While playing D2R, I’ve noticed my GPU temp skyrocketed from average 64C degree (max) from playing WoW, BF1, New World and Assassins Creed: Valhalla on hours on end to a whopping 76C degree with Custom LOW and MEDIUM settings for D2R for only 30 minutes of gameplay.
CPU Utilization: 100%!!! wow!
FPS: 180+ (fine)
PING: 125??? (US East here).
I’ve also noticed there’s no regional U.S. West / East option to choose when playing D2R as there is for D2:LoD main menu.
CPU: i5-9600k
GPU: RTX 2060 8G (driver update as of 8/10/2021…471.68)
V-Sync is OFF (was before I made the thread also)
Fullscreen 1920x1080 resolution. (as is for all my games)
Graphics: For GPU temp test purposes, ALL Low and Medium settings respectively.
GPU Temp:
In Lobby: 74C
Gameplay: 77C (max) 10 min gameplay @3:05pm (EST) on LOW and MEDIUM settings.
This is VERY bothersome to have GPU temps cook like this.
Same here, I felt the heat on my box after about 20 mins. No other game does this. I shouldn’t be able to cook a meal on the CPU or GPU for a 20-year-old game.
Someone messed up.
Same here.
CPU 75C°
GPU 77C°
in the lobby…
i have AMD RX 6800 XT and Ryzen 7 3800x
5 min in the game. and my graphics card goes down as a protective function
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Same here. Running at 2560x1440 at 145fps (you can type /fps or /framerate on the command line) and my fans are going crazy!
Performance is good and it’s smooth as glass, but man, my fans!
I also wish there was a way to choose a framerate.
Well, me too. It is not like the temperature is too high for the hardware (like 73°-74° in character screen) but if I compare it to cyberpunk 2077 with raytracing on ultra, i reach about 71° on my RTX 3070 (i7 11700K, 32gb ram, WQHD) so I guess there can be improvements. Strange thing is, that the task manager says my gpu has like 1-2% usage while in character screen but still these temperatures are so high. (Cyberpunk takes like 90-100%.)
(CPU temp is totally fine for me - VSYNC is on)
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same on a geforce 2060, 79 degrees in the lobby the second I press create game, even if it doesn’t even create it.
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Yeah, just started playing, I got upto 77 C on GPU and 75 C on CPU. The temps dont go down until I change the resolution scale to 50% even on the lowest resolution in windowed mode. Surprisingly, once I do change the resolution scale to 50% and up it to 1920x1080, it stays stable.
The game doesnt look as good with 50% resolution scale, but idk if I want to cook on my gpu to play D2R tho
. I tried changing to 72%, 80% and the temp immediately spikes, at 80% I reached 72C on GPU, before I lowered it down.
All these temps are with the fans on the GPU manually been set at 100% rpm/speed.
Oh and GPU is 1080ti and CPU is i5-10400F
I play 1920x1080 Fullscreen. I never go windowed.
try capping your fps to 60 i get 60c whit hihest setting and 40% gpu utilitation
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same here temps over 80 degrees on High settings! rtx 2060
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Same here with 1660 ti and 2070. Very high gpu usage even in game menu 90-100%… and high temps (limit to 30 fps, 60, 120 - nothing helps)
I’ve tested it once … and have set my game settings to a minimum. it runs stably. despite everything with 70-80% GPU utilization. and at about 60 degrees
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Same here on an rtx 3090 asus strix. 70-74c in character screen/lobby.
the graphics isn’t that good 
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I got 100fps during gameplay in town then after a bit of playing all of sudden I get like 20fps in town and then I blue screen. 4k with Nvdia RTX 3080ti. Bluescreen view says “ntoskrnl.exe+3f71d0”. Wonder if we need nvidia drivers to support the beta?
mobo: Gigabyte x570 aorus elite
CPU: 5600x
RAM: 32GB G.Skill 3200mhz trident z rgb
PSU: corsair platinum 1000w
SSD: m.2 samsung 970 evo 1tb
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Same issue with RTX 3090.
100% usage of GPU lobby and in game, with temp at 75
Feeling worried that New World kind of issue appear and burn the card 
That’s interesting. I have the Ryzen 2700 and RTX 2070 and had no issues. I did not check the gpu usage under load however. I will do that now.
I stay 0-3% GPU load during fights and majority of the time one, temps around 50-54, CPU around 15% with CPU temp around 49 average.
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D2R is pulling 400W on my 3080, which is liquid cooled. My Liquid Cooled 3080 is hitting 72 degrees and VRAM getting up to 96. Pretty wild stuff!
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The game will try to run with the highest performance it can based off system power settings and game settings. I do recommend enabling Vsync under Graphic Options as a first step to limit FPS which will limit the workload. Double check Graphic Settings are lowered and resolution Scale is not set beyond 100. You may also try switching to Windowed mode and playing in a lower resolution. We provide more steps to help avoid overheating Here.
If you notice any odd behavior while at the Menu/Lobby make sure to Bug Report this to our QA and Developers. If you would like to see features added to the game’s settings you can provide this feedback in the survey and on our General forums.
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Same for me, with a very very variable bitrate.
It goes from as low as 12fps to 60fps without visible (obvious) reason.
In town with inventory and chest open, act 1, 13fps a few minutes ago. Just before, in combat with mutliple mobs and magic effects : 60fps.
Gear: AMD Ryzen 3600XT + 3060Ti : 3440x1440
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Please add the ability to set an fps cap in game, thanks. WoW lets you do this, you have the technology.
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