Again the problem falls back on we are waiting an official response from blizzard on what to expect. I don’t want to have to go to youtube or reddit for information I want.
Going to be frank, Blizzard isn’t going to answer anything ask of them. And if you’re going to believe any Tom, Dan and Henry, you’re basically looking for an answer to some random question.
They’re not answering the question b/c they have no useful input for you. Their entire argument is based in conjecture, rather than objective facts. The fact is there are large “unbanning” waves going on right now because a large swathe of the player base was unjustly caught up in maliciously targeted reporting.
I don’t care what fantasy world people on the forums live in, but there was clearly no meaningful “manual” check performed by an actual human in this ban wave for lots of people. If you’re telling me the company that is taking 4+ days (per twitter) to respond to my ban appeal has the resources to manually check every AV player for being afk, then I have a bridge to sell you.
Speaking of conjecture.
The folks that investigate these activities are not Game Masters, but it is important to understand how the queue system works when it comes to resources. Our staffing is based on receiving X number of contacts in Y amount of time, based on how long it generally takes to answer each contact.
Our staff is generally finite, as we don’t really outsource our Support staff. So, when X goes up dramatically, it isn’t as if we have a sudden influx of trained Support staff ready tackle it and get the increased volume of tickets back down. Our current staff is working to reduce response times as quickly as we can.
Many of these threads are becoming increasingly unproductive. We’re simply not able to provide any details or recommendations other than, if the penalty was not overturned recently and you feel it was not justified, you’ll need to submit an appeal and wait for it to be reviewed.