You lost a potential new player today Blizzard

Tried to show my friend WoW.
He loved playing it on my level 60 mage just destroying random mobs in Revendreth.

However when he made his own account he wanted to play through the expansions in order. He figured he would level each alt he makes through the next expansion in the chronology.
So his first char was gonna be leveled in BC, 2nd in Wotlk, 3rd and 4th in Cata, 5th in Panda and so on.

Because he wanted to experience the WoW story chronologically without spoilers.

But the game FORCES HIM to play BFA. He has no choice in the matter, after you do Exile’s Reach and get to Stormwind the game won’t let you play Chromie Time unless you ALREADY have a level 50 character on your account.

So you’re forced to do BFA if you’re a first time player from 10-50 which is nutty.
His only other option was pay for a boost and why would he do that if he isn’t 100% sure he would like the game?

It just seems ridiculous to do this to new players. He stopped playing completely and isn’t renewing the sub. If you guys didn’t force him to play BFA he probably would’ve kept playing and bought Dragonflight so you not only hurt me Blizzard because now my friend won’t play but you also hurt your own profits.


Post on that mage, and I’ll start believing/reading the rest of the story :heart:

EDIT: Since people don’t want to actually scroll down. I asked because I’m pretty sure this is an alt of a well-known troll account :heart:


This is my forum posting character, if you don’t like it, that’s too bad, I guess you don’t believe me, oh well, boo hoo. Seeya.


Even with Chromie time it only lasts until 50 then you get kicked out so your friend would still have had to go back and play through the rest of the expansions over leveled. They went with the route they did for new people as BFA is the most current story lead in for shadowlands. Kind of a silly thing to get mad and stop playing over but truth be told if this really did happen that’s one less Drama Llama the wow community needs to deal with, Light knows we have enough as it is.


Lol. I tried leveling through chromie time for the story and barely made it into the 3rd zone before being booted out.

Chromie time is great but severely lacking for story purposes.


With 10 posts lol. You wouldn’t miss out on much if you had to start over :slight_smile: Post on this Mage.


Drama llama huh? xD You’re probably also someone who thinks Shadowlands was good and Blizzard gets a lot of unnessecary hate from streamers, right?


like this topic?


Nope thought the shadowlands story shouldn’t have dealt with the afterlife and I’ve never watched a streamer in my life. But still if someone is going to get their underthings in a knot because they had to play BFA first I can’t help but feel that person is prone to over-react about other stuff as well.


Why is this nutty? BfA is the most recent expansion behind Shadowlands and is more narratively intertwined with the events that occur in Shadowlands.


Something that has gained popularity is taking your own opinion and pretending it belongs to somebody else by referencing them, be it via tweet or simply “my friend”.

Like “I know tons of people who are quitting because they can’t get an old aotc mount”, then you check their history and it’s just them complaining about them being unable to get it.

There’s nothing stopping your “friend” from playing through the whole story.


Hmmm. I would honestly try to explain that an achievement called “Loremaster” exists!

I’m someone who started late Cataclysm and am only now reading quests and chasing after Loremaster. There is plenty of time between now and Dragonflight to play out the old expansions :slight_smile: .

I would still talk to them about playing WoW, because there is ALWAYS an adventure to be had no matter the level, end-game, or expansion! There are just so many biomes, creatures, magic, and fantasy in WoW that I am still having both the time of my life and a fantastical journey!

Tell them we would be glad to have them in the WoW community!!


This is something that existing players who are invested in the game often say about people who quit. “That’s a stupid thing to quit over. I wouldn’t have quit over that if I was a new player.” - said by someone who hasn’t been a “new player” since they started, and maybe even then had a decade of experience.

“We don’t need people like that.” Yes, the game actually needs new players. Even if their existence shakes up your world because they won’t fit into the tiny slot you have in your mind for them.

Wow is packed with quit moments that any unbiased observer would say are going to result in new player retention problems. Which is something wow has actually always had.


Meh. The design is to allow new players to jump right into the current story with their friends or at least get up to speed with the current x-pac story.

They can still go back on Alts and sort of experience the story via Chromie after that but I’d argue if that’s their goal they should play Classic on one toon to see the origin story then run the rest of the toons through each x-pac in Retail.

Would the Friend do all the dungeons and raids in order as well for the story?

Cuz they’ll be stuck either way

Since he made an account he could try and do classic leveling. At least there he’d get vanilla, bc, and soon to be wrath.


I mean… technically there is, since the game can’t be played chronologically by a new player. :person_shrugging:


Good idea. And it would really be a more authentic experience since true vanilla is no longer available in retail…if this “friend” was really worried about doing stuff chronologically, like the OP claims

Some friend you are OP, you could have rolled a toon with him and got to 50 quite quickly.


I will take “things that didn’t happen” for 100 Alex.