Sharing accounts needs better terms of use

Hi there,

My friend was banned for six months because it was used by his cousin. His cousin wanted to test a priest to see if he enjoyed PvP on it. He had no intention of exploiting or using it to get ahead. He just wanted a feel for what the character played like and if he wanted to make his own one. This is all verifiable.

So my friend, who has played everyday with me for years, now has a six month ban. Blizzard’s response was “that’s what a trial is for”. Which seemed a little rude to me (maybe two sides to a story going on). And I get this to a degree. But instead of banning the people who should be banned - someone who has a very high life time value for blizzard - especially in hours played - doesn’t have his account for six months. And his cousin now has no intention of putting any hours into a new character.

I’m definitely not blind to how sharing accounts can be exploited. Or how blizzard would rather people pay their own subscriptions. But there should be some nuance.

I feel like I’ve lost an online friend for a very average reason. And I think Blizzard should have more fair guidelines on account sharing in general - especially if the purpose is to trial the game and will actually drive more engagement in the long run vs actually causing harm. Doesn’t make business sense to me.

Hoping someone sees this and either corrects my POV or unbans my friends account.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Account sharing is explicitly forbidden. Share an account, pay the price.

The cousin could play free up to level 20, could watch videos, could talk to other people. Lots of ways to learn without breaking tos as a first activity.


That is what a trial is for.


This is why I’m arguing for change. I don’t feel like you read my post.

And lvl 20 priest PvP is very different from max level.

Its been this way for years nothing changed its always been 1 parent and 1 child under them. Frankly your friend only has themself to blame for being aware of this im pretty sure this is covered in the TOS.


We did. Your friend was silly for agreeing to share their account with their cousin.

Account sharing has always been against TOS.

Pretty much… and it is covered Darth.


Guys, I am not arguing that he didn’t do something wrong. He clearly violated the current TOS. I get that. I am saying that I think it needs a review because you end up with decent people who add value to the game, leaving the game.

If your friend appealed and blizzard declined the appeal it was reviewed. The request was denied. If they quit they quit.

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When I am saying review - I mean the actual TOS - not my friends case. Although I do think he should be unbanned cos I miss that guy =]



They aren’t decent people if they won’t play by the rules.

“Dont they know who my friend is? He’s been so committed to the game.”

We all pay, we all play, we all play by the same rules.

If you have a suggestion about this, it does in general discussion or the in game suggestion feature.

This isn’t the place to advocate for your friend or system changes.


Why if blizzard does it to one player every single person banned for something similar. That did that would cry why was he shown favortism why cant i get that thats not fair I demand you show me the same favortism for breaking the rules that have been around forever. length of account will not matter every player is treated the same frankly your friends account couldve been closed outright for account sharing. Which is also coverd in the TOS that blizzard can close a account any time for breaking the rules.

And this ain’t one of those times.

More like realist.


I guess blizzard can decide where this is suppose to live. It’s certainly not a game feature, and it relates to people who manage ToS.

If they choose to let it live, absolutely. This is the customer support forum. Are you a customer in need of support? No.

That goes in the suggestion forums or general discussion like was previously mentioned.


Welcome to a player to player support forum with blue moderation not dev not gm were players just like. every answer here is 100% correct.


I am telling it how it is. If you wanted to make a thread stating that you wanted better support for account sharing, it doesn’t go here.

And I gave the thought on it. It’s a no.

Wait did they think I was a mod? Oh honey I’m just a regular player lol


To me, having an attitude of things can’t change is bad for the game.

It’s something that doesn’t need to be changed for obvious reasons.

Also come to think of it, a while ago they suspended a bunch of players for 30 days for account sharing regarding the mage tower. Either they are upping the punishment, or your friend got hit before because most punishments scale up.


What’s the obvious reason?