You lost a potential new player today Blizzard

that’s against the rules

Streamers have gotten banned for the same kind of account sharing. A bit silly I know but I wouldn’t be posting that openly.

Not to forget the BFA dungeons it forces them into at low levels where they might not have kick or other abilities they may need. Glad they didn’t experience the infinite D/C bug on the Exile’s Reach boat though! Because Blizzards stance instead of fixing that is well, to make them wait ticket time (Lmao why does the ticket wait time say 12 days? Oof.) and tell them to delete the char and restart.


in fact it looks bad when you don’t choose to go through an expansion without chromie, sometimes they prefer to go through Vanilla dungeons, but the bad thing is that we ran into an expansion that without the azerite gear, is useless, in fact it doesn’t drop an initial exp.

I don’t know how they didn’t accommodate, and by the way the same thing continues, worse in Chromie no matter how bad the expansion is, there should be Shadowlands content, it shouldn’t be excluded considering it a pariah because of bad decisions by the new devs that we will see more of reason if you keep making the same mistake in the next expansion.

Very bad worse for especially if you only have a free Started account.

Out of curiosity a few months back, I actually compiled a list of classes and when they get either their actual interrupt, or a skill that can function as one in most situations. My findings were quite surprising. For instance: by level 10 all classes except shaman, demon hunter, and druid have at least one form of an interrupt. 4 have their interrupt, with the other 5 having a softer form of interrupt such as fear, psychic scream, freezing trap, ect. This is assuming no racials or talents either for maximum fairness.

The lesson, the takeaway is that dang near every group comp unless its something crazy like all 5 groups of level <26 druids is going to have at least one interrupt.

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That’s the plan, scam new players.

Why are so many people commenting about account sharing?

There is no way in hell anyone would ever get in trouble for letting their friend kill some random mobs in order to see if they enjoyed the game.

I was ready to instantly slam this thread based on the title alone, figuring it would just be like many other generic grizzled players raging they’re quiting etc – However I gave it a chance & read, and was humbled: Yeah you’re right - That sucks and I agree they should change it.

That’s actually not true. Here’s a recent thread in the CS forums where someone’s “friend” got a 6-month suspension for it:

Pretty pathetic that you can buy a digital item, pay for a monthly sub, and not have the authority to share the service for which you pay lmao. I guess Netflix took notes on this one

This is different though as its not killing mobs.
Its participating in group activities.
He was trying out the PVP.

So he was actually progressing the character on someone elses account.

The OP said his friend was just killing a few mobs and not even as part of a quest.

It’s really not. The rule is that you’re not allowed to have anyone else accessing your account. It doesn’t matter at all what activities they’re partaking in.

Yeah but this is more like saying the ash from a cigarette counts as littering.

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So here is how you do it…

When he arrives in Stormwind from Exiles reach, when you turn in the quest, instead of picking up the next from the same person, you say i already know stormwind i dont need a tour and your friend is good to go… head over to Chromie and pick a timeline… not forced into bfa :slight_smile:


My hero!!! Now I know how to bring a character to BFA :+1:

That’s because BFA is the current timeline, going to chromie to do historical expansions is time traveling. So of course you’re not going to be able to do them as a new player.

You’re probably a troll, but whatever…

Because you can’t actually do vanilla questing unless you play classic WoW. The entire world where the vanilla quests would have been was replaced during the Cataclysm expansion.

I think bfa makes sense for a first new play through. It has some of the most impressive questing zones and the zone stories actually make self-contained sense.

I just hope they move past this in the future post dragonflight.

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I just go to stormwind or orgrimmar and tap the warchief’s board or the Kings Board and you can select legion or something…

Yeah I can’t imagine blizzard banning someone for letting someone press a couple buttons on some rando mobs while they’re at their house. It’d be like a movie company busting down someones door and taking their copy of the lord of the rings because some friends who hadn’t bought it were watching it.