Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Premade exploit groups have overrun regular pvp… are you guys ever going to do anything?



another thread on this isn’t likely to make a difference.


Doubtful, because even people who actually participate in pvp in WoW don’t care about unrated BGs.


Using the Premade Group Finder for it’s intended purpose (making premade groups) is not exploiting. Also, lol at Player versus Player in World of Warcraft.


When you exploit to avoid the group size it is an exploit lol


Idk what sane person would want to. It makes me sad for new players especially.


Working as intended. Intended to serve up ungeared new and returning players on a silver platter to geared players using party sync and queue sync, so they can indefinitely put off doing objectives and farm graveyards longer. They give themselves points for driving away new players from the game.


not at all how it’s intended. But why am I the bad guy for wanting things changed and those doing it to be punished?


I don’t wanna hear the clowns saying “iTs oK tO QuE wITH fRiEnDS!” It’s more than that.

But blizzard gives zero ducks :woman_shrugging:


the exploiters sure seem to care about regular bg, god forbid they look to take their premades to fight vrs other premades or in rated, no they can not do that , they need to go and gy camp for free honor /conquest even if it is hurting pvp over all by turning off new players.


I think the fact that they have left it like this for so long, and even done things to make it worse, suggests they are satisfied with the result. I agree with you in wanting things to be changed. However, the changes they would need to make would have to be able to keep this from happening to be effective. Simply punishing people without removing the option of continuing what they are doing would simply create an endless stream of reports that would be ignored.

I’ve never gotten into WoW PvP just because I could instantly discern the community at large is exploit early exploit often happy and loves to pay to win. It’s not limited to boosting for keys or raids, but people will win trade and cheat PvP in general in blizzard games.

It’s why I quit overwatch when it was still 1.0 - blizzard doesn’t care about the integrity of the game, only appearances.


I find it absurd this company promotes Warcraft pvp as an E-Sport but refuses to give an avenue for new players to learn pvp, or players to gear without being camped by premades.


When there are script kiddies bot clobbering the open world of WoW day in and day out, you can bet I have zero faith in the PvP side having any moreso integrity.

The company just cares about marketing appearances, not actual integrity.


WoW PvP is literally considered a joke. So I’m not sure how successful they are at keeping up appearances.


I’m a PvE player but a have real life friends that has quit because they enjoyed PvP.

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Nope. Feel free to keep complaining about it and not know what exploit means.

you dont know what are you talking about, did you? you only can ‘’‘premade’’ with 5ppl.

they are doing this with more folks, 20+ in epic bgs and full coordinated groups in normal bgs, plus, they avoid each other, if they saw another premade, they just /afk or don’t accept the queue when it appears, so it always ends up in a full premade group outnumbering a bunch of randos who just like playing bgs

It’s not because you don’t like pvp that it’s not relevant, it’s existed since the classic and players have always solved their problems in a 1x1 and not in a ‘‘buuh I have better parses than you’’ its silly.

being arrogant about things you have no idea what it’s about just makes you look dumb and not cool


what are premade “exploit” groups?

are you talking about people teaming up and having an advantage?

In [video games] an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.
Is this not what they are doing? Feel free to explain how stacking and getting larger then intended group in isn’t exploiting.