Whilst playing in game, my PC crashed (likely caused by the game itself, however irrelevant). Upon restart, I fired up the game again, and tried to play as that same offline character, and I’m faced with the error “Failed to join game”. Restarting the game does not solve this problem.
As someone who has commercial software testing experience I find this absolutely appalling that a AAA game company would release a game without running a test case on restoring the game after a software or hardware failure. And as a gamer I am extremely let down after having just spent $70 on a game that claims to be nothing more than a graphical re-skin, and after a single day of play it has completely failed me.
Can you please provide a solution? As I feel like I’m more likely to ask a refund then to start again.
For those of you having the same problem as me, this is how I was able to solve it:
On your PC navigate to C:\Users<user_name>\Saved Games\Diablo II Resurrected\ and remove SharedStashSoftCoreV2.d2i from the folder (back it up just in case for some other reason). And then start up your game. At this time I have not yet noticed a loss of any data.
It is very bizarre given that I have not even used the shared stash that this file would some how become corrupt. Hopefully this is helpful for those left to fend for themselves.
Thanks bunches I am now able to play, even though I lost my lvl 21 Amazon, I can once again play offline. Again Thanks ever so much for your info.
does this work for online playing?
this does not solve anything
this absolutely worked for me, thanks so much!
Thank you hero for this massive fix tip. I also experienced the cat killing the power failed to join game issue. The deletion of that file fixed the issue.
This works to be able to play other toons than the one that was playing when the computer crashed. I lost a lvl 69 Javazon and my entire shared stash tab including ALL of my runes (1 Ber, 3 Sur, and multiple other high runes). Thanks Blizzard
Hmm. Thanks for that tip
Unfortunately this has happened to me but i am unable to find this file.
If i do get access to offline characters again, does that mean that power outs always run that risk of losing characters / progress?
It is in your Save Game folder, which is usually found in your Users folder on your C: drive.
Yes, people have been having corrupted files when their computers crash, or sometimes even just exiting the game normally, which is why you should be backing up your computer regularly.
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Hmm. My Save Game folder is totally empty. Are they hidden folders?
I have a Diablo 2 folder in my Program Files folder but there doesn’t seem to be any info regarding my offline characters in there that i could find.
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Are you sure you have the right one? Some games make a saved games subfolder in the Documents folder. The “Official” Saved Games folder is in C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games
by default.
Or search your C: drive for *.d2s
to find your character files.
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Thanks Timber for your responses.
Did a big search as you suggested. The only .d2s was found in:
The file was the name of my character that got deleted. Cant find where all of the other characters are saved
Found them. So my game saved on the C drive but my characters saved onto the E drive…
Computer logic.
I hope this fixed my game.
How do i speed up the loading process? I have removed some programs from my pc but loading takes crazy long
Thank you so very much. This fixed my game.
Wow dude that worked! Thanks!
The exact same thing happened to me except that the char I was playing during he crash is gone… was a lvl 75 hammers in with a perfect spirit sword/shield and my first ever SOJ….
Thank you so much this helped. I did not have a power outage I moved some things to my shared stash my game frozen, my entire computer I had to restart it, I did what you said delete the shared stash I can go into the game again. I dont see my old character though she is still gone,
does that mean she is lost forever??
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I tried this and deleted the SharedStash
SoftCoreV2.d2i from the folder and started up the game but I still can’t connect to battlenet.
This helped Thanks for posting!
This just saved me a buttload of troubleshooting, thanks!