You lost a potential new player today Blizzard

I agree with 100% of what you said about it being very unfun for new players. But it almost seems as though you made this story up…or perhaps embellished on an already existing story.

Such as… was your level 60 mage you had your main and you decided to level an alt? And that alt you leveled was a terrible experience for you. One you want to distance yourself from so it is now your “friend” who had this terrible experience. And when you found out how difficult it was for your new alt to level up and have any amount of fun doing so, you simply decided to abandon that newly made toon which is now labeled as “your friend”. BFA was by far my least favorite expansion pack by a long shot. Really odd how everyone is forced to level though it.

Post on the mage though. Even if it does have god awful gear.

it isnt that new i have a friend thats been doing this for YEARS, that man is a sexy genius


That’s a pretty crummy experience though, waltzing through facerolling as everything wilts in your presence. They’d technically be experiencing the story but it’s so unengaging…

Blizz should at minimum let players do Chromie Time at any level so expansions can be experienced as intended without having to roll another character.

I feel so bad for new players. Chromie walk is fantastic… but being forced to play BFA is like a slap in the face. Especially in this very case.

They really should take this point into consideration. It is a big deal.

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Not really, quite the opposite in fact. It’s better for new players to start in what is effectively modern WoW and play through that so that they know the basic premise of the plot leading up to Shadowlands.

Also, Chromie Time is an absolutely horrible way to experience expansion content in order. Sure, you can level from 10-50 in each expansion, but you’ll hit level 50 long before you finish any of the expansions storylines and then you’ll get yanked to Stormwind to start Shadowlands content.

Honestly, the best thing your friend can do is go and level to 60 via normal gameplay, then go back and experience those older quests at max level for loremaster. That gives him the opportunity to do the various dungeons and experience their quest content, as well as most of the raids (Legion and BFA raids would be difficult to handle for a fresh 60 character) without needing to rely on getting a group together, either random or otherwise.

Although honestly, if you really want your friend to experience the stories in chronological order, your best bet would be to start with classic WoW, not retail, as vanilla was completely replaced during the cataclysm expansion.

What he wanted wouldn’t have been possible even if chromie time restrictions didn’t exist. Heck it wasn’t possible before the level squish. At no point since Cata have you been able to experience each expansions storyline from start to end without outleveling it. Sure he could go back and do the content anyway, or do it on alts, but if he has any plans on doing max level content, he’ll get spoiled by the story there anyway.

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Hm yeah I often forget about this.

You can’t let other ppl play on your account that is a no no

Here’s the thing OP. I don’t think your story is genuine, but even if it is, your friend is going to have a problem in that they would need to do ALL the quests to get that “full story” experience and even then it still isn’t going to make a lot of sense and there are going to be holes. In fact, later, there is entire questlines just straight up missing that were crucial to the story. You also don’t get to interact with the borrowed power systems which were also part of the story/experience.

The best option is just to get to max level, gear up some, and then go back and do loremaster for the story experience which can also include running the raids too.

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FYI if you are trying to share a concern with Blizzard General forums is the last place you want to do it. You are really rolling the dice on them ever seen this thread

General forums is actually more of a way for players to discuss things amongst other players. There is a submit feedback button in game. It’s best to use that or message them on Twitter to share your concern with them

Okay? I mean, the thing is, you have to reach level 50 and I think do BFA before. And I don’t see the problem with him leveling up with BFA, I get that he wants to do other content but again, I don’t see the problem with BFA. If he wants to do that content so badly then he can buy a level boost. Or he can start the quests in that zone. You’re acting like you cannot do that content at all, even though you can. But I find it hard to believe he canceled his sub all because he couldn’t level in another expansion. This game has a lot to offer

Really? BFA is your first foray into WOW as a new player? Way to shoot themselves in the foot.

I mean, there’s a reason why they have the new player do BFA first (idk if I’m 100% right on this, this is just an idea) 1. it is one of the more recent expansion packs 2. which gives a player an idea of how newer wow looks 3. it is sort of like a story recap. But ideally, it would be nice to have an option to choose any expansion you want. I’ll admit BFA is not all that fun to lvl through but it isn’t so bad to the point where I’d cancel my sub. Especially right now even, with the experience boost I’d just suck it up and deal with the fact that I have to lvl through it. But yeah, I feel bad for this guy who is forced to lvl through bfa.

My son just started and is doing this.

I told him when lfd gives him freehold call for me. I want to see him handle that trainwreck.

then I told him I am not being cruel. that place sucks when you know what you are doing…but don’t have the castes to actually run the place.

if you get lucky the tank just runs the boss 1 to boss 4 skip not even asking. sometime you ask and they go no! several trash wipes later…boss 4. done told you that 5 minutes ago tank…better late than never I guess.

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First, why would he start with Outland, when he wants to do the story in order? Why skip Vanilla?

If the game takes him straight to (Boralus?) post-Exile’s Reach, once your friend does the intro quests to the point the Portal room is set up, why not show him how to get to (Stormwind/Ironforge/Exodar), then start questing in whatever his Race’s starting zone is (if Teldrassil, you need to go first (to Darkshore), and make sure you talk to… whichever ABCDormi is there to switch it back in time, then go back to SW and go to the portal on the docks where the ship to Teldrassil used to be, and show him where to pickup the starting quests. They’ll scale to his level (up to 30.)

It shouldn’t stop him doing that once the Portal Room in BfA is opened up, which happens before you start the actual questing in a BfA zone.

Also… Outland is a nightmare without Flying. And he’d hit lvl 50 long before he finished even half of Outland.

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14 posts? Seems a bit generous to say “this is the character I post on the forums with”

Dear OP,
Your friend is not forced to play through BFA. Once he opens up the BFA zone (does the quest where he opens the portal), he can go back to SW and use the hero board to choose an expansion he wants to experience. Those quests will open the expansion up.

Here is a list of zones by level. If he doesn’t want to use the hero board, he could just go to the individual zones and get the quests there.

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No. It would take them forever, and they wouldn’t learn their Class/Spec to play in endgame retail, which is where the OP’s friend wants to play, (Rivendreth), because everything is different now.

I mean, this is more of a side note, but for some, and I know that I am one of those, the world having no challenge removes quiteeee a bit potential fun to be had. The stories can be interesting, sure, but if all I am doing is running from point A to B while melting everything in my path I just can’t bring myself to do it, same reason why I avoid leveling in retail, it’s too mind numbing.

Protip: Admitting to breaking the terms of use probably isn’t the best way to “prove” a point.

The only thing I can think of that gets spoiled in BFA QUESTING (Note, specifically questing, for leveling) from still in-game content, is Jaina being on the Alliance and Sylvanas being Warchief. Everything else is either max level BFA, or not a spoiler.

Everything else you will get spoiled from simple things like Character Creation (each race being on factions, etc.)

On top of this, Classic and BCC and soon Wrath Classic Exist - if he wants to experience the story, that’s the best place to start, because they are the pre-cata versions of those storylines.