In D2R, I thought the assassin would have a great shot skill like a backbone piercing, but now he’s just a fool.Wheelwind dancing with nails.
Why make FHR and make it useless? I think Blizzard employees don’t understand the system they created 20 years ago at all. Please understand the game and make it better designthis is the end of d2r ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
we play d2 for 22 years because of the pvp, which was perfect.
now they killed it with this ridiculous nonsense.
barb’s leap is useless now, completely destroys bvc.
foh is op, bone nec is op.
we don’t need diminishing returns neither cooldowns in d2r; this is not that kind of game.
now that fhr is practically gone, the game just lost some complexity and challenge.
stop trying to help casual 20apm kids, stop with the wokeness. focus on your hardcore gamer base that’s been with you since 2000, and that has 35k+ hours playtime of pvp.
d2 is alive only because of us pvp players. stop suuuucking with us.
Here I thought the reason D2 was still here was because so many of us were still playing it 20+ years later, even if we don’t PvP. Pretty sure game would have issues if either group completely dropped.
Yes, the system and balance of the game are important. As a result of touching the game as expected by a developer who has no understanding of the game, it has been transformed into a classic Chinese mobile game for more than 20 years.
sky isn’t falling… breathe.
you dont play pvp right ? you dont even know what exactly is the fhr change this guy is talking about i bet. So stop acting so nonchallant. The game is trash in many aspect in pvp right now. The very game people have been loving and playing for more than a decade, ruined by cheer lack of understanding of the game. This is nothing to be happy or nonchallant about.
They killed or almost killed smiter as a pvp class.
Barb and assassins are also in a very bad spot, as the meta will probably shift toward everyone having maxblock and they cant deal dmg anymore.
The buff that mattered in pvp are mostly aimed at the most unskilled spell of the game, such as FoH, damage aura, strafe, bone spirit, lighting storm…
The high skill combo (smite foh tele stomp, shock wave vulcano telestomp) are not a thing anymore being the change to hit recovery make them unable to work…
People who want to play overly defensive (es sorc in particular) cant be stopped because there is no way to stun them.
All in all, the game became less complex, less interesting and less skilled. PvP is a mess right now.
I can understand that buff are done for pvm mainly and don’t take pvp into account. Thats sad, but ok. But stun immunity mechanic was done for pvp only, and its ruining the game so hard. Much more than any pvm change actually. Wasnt too much to ask for Blizzard to have some sense and ask people who actually know pvp what they think about it instead of ruining it because they don’t understand anything about what they are doing?
This is just sad
Good… perhaps then all the pvpers will go find another game to infest.
Wow really? ![:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:](
Although I think PVP is important, I don’t think this game should be balanced around this single game mode. I think they should have a separate balance for PVP away from PVM.
To say PvP in Diablo 2 was “perfect” is funny to me, mainly because some of those who were “good” at PVP often relied on bugs to defeat other players. That “perfection” melted away fast and the forum went QQrolling when they addressed one of said bugs, the weapon switch glitch.
The best any PVPer can do right now is acknowledge the changes and roll with them the best they can.
Its been over since pre-launch. People wanted the game cause they couldn’t take off their rose colored glasses. The game is not modern, and had no chance.
Or just go back to d2lod, oh wait they sold everything they had for fg
trade league without pvp community its a good bye to trade. Most items with High prices are overpayed by pvpers not pvm guys
Strange. When I look at the game list, 95%+ of the worlds are PvM and not PvP.
The patch is fantastic. PvP was only viable for very specific overpowered builds on a small handful of classes anyways. It’s not the end of the world that a few new classes can actually be viable at PvP.
I know… what a shame that would be… people would be able to trade good items and not have to compete with morons who are paying way to much…
Get rid of pvpers… drop the cost to get amazing items… seems like win/ win.
Imagine a patch coming out, and the meta shifting.
It’s been that way since AOL’s Gemstone III.
What do you do if not pVP? Just keep beating baal?
The whole game is for PvP. I just don;t understand… really what do you do in end game if not test yourself against your peers?
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What is the point of having those items if not PVP? You know you don’t need them to beat the game, you can do that with spirit sword/shield pally…
I just am never going to understand what else there is to do? No one can answer…
You make other characters and do it again. PVP is cancer and should be removed… just like a cancer.