mule before as a work around. We had to use friends before as a work around for the multiplayer loot experience.

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You seem to just repeat bold statements you cannot possibly make on behalf of anyone or anything or use ad hominem attacks. Why can’t we have an option to make a game type that has the same randomization drop rate but them scrambles it among the players as a visible drop. I remember thinking how cool the game would be in 3D, which we are getting, I also remember thinking how much better the multiplayer would be if the loot was more fairly distributed. It would be amazing. If it doesn’t happen, i’ll just have to make sure my friends get the game and hopefully are on when I am, otherwise it will be back to STOP STANDING WHERE I AM KILLING STUFF!!! or password up.

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Maybe we need to add a new forum category for this topic. Personally I wouldn’t mind either way, I know how to get the good items. If it stays the way it is, more loot for me! Bwahahahalol!

Makes sense based on how they presented themselves during the Deep Dive, but all that talk about “being open to community opinion” is concerning. Especially if that “input” is given after only like half of the first Act?! New players could not possibly appreciate the game systems if they’re only going to be reporting based on their first Act’s experience.

At this point, I’d be fine with hard-separating players who want ploot from those playing with normal mechanics. It’d be a little sad to see the community torn asunder, but I’d very much rather never see them than always wonder if the person I’m playing with or against or checking out in the lobby was auto-allocated their sweet tunic instead of actually going through the challenging game environment for it.

You probably enigma teleported around like a god scooping up everything lol

No enigma due to playing Sorc. Scooping up everything, yes, fairly easy as well since no one else is around me to pick things up. I’m no deity either. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would like to play with you and not feel like you are robbing me and shanking me in the back like a stranger who doesn’t care about me. Which, you would because you wouldn’t know me ever and are not obligated to consider my wants or needs. Which is why we need cops and rules. lol

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No one is robbing you.
If an item drops on the floor, no one owns It before you pick it up.
The one of pick it up first is the owner of the item. (It’s very simple.)

I’m looking forward to playing with you guys when the game is out.
Back in the days I liked to help people with quests etc… .
Quite fun actually, cause I felt like I did something nice

Just an example:
We do not need a restricted game with rules like Diablo III.
That’s why It sucks at the first place: joy:

Just give me a call when the game is ready to go then I can help you out If needed.


Lets Just Face is DIABLO 2 is a Legendary game, But there are changes they’re making alrdy that effect the player base in a Huge way I.E. Looking to shorten seasons. << that would fundamentally change the game IMO because grinding gear and crafting "epic quality rune words isn’t something you can manage to do in only 3 months. Coming out of a season with the Rw-legos you wanted would be 2x as hard with your time being 1/2 so Unless they Buff party MF personal Loot maybe something rly needed for being able to have a 3 mo season. Cause competing with 8 others for that HR drop on a 3 month season goona be tough. No saying the season will or would Be 3 Months Only that they have referenced exploring thee option of shorter seasons. I personally hope they will add rune words in later and Possibly a 6th act. JUST SAYIN D2 fans would Love that “imo” and POE has Done Major Updates through patches.


dude calm down, we are getting changes and they ar open for alot more and bigger changes down the road.

i can only imagine the forums over here from you few guys once we get personal loot

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I think I regret telling you how to resolve your posting issues.