Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

They said “It’s not in the spirit”. Nowhere does it say cheating. :man_shrugging: and the fact that no action has been made against it strengthens my opinion about it. For at least 12 years they have known. If it was as easy to “fix” as you guys claim it is, and cheating on top of it, they would have done so already.

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“As long as nobody stops me from robbing a bank and only says it’s bad and against the law it’s ok”… that’s your argument just FYI.

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Ok maybe you just don’t understand so I will put it all in a row because you know the idea of cheating is tricky for some peole.

One of the first lines in the engadget article
“Any addon that enables a full, organized Battleground group to queue against a randomly assembled group is creating a scenario where that coordinated group has a huge advantage”

I will repeat it. HUGE ADVANTAGE

Quote on what cheating is from the code of conduct


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

I will requote the most important part.

engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Now I bet you will say something like…WELL THEY DON"T SAY IT IS UNFAIR!!!

So from the posts at the time on Twitter from the head of PVP at the time. FYI all up stream in this thread and said 100 time already.

From Holinka via Twitter circa 2012

It is unfair, it is an advantage, it is cheating. Stop defending blatantly exploitive practices that ruin other peoples enjoyment of a type of game. Have a tiny bit of empathy for people and try to have fun without having to cheat and dunk on people.

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It’s also an advantage to enter a normal bg with 5 man equipped with conquest gear is it not?

Also other guy, stop replying to me. You’re on ignore. I don’t care about you.

That is not an unfair advantage as the game allows people to do that. Blizzard has deemed more than a 5 man to be unfair. What don’t you get?

They will keep defending it as they probably get donations or stream money from it.

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Lol I haven’t done any pvp since bfa when I had to do it for a neck essence. But keep it up.

Every time they do they bump the thread and continue the engagement which raises the issue higher. They are helping.

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Yes cause this thread is gonna change so much when they’ve known about it for at least 12 years. Keep hoping. I hope you can win your unrated bg someday.

Giving up and putting people down now…the evidence continues to mount. Got anymore ridiculous arguments or should I just block you and move on. Maybe an idea on how to fix this? That would be welcome.

Otherwise it’s just trolling.

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No because that’s how the game is intended to be played

No this is my post. Of course you would put me on ignore haha classic coward move.

Go ahead and block me, see if I care.

Fix what? Didn’t I tell you I think it’s not a problem?

It is an advantage…it’s just not an unfair one. There are plenty of advantages that are inside of the rules a group can get. Better gear, better talents, better mouse and keyboard…all sorts of stuff. 5 mans grant advantage for sure.

I still think it should be included in match making. If one side is all singles and the other is a 5 man and 5 singles that is likely lopsided. I think having some sort of ilvl modifier in the match maker would help for both the exploit issue and to level games better…who knows it might already exist.

It’s just not cheating. There is such a thing as a fair advantage.

Oh so now it’s not a problem. First it wasn’t cheating, then it wasn’t enforced, now it’s just not a problem. Man goal posts are just so movable in no empathy land.

Yeah I’m done. Please take a step back and think about what you have been defending here. It’s really depressing. No more responses from me though, you are just not worth it.


It is unfair because it’s exploiting something most players are not doing. 5-men groups aren’t unfair because the game is designed to put 5-man groups against each other. It’s not designed to put sync queue groups against each other.

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I was saying 5 mans are not unfair but do give an advantage. Not defending the exploit at all.

Don’t think anything in the design tries to put matched group types against each other though I think that would help as well.

It tries to it doesn’t always work. Like the other guy says a lot of things can give an advantage but they aren’t exploits.

Yeah, and every day there’s more and more threads on this game ruining issue.

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Check this out on the BG forums. It all makes sense now.

You’re right about it making more sense when I read that entire thread.

Wrong about what the takeaway is, though. Some of the same talking points, but a lot more knowledge on what happened “last time” as was remarked. Wonder why that would be?