Please do something about epic bg premades

‘‘our’’ premade communities accomplish NOTHING.

The EU premade community logs on every single day to keep their guy at the #1 spot. Whether you care about Honor Level or not - that premade community accomplishes something. I do not like it, nor do I believe he should need a premade in order to keep his ranking - I recognize the fact that his community is beneficial, and actually accomplishes something… other than dropping queue for 20 minutes, and being annoying.

You would think our premade communities would want the #1 Honor Level to be in the US… but only Charming and myself are capable of accomplishing it.

So, instead of attacking Charming and myself on the forums and in game - your healers should be focused on keeping us alive… since we are the only two people in the entire BG that matters. We are the only two people who can bring #1 back to this great Country. I’ll do it with or without you.

Try something different for a change - play to accomplish something.