// Unlimited Skill Resets ( Command )

Want to reset your skills and try something new or maybe fix a mistake?

Do the following; if you wish to reset your skills and return all skill points an unlimited number of times in single player mode.

    1. Open the Diablo 2 Resurrected ‘launcher window’.
    1. Navigate to the green 'Play’ Button and select the ‘Gear Icon:gear:
    1. From the dropdown menu; select ‘Game Settings’.
    1. Check the ‘Additional command line arguments’ checkbox and a text input will appear.
    1. In the blank input box type the following command as seen below:
    1. Now click ‘Done’ to apply the changes and close the settings window.

what did I just do?

You have just enabled unlimited resetting of your skills!
To use the feature, open your ‘Character’ window and hold down the ‘ALT’ button on your keyboard. Then click the red buttons. When you do this, it will return all of the skill points in that skill back to you.

-It shows up in legacy and new modes.
-Does not count as an NPC reset. (save your resets)
-Works only in single player
-ALT+Click on energy will restore points in energy and skills

Have fun experimenting folks!

Comment if you’ve tried and found it successful to bump this.


Works like a charm! One thing, though: when I clicked on any stat (except Energy), it reset them all; basically it’s a full reset. Haven’t tried clicking on Energy yet.

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I’m nutting. Thank you.

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ah, Sorry. you hold alt and click on whatever skill you put points into.

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Or you could just play the game and use Tokens to reset like the rest of us.

So great Redact3D :slight_smile:
Thank you

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Wish i could do this on switch as well


mmm, thread necro. Delicious!

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according to reddit thats not the only one

there there are all of these

w, window, windowed, per, lq, gamma, vsync, aftermath, gametype, arena, joinid, gamename, bn, mcpip, ama, pal, sor, nec, bar, name, realm, act, log, msglog, nosave, seed, nopk, ns, direct, tactmode, lem, nocompress, nosound, sndbkg, filter, username, password, address, skiplogovideo, data, locale, countrycode, mod, txt, norumble, newplayer, minimumloglevel, resetofflinemaps, enablerespec, players, maxplayers, leveldifference.

the more interesting ones being:
“arena”, and “filter”

I was really hoping that the -skiplogovideo switch would work.

FYI: this stopped working as of patch 2.4.

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Found the fix: use CTRL-ALT (instead of just ALT) when clicking one of the stats’ crosses.


So now it’s Ctrl+Alt+click?

Seems that way. At least it’s working.

This may have been a way to implement a “failsafe” to prevent accidental triggering of the stat point refunds since both CTRL and SHIFT were used to assign +5 and +All points and they wanted to prevent players from hitting ALT and doing something unexpected or unintended.

Wish this could be done with a controller too, but at least there is *a* way to do so currently.

yeah I’m not wasting my time dying over and over to a boss because I made bad spec choices

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It’s single player, you can literally edit your character, who cares about if you do it with hero editor or startup command?
It’s cheating either way, if you want to cheat the char, just hero edit it

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Great stuff, thanks OP :slight_smile:

I’ve used -enablerespec in the Battle.net launcher commands, and it’s worked well.

However, when I add it to my D2R shortcut directly, so that I don’t have to use the launcher, it isn’t working.

My Target is: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo II Resurrected\Diablo II Resurrected Launcher.exe” -enablerespec

That looks right, yeah? Any ideas?
